Hunter's Horn

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Revision as of 00:09, 30 July 2010 by Camomiletea (talk | contribs) (merged in Party Horn)

You sounded the Hunter's Horn!
The courage of starting the hunt awards you ××× points.
Heading back to camp...

The Hunter's Horn is an active gameplay tool on MouseHunt, available every 15 minutes. If it has been more than 15 minutes since the player's last hunt, s/he will have the opportunity to click the Hunter's Horn image at the top of the page. This initiates a short "horn blowing" animation and awards experience points to the hunter based on the number of active hunters in his/her hunting group currently online in the same location. Sounding the horn always awards 50 points as well as 25 bonus points per friend. The maximum bonus points for sounding the horn is 250.

There are several possible outcomes that can result from a hunt. In earlier stages of the game, the outcomes are fewer. The mouse may merely take the piece of cheese without being caught, or it may result in a successful catch, whereby the hunter will collect experience points and gold, depending on the weight and type of mouse caught. In later stages of the game, the mice are more dangerous and, besides taking the cheese without being caught, the mice can affect the hunter's 'courage' on an unsuccessful hunt. This can take the form of the mouse stealing experience points, gold or extra pieces of cheese from the hunter.

Party Horn

The Party Horn was a tool similar to the Hunter's Horn, which replaced the Hunter's Horn when a Hunting Party was participating in a Tournament.

Like the Hunter's Horn, it is available every 15 minutes. If it has been more than 15 minutes since the player's last hunt, s/he will have the opportunity to click the Party Horn image at the top of the page. This initiates a short "horn blowing" animation and awards Party Points to the hunter based on the number of active party members online and ready to hunt at the time of the sounding, regardless of their location.

The outcomes are much like the Hunter's Horn in which mice be caught, lost, not attracted, cheese could go stale, etc. But the main difference is that the Party Horn will award the Hunter with points towards the Tournament depending on which mouse is caught, what the settings of the tournament are, and how high the Multiplier is. Once sounded it will also influence the multiplier which will eventually increase the amount of points that can be received per mouse.

Insta Horn

Insta Horn (aka Luck Larry Industries' Insta-Horn-in-a-Can!) is a new feature that the developers are currently working on. Insta Horn will allow players to sound their horn without waiting the usual 15 minutes.

5 Insta Horns are given to new players after completing the horn training tutorial. At this time it is not known how the Insta Horns may be obtained, however developers said that it will not be possible to receive them via donations. There will be a limit on the number of Insta Horns, and hunters will not be able to stock up on them.

See Also