Whisker Woods Rift

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The threat of the Rift continues to spread across the Kingdom, this time striking the Whisker Woods region! Hunters ranked Duke/Duchess and above can travel to the new rift which is now appearing on the Rift Detector.

Description and Requirements

The Whisker Woods Rift is a location in the Rift Plane region requiring a minimum rank of Duke/Duchess and the Rift Detector to enter.

The main gameplay for this area consists in generating Rage levels among the mice, to attract better mice. There are three factions of mice in the area: Crazed Clearing, Gigantic Gnarled Tree, and Deep Lagoon. Each faction has 8 mice: three that are attracted when the rage level for their faction is between 0 and 24 (each catch raises the rage level by 1), another three attracted for rage levels of 25 through 49 (each catch raises the rage level by 2, unless it would go past 50), a mini-boss that is only attracted when the rage has reached 50, and a mouse that is attracted only when the correct charm is armed, regardless of current rage level (raises the rage level by up to 6, unless it would go past 50). Catching a mouse leaves a message in the Hunter's Journal:

The rage in the XXX increased by X!

Hitting 25 rage in any faction leaves this message:

My continued presence has angered the mice of the XXX!
More dangerous mice have descended from the branches above!

Hitting 50 rage leaves a message specific to the faction, such as:

The Tri-dra Mouse emerges from the surface of the lagoon, snapping at me in fury!
I must catch this mouse in order to calm all the mice in the Whisker Woods Rift.

Catching a Gilded Leaf mouse (attracted only to Magical String) raises the rage level of all three factions by 2 each, with this message:

Catching the Gilded Leaf Mouse enraged all mice!
The mice of all three areas were enraged by 2!

If a faction-specific charm is used, the increase in rage will go to the charm's faction rather than the faction of the caught mouse, altering the message as follows:

"My XXX Charm funneled the rage of this mouse into the XXX, increasing the rage by X!

The faction-specific charms can be crafted with loot dropped by any of the mice (although the loot is more common with the harder mice); the loot and charms can also be traded at the Marketplace. When catching a mini-boss or Monstrous Black Widow, the rage levels of all three factions are reset to 0, unless a Taunting Charm was consumed to keep the rage levels high; this message is left in the journal:

I defeated the XXX Mouse!
Intimidated by his defeat, the other mice shrink back into hiding.

Each mini-boss drops a crafting ingredient required for Lactrodectus Lancashire cheese. Trying to use this cheese before all factions are enraged gives a message warning that the cheese is not effective:

The Rift seems too peaceful to attract the attention of the Monstrous Black Widow Mouse! Until all the areas are crying out in fury, I should save my Lactrodectus Lancashire Cheese!

Once all three factions are enraged to at least 25, use of this cheese makes it possible to attract the final mouse, the Monstrous Black Widow, although the chances for attracting her are higher when the rage levels of each faction are high. Catching her guarantees a Widow's Web loot, used in purchasing the Fracture and Fissure bases, as well as for crafting a Taunting Charm; she is also more likely to leave better loot like Rift Ultimate Luck Charm, Rift Ultimate Power Charm, and Plankrun's Whisker Woods Rift Notes if a hunter got all the way to 50 rage in each faction before hunting her. Catching her leaves this message:

I defeated the Monstrous Black Widow Mouse! A hush falls over the Whisker Woods Rift as the mice cower in awe at your astonishing accomplishment...

The Heads-Up Display shows the current rage level of each faction (blue for 0-24, yellow for 25-49, red for 50), along with a graphic of the mice attracted from the faction at that level; hovering over the rage meter shows the current count of cheese ingredients obtained from that faction's mini-boss. Below the rage meter is a display of the current quantity of faction charms, with a button to arm the charm. Hovering over the charm shows the recipe for crafting the charm, with a count of inventory obtained towards that purpose, and with a button to perform the crafting.

Faction 0-24 rage 25-49 rage Charm-specific
Mini-boss Charm
Charm Cheese
Crazed Clearing Mossy Moosker
Cranky Caterpillar
Bloomed Sylvan
Treant Queen
Spirit Fox
Red-Eyed Watcher Owl
Cherry Sprite Cyclops Barbarian Rift Cherries Cherry Charm Tasty Spider Mould
Gigantic Gnarled Tree Spirit of Balance
Fungal Frog
Red Coat Bear
Rift Tiger
Nomadic Warrior
Naturalist Centaur Ranger Rift-torn Roots Gnarled Charm Creamy Gnarled Sap
Deep Lagoon Twisted Treant
Water Sprite
Crazed Goblin
Tree Troll
Winged Harpy
Grizzled Silth Tri-dra Sap-filled Thorns Stagnant Charm Crumbly Rift Salts


These are the shops that can be found in the Whisker Woods Rift:

Whisker Woods Mice

The Rage level in a mouse's home Faction determines it's availability. Faction mice are unaffected by Rage levels in the competing Factions.





