Valentine's Day 2020

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Revision as of 02:39, 13 February 2020 by Mark Bodiella (talk | contribs) (Valentine's Day Event Mice: Rejection Letter)
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Valentine's Day 2020
Number of Event Mice: 8
Starting Date: 11 February 2020
Ending Date: 19 February 2020


Valentine's Day Mice can be encountered throughout the Kingdom using the Prize Mice/Relic Hunter bonus hunt system.

Note: Valentine Charms and Lucky Valentine Charms do not have any special attraction effects for the Valentine's Mice.

Valentine's Day Event Mice

These are the Event mice that may be encountered during the annual Valentine's Day event.

These mice will drop a King's Credit, Valentine Charm, and bonus loot based on the location where they are caught.

Cupid 875 900 King's Credit
Valentine Charm
Luck Charm
Lucky Power Charm
Bow and Arrow
Forever Alone 1,200 600 King's Credit
Valentine Charm
Lucky Valentine Charm
Luck Charm
Lucky Power Charm

S.A.D. Pamphlet
Attraction Bonus Candy

Gentleman Caller 850 1,000 King's Credit
Valentine Charm
Lucky Valentine Charm
Luck Charm
Extreme Luck Charm
Attraction Bonus Candy
Juliyes 999 999 King's Credit
Valentine Charm
Lucky Valentine Charm
Luck Charm
Super Luck Charm
Attraction Bonus Candy
Lovely Sports 1,850 450 King's Credit
Valentine Charm
Lucky Valentine Charm
Super Luck Charm
Extreme Luck Charm
Lucky Power Charm
Romeno 0 300 Brie Cheese
King's Credit
Valentine Charm
Lucky Valentine Charm
Super Luck Charm
Lucky Power Charm
Attraction Bonus Candy
Romeo 1,000 1,200 King's Credit
Valentine Charm
Lucky Valentine Charm
Luck Charm
Extreme Luck Charm
Lucky Power Charm
Attraction Bonus Candy
Totally Not Bitter 1,850 450 King's Credit
Valentine Charm
Lucky Valentine Charm
Luck Charm
Lucky Power Charm
Valentine Rejection Letter


Treasure Maps

Hunters may purchase a Valentine's Matchmaker Scroll Case from any Cartographer. The cost is 3 Ancient Relics.

The scroll case contains a map requiring Hunters to track down each of the eight Valentine's Mice.

The search for treasure leads to Valentine's Matchmaker Treasure Chests containing King's Credits, Points, Gold, Ancient Charms, Valentine Charms, Lucky Valentine Charms, and potentially a Valentine's trap skin! Use Rare Map Dust on the map to discover a rare chest which contains substantially more charms and is guaranteed to have a trap skin inside.

  • Valentine's Trap Skins: