Hunter's Profile

From MHWiki
Revision as of 22:44, 10 October 2009 by Winelight (talk | contribs) (Punctuation, etc., needs more attention please)


The Hunter's Profile consists of 4 main parts:

Finding Your Hunters Profile

There are a number of methods of finding your hunter's profile. The most common is by clicking on the mousehunt shield (just above where it says your rank). However, there are also some other methods of finding not only your own, but your friends' and other hunters'.

  • Through the Scoreboard - Search their name in the search box and look at the results. The more you limit the results (by entering first and second names). Then just click on their name and you get to their hunter's profile. You can also do this for your own hunter's profile - but it does take longer.
  • Hunting Group - If you go to your Hunting Group page (Friends/Hunting Group) you will be able to get to all your friends that are hunting. To quickly find a certain player, type their name into the search box and click search. This returns that player or players depending on how specific your search was. Then click on their name and you will get taken to their hunter's profile. NOTE: from here you can get a direct link to the page on the scoreboard for their Gold and Points.