iTunes Mouse

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This article contains information on features which have been removed from MouseHunt. It is kept here for historical purposes only, and may no longer be accurate or relevant to current gameplay.

ITunes Mouse
Mouse Group: Event Mice
Mouse Statistics
Points: Gold: 11
Location & Attraction Info
Required Power Types: Other Requirements: None
Cheese: Charm: None
Locations: All locations Loot: $10 iTunes Gift Card
Larry's Loot Lexicon: MouseHunt Info Page Image: Image Link
With a guitar in one paw and a stack of iTunes gift cards in the other, catching this rock star mouse will earn you one of the most face-melting rock experiences ever!! That means you get to get some free music from iTunes! "But I like R&B" you say? No! You have to buy ROCK MUSIC. Haha, just kidding, you can get anything you want! ROCK ON! *wailing guitars*
Mouse ID#: 16

The iTunes Mouse (replaced by the Rockstar Mouse) was a breed of mouse found in all locations. They were known to drop $10 iTunes Gift Cards.

History and Trivia

  • 20 March 2008: The ITunes Mouse was released.
  • 30 March 2008: Permanently retired due to difficulties sending the gift cards internationally. They were replaced by Mobster mice.
  • 21 November 2008: Reassigned an official mouse page to clarify confusion caused by old catch statistics appearing on Hunter's profiles.
  • 14 August 2009: Re-released as Rockstar Mouse with a new look and description.