Toxikinetic Mouse

From MHWiki

The Toxikinetic Mouse is a breed of mouse found in the Burroughs Rift. It is not known to drop any loot.

Toxikinetic Mouse
Mouse Group: Rift Walkers (Burroughs Rift)
Mouse Statistics
Points: 47,500 Gold: 900
Location & Attraction Info
Required Power Types: Rift Other Requirements: Yellow Zone and Green Zone
Cheese: Polluted Parmesan Charm: None
Locations: Burroughs Rift Loot: Mist Canister
Larry's Loot Lexicon: MouseHunt Info Page Image: Image Link
Able to telekinetically control the radioactive ooze that floods out of the lab, the Toxikinetic Mouse has the potential to be one of the most powerful mice in the Kingdom, if only she could learn to fully control her powers.

One trick she's picked up is the ability to fly by keeping a thin layer of ooze surrounding herself at all times. Some day, she theorizes she'll be able to become invulnerable by selectively hardening this layer of ooze to deflect all incoming damage.
Some other mice have taken to calling her "Phoenix" behind her back because of her long red hair. But only behind her back. There's no telling what she'd do in response if she ever found out.
Mouse ID#: 668

Preferred Cheese

Toxikinetic Mouse is only attracted to Polluted Parmesan Cheese.

Hunting Strategy

Toxikinetic Mouse can be attracted when the Mist Meter is in Yellow and Green Zone.

Rift power type is effective against Toxikinetic Mouse while all others are less effective.

History and Trivia

  • 9 September 2014: The Toxikinetic Mouse was released as part of the Burroughs Rift location.