Crazed Clearing
Rage Level

Gigantic Gnarled Tree
Rage Level

Deep Lagoon
Rage Level

Bloomed Sylvan 44,400 7,180 Crazed
1 X X X X X X X Rift-torn Roots
Sap-filled Thorns
Centaur Ranger 150,000 22,500 Gigantic
0 X X X X X X X Creamy Gnarled Sap
Divine Orb
Flawless Orb
Rift Cherries
Sap-filled Thorns
Cherry Sprite 1 82,500 22,500 Crazed
6 X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 Flawless Orb
Rift-torn Roots
Sap-filled Thorns
Simple Orb
Cranky Caterpillar 41,250 4,250 Crazed
1 X X X X X X X Rift-torn Roots
Sap-filled Thorns
Crazed Goblin 57,150 5,250 Deep
1 X X X X X X X Rift Cherries
Rift-torn Roots
Cyclops Barbarian 125,000 27,500 Crazed
0 X X X X X X X Divine Orb
Flawless Orb
Rift-torn Roots
Sap-filled Thorns
Tasty Spider Mould
Fungal Frog 32,250 3,500 Gigantic
1 X X X X X X X Rift Cherries
Sap-filled Thorns
Gilded Leaf 2 48,750 9,000 Unaligned 6 3 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 Brie String Cheese
Cherry Charm
Divine Orb
Flawless Orb
Gnarled Charm
Magical String Cheese
Rift Cherries
Rift-torn Roots
Sap-filled Thorns
Satchel of Gold (250, 500, 750, 1,000, 2,000 gold)
Simple Orb
Stagnant Charm
Swiss String Cheese
Grizzled Silth 4 86,250 20,250 Deep
6 X 4 X 4 X 4 X 4 X 4 X 4 X 4 X 4 X 4 Flawless Orb
Rift Cherries
Rift-torn Roots
Simple Orb
Karmachameleon 42,500 4,350 Gigantic
1 X X X X X X X Rift Cherries
Sap-filled Thorns
Medicine 33,150 3,550 Deep
2 X X X X X X X Rift Cherries
Rift-torn Roots
Simple Orb
Monstrous Black Widow 5 360,000 60,000 Unaligned 0 X 6 X 6 X 6 X 6 X 6 X 6 Ancient Relic
Bolt of Cloth
Calcified Rift Mist
Cherry Charm
Divine Orb
Gnarled Charm
Luck Charm
Plankrun's Whisker Woods Rift Notes
Power Charm
Radioactive Sludge
Rift Cherries
Rift Ultimate Luck Charm
Rift Ultimate Power Charm
Rift-torn Root
Sap-filled Thorn
Satchel of Gold (10,000, 50,000 or 100,000 gold)
Scrap Metal
Stagnant Charm
Super Luck Charm
Super Power Charm
Super Rotten Charm
Taunting Charm
Wicked Gnarly Potion
Widow's Web
Mossy Moosker 55,000 8,220 Crazed
1 X X X X X X X Rift-torn Roots
Sap-filled Thorns
Naturalist 7 85,000 21,000 Gigantic
6 X 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 Flawless Orb
Rift Cherries
Sap-filled Thorns
Simple Orb
Nomadic Warrior 73,000 11,250 Gigantic
2 X X X X X X X Rift Cherries
Sap-filled Thorns
Simple Orb
Red Coat Bear 47,500 7,500 Gigantic
2 X X X X X X X Rift Cherries
Sap-filled Thorns
Simple Orb
Red-Eyed Watcher Owl 71,500 11,500 Crazed
2 X X X X X X X Rift-torn Roots
Sap-filled Thorns
Simple Orb
Rift Tiger 66,250 9,200 Gigantic
2 X X X X X X X Rift Cherries
Sap-filled Thorns
Simple Orb
Spirit Fox 65,250 9,250 Crazed
2 X X X X X X X Rift-torn Roots
Sap-filled Thorns
Simple Orb
Spirit of Balance 56,650 5,300 Gigantic
1 X X X X X X X Rift Cherries
Sap-filled Thorns
Treant Queen 57,750 5,250 Crazed
2 X X X X X X X Rift-torn Roots
Sap-filled Thorns
Simple Orb
Tree Troll 65,750 9,225 Deep
2 X X X X X X X Rift Cherries
Rift-torn Roots
Simple Orb
Tri-dra 175,000 28,500 Deep
0 X X X X X X X Crumbly Rift Salts
Divine Orb
Flawless Orb
Rift Cherries
Rift-torn Roots
Twisted Treant 41,750 4,300 Deep
1 X X X X X X X Rift Cherries
Rift-torn Roots
Water Sprite 46,500 7,250 Deep
1 X X X X X X X Rift Cherries
Rift-torn Roots
Winged Harpy 72,000 11,350 Deep
2 X X X X X X X Rift Cherries
Rift-torn Roots
Simple Orb

