MHWiki:Current events

From MHWiki
Revision as of 14:01, 12 August 2020 by Mark Bodiella (talk | contribs) (updated for pre event.)

Let's put dev updates and everything else here (up to one month, archive anything older). We'll include the newest update into the main page, and we can exclude the others using the <noinclude> tag.

For older updates, visit the Archive.

Notes for Editors

  • Please always put the newest news post first (if there are two from the same day, use the timestamp).
  • Keep dates in DD Month YYYY format; this is an internationally recognized date format.
  • The MHP Template is god-like.
  • Use Template:Date so that if we ever change the date format, it'll auto-update.


=== News Title ===
<p>Paragraph 1</p>
<p>Paragraph 2</p>
<p>Paragraph 3</p>
-- {{MHP|ID_OF_POSTER|Name of the Poster}}


Airship Ahoy! Ronza is on her way!

11 August 2020

Help Ronza recover her lost Chrome Bits! Turbulence has caused Chrome Bits to fall from the ship, help Ronza retrieve them!

Something in the sky...

Ronza is on her way but it looks like some unanticipated turbulence, requiring emergency manoeuvres, has caused a large crate of Chrome Bits to spill overboard, scattering them across the Kingdom of Gnawnia! Ronza needs these bits returned so that she can continue to produce her famous Chrome upgrade kits for some of Gnawnia's finest traps. She can't make kits without bits!

Ronza is currently circling Gnawnia, trying to recover as many bits as she can, and has announced that she would be extremely grateful to any hunter who can help. To demonstrate her gratitude, she is offering generous rewards for the recovery of every lost Chrome Bit!

Recover Chrome Bits to Earn Vouchers

Help Ronza recover her Chrome Bits by hunting throughout Gnawnia. Recover enough and you will be rewarded with Chrome Kit Vouchers! Ronza will award you one voucher for every 100 Chrome Bits you recover, up to a maximum of two vouchers.

Chrome Kit Voucher These vouchers can be used to purchase Chrome Upgrade Kits or Charm Crates during Ronza's visit in 2020. Each Chrome Upgrade Kit requires a single voucher along with a specific quantity of gold whereas Charm Crates require only the voucher with no additional gold cost.

Chrome Bit Rewards

Chrome Bits can be used to purchase valuable items and unique rewards once Ronza lands!

Ronza will be landing and opening her shop on August 18!

Note: With Ronza on her way, we will be freezing and cancelling any Marketplace items involved with her arrival starting today. When Ronza arrives on Tuesday, August 18, those items will be unfrozen and available for trading once again.

-- Franco D'Auria