MHWiki:Current events/Archive/2021/October

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Revision as of 16:41, 5 October 2021 by KD (talk | contribs) (Created News archive page for October 2021)
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5 October 2021

Revisions to the Town of Gnawnia and Windmill!
Faster progression, increased rewards, and improved attraction rates.

The Town of Gnawnia and Windmill Welcome New Hunters

Larry the Friendly Knight has spent seemingly countless hours training new Recruits and helping them hone their hunting skills. Over his many years of diligent tutelage, Larry has certainly refined his process and often tried brand new training techniques. Today, in coordination with the King and utilizing some of the feedback from the Great Gnawnian Census Larry has put together his most recent changes to his methods!

Thanks to Larry's updated techniques, new hunters in the Town of Gnawnia will now have a much easier time attracting and capturing most mice while reaping greater rewards for securing the town. After many years of feasting on stolen cheese from new hunters, the Town of Gnawnia mice have become more picky about which types of cheese they are attracted to -- as a consequence, hunters should be able to more effectively single out bounty targets by using their preferred bait!

Meanwhile, the Windmill has received an upgrade by order of the King, and will now churn out Packets of Flour reliably every time a mouse is caught. The faster the Windmill spins, the more flour it will consistently produce! To account for this increased rate of production, the Windmill Cheese Shoppe now only accepts orders for Grilled Cheese in batches of 5, which means more attempts at capturing the elusive Captain Croissant!

The Windmill HUD within the mobile app may appear out of date until the latest update has been downloaded. Keep an eye out for an update v1.112.0 (or higher) in the App Store and Google Play.

A Cheese Making Breakthrough!

New and veteran MouseHunters alike will be pleased to hear that the King has been hard at work developing a new cheese aging process which increases the efficacy of cheese in attracting mice. More affordable cheeses like Cheddar and Marble have received the greatest gains from this new development. However, most types of cheese including Gouda and crafted varieties of cheese will benefit from this new process by failing to attract less often.

Where Cheddar Cheese used to attract a mouse roughly half of the time, Larry has measured the new attraction rate to be around 70% using this new process. Similarly, Marble now attracts at a rate of 75%, Swiss at 80%, Brie at 85%, and Gouda 90%.

In combination with Larry's updated hunting techniques, various mice indigenous to Gnawnia have had specific weaknesses exposed and will be easier to capture for all hunters.

These training endeavors are just a part of Larry's endless commitment to improving his training methods! As Larry continues to hone his methods and learn new techniques, future generations of MouseHunters can expect further improvements as time goes on.

Aerial Treasure Master Deal Ends Soon

Hunters throughout Hollow Heights have made good use of the new supply routes charted by the Floating Islands Cartographer to seek out and intercept the many treasures of the Empyrean Empire. With the treasure hunting efforts in full swing the exploration supplies assembled by the King are beginning to wane. Today is the final day to pick up the special Aerial Treasure Master Bundle from the Premium Shoppe before it's gone.

Aerial Treasure Master Bundle
Map Dust, Storm Cells, and more!

This incredible deal will be leaving the Premium Store on October 6 at 3:00pm UTC!

-- Jake