Hunting Strategy

Hunting tips by Larry

Just listen to all that noise!

Three distinct groups of mice live in this area, and they're always arguing amongst themselves! Amidst the madness, the Monstrous Black Widow Mouse makes this her home, so if you want to catch her, you'll have to brave the shouting and get sucked in!

As you catch mice from a group in this area, it will enrage mice from that group more and more. As the rage in each group rises, some mice will squeak "I'm telling!" and run to go get larger mice from their group to stand in for them!

The only way to stop this madness is to push a group to the limit, drawing out their biggest, baddest challenger.

Defeat this raging monster, and all of the awestruck mice in the area will run away in fear, forgetting their rage for a while...

You'll also be rewarded with valuable crafting ingredients for your efforts. Keep them safe! You'll need them to lure out the elusive Monstrous Black Widow Mouse!

Sound tricky? It is! Here's a tip: Visit your Crafting Recipe Book and you'll find formulas useful in figuring out which buttons to push. When you have the right cheese and all the mice are angry, she is bound to show up!

Hunt well and hunt bravely! The mice might look really scary, and they really are, but don't be afraid! The worst you can do is get them angry and riled up, right?

History and Trivia

  • The Whisker Woods Rift was released on 28 January 2015.


Gnawnia:  • Meadow   • Town of Gnawnia   • Windmill   • Harbour   • Mountain
Valour:  • King's Arms   • Tournament Hall   • King's Gauntlet
Whisker Woods:  • Calm Clearing   • Great Gnarled Tree   • Lagoon
Burroughs:  • Laboratory   • Mousoleum   • Town of Digby   • Bazaar   • Toxic Spill
Furoma:  • Training Grounds   • Dojo   • Meditation Room   • Pinnacle Chamber
Bristle Woods:  • Catacombs   • Forbidden Grove   • Acolyte Realm
Tribal Isles:  • Cape Clawed   • Elub Shore   • Nerg Plains   • Derr Dunes
 • Jungle of Dread   • Dracano   • Balack's Cove
Varmint Valley:  • Claw Shot City   • Gnawnian Express Station   • Fort Rox
Queso Canyon:  • Queso River   • Prickly Plains   • Cantera Quarry   • Queso Geyser
Rodentia:  • S.S. Huntington IV   • Seasonal Garden   • Zugzwang's Tower   • Crystal Library
 • Slushy Shoreline   • Iceberg   • Sunken City
Sandtail Desert:  • Fiery Warpath   • Muridae Market   • Living Garden   • Twisted Garden
 • Lost City   • Cursed City   • Sand Dunes   • Sand Crypts
Hollow Heights:  • Fungal Cavern   • Labyrinth   • Zokor   • Moussu Picchu   • Floating Islands
Folklore Forest:  • Foreword Farm   • Prologue Pond   • Table of Contents   • Bountiful Beanstalk
 • School of Sorcery   • Draconic Depths
Rift Plane:  • Gnawnia Rift   • Burroughs Rift   • Whisker Woods Rift   • Furoma Rift
 • Bristle Woods Rift • Valour Rift
Events:  • Great Winter Hunt: Great Winter Taiga
 • Cinnamon Hill   • Golem Workshop   • Ice Fortress
 • Halloween: Gloomy Greenwood
 • MouseHunt Birthday: The SUPER|brie+ Factory
 • Ronza: Ronza's Traveling Shoppe
 • Historic uses: King's Party Zone   • Festive Comet
Others:  • King's Stockade   • Vacant Lot