Torn Pages of Plankrun's Journal

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Revision as of 20:15, 8 January 2009 by Pakaran (talk | contribs) (Added some links and other info. I can't confirm this personally - I have only journeyman rank.)


The Torn Pages of Plankrun’s Journal

During your travels you may find pages from the fabled MouseHunter Plankrun. The stories of this first-ever MouseHunter have been whispered over campfires throughout the years. Unfortunately, all that is known about the fate of this hunter is what can be deciphered from the torn pages of Plankrun’s journal, often found scattered across the Kingdom.

To date, two pages are known, both related to hunting Masters in the Dojo (one of these has recipes for the 4 master-related cheeses, and the other discusses the dojo and training grounds in general) and are dropped by Monk Mice in the training grounds. This is a relatively new release, and research is still ongoing.

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