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Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions (hence the name FAQ).

Starting Out

If you are just started playing MouseHunt a good place to get an overview of what you need to know is in the wiki Starting out page.


MouseHunt is an open ended game with no one correct path or one correct way to play the game. As you play the game you will gain access to new locations and discover a variety of mice.

Q. Where do I go next? A. The Location Quick Reference is meant for players to easily see at a glance what they might need to buy or do at a particular location.

Q. What trap should I be using? A. It all depends on your goals, and location. Are you more interested in catching mice or earning gold or earning points. Are you looking to collect a rare mouse or loot item? The Trap Setup Options page will give you some options depending on your location. Some hunters like to rely on traps with high power and other hunters prefer traps with high luck. Experiment and see what works well for you.

Q. What impacts how many mice are attracted to my trap? A. Different cheeses have different attraction rates. In addition the attraction bonus on weapons and bases can limit the number of failure to attract messages you get.

Q. What impacts loot drops? A. Trap setups with higher luck are more likely to drop loot.


Q. How can I buy SUPER|Brie+, Moon or Maki through trading? A. Hover over your Shops tab; there should be a 'Marketplace' option. Click on that. Select the cheese type you are looking for, and click 'Go' to see the list sorted by cheapest first. You can also input maximum quantity or maximum price before clicking 'Go'. Remember buyers pay 10% tax taken by the King.

Q. How do I sell my SUPER|Brie+, Moon or Maki through trading? A. Hover over your Shops tab, there should be a 'Marketplace' option, click on that. Click on the 'Sell' tab. Select the type of cheese you wish to sell, enter the quantity and price per piece. Click 'Post Trade' and 'Confirm'. Your cheese is automatically taken from your inventory. You can only have one trade pending at a time, and you will need to come back to Marketplace to claim gold when the cheese is sold.


Q. How do I craft a certain recipe more than once? A. Don't use the drop down recipe book. Click the link that says Recipe Book just to the right of the one for the Hunter's Hammer. Select the recipe you want and then enter the number of times you want to craft.

Q. If I leave Pepper Plants unpicked for a longer time, will they produce more peppers? A. No, the output of picking pepper plants is random and not dependent on time.


Q. I was away for the weekend and just got home now. Why does my log show no trap checks since 9 AM yesterday? A. You only get trap checks for the first 24 hours after your last activity.

Donations/Offers/Prize Mice

Q. I just made a donation to this game, so why didn't I receive the cheese? A. Please use the donation support Contact Form.

Q. I've completed offers, so why haven't I received the promised SUPER|Brie+? A. The offers are not run by MouseHunt/HitGrab, and the SUPER|Brie+ doesn't come directly from the game.
Anyone having problems with receiving SUPER|brie+ should fill out the proper contact form accessible via a link at the bottom of the donate page.

Please be sure to follow the correct instructions for what method you used (PayPal, MobillCash, Offer). This form will encapsulate information important to help you get it sorted out. Unfortunately there is nothing the Devs can do to help you get the rewards from offers.

Before completing offers, you may wish to take into consideration several things.

Q. I caught a prize mouse (yay me) - how do I claim my prize? A. You should get a green banner at the top of your page pretty soon - follow the instructions on there - and congrats :)

Common Problems

Q. How do I fix my problem with the King's Rewards? I can't see the image or I'm typing the correct code but it says it's incorrect.

A. First - try logging out of Facebook, then clear your cache/private data, then log in again. If that doesn't work click on the 'Open Image in a new window' copy the page link then start a new topic in any of the boards, Tech, Tavern etc, name the post 'Can you please Tell me my Code', copy the link into the post and some kind hunter will come in and post your code.

Q. I have a problem with MouseHunt displaying images, buttons missing, layout misaligned, no trap checks, horn etc etc. How can I fix it?

A. Before looking too deeply for answers to your problem to start with, please initially clear the caches in your browser. This will ensure that you have the latest files, images and scripts stored locally in your browser cache. If you still have a problem afterwards then look below for further specific answers on what may causing your problem, or post to the Tech Support and Help Discussions area of the MouseHunt forum if no answer appears in this FAQ. Firefox users should also check to see if any add-ons are interfering with MouseHunt (text-to-image is one such add-on that causes significant problems).

This page at WikiHow explains how to clear your browser's cache.

Q. I got my Master title a couple of hours ago and since then I have caught mice, sounded the horn, received the King's rewards etc. The graph shows as 0% completed. Are there a certain number of points you need to make the graph move? I know I have at least 3000. A. Each level becomes harder than the last; your bar will begin to move eventually.

Q. So I've seen topics where people say they're 98.41% or 99.29% apprentice/master/etc, where do you get the percentages from? I can only see the xx% in my little status thing? A. Hover your mouse pointer over the bar below the Rank, and a tool tip will appear with your percentage to two decimal places.

Q. I am currently listed as "A Shrouded Figure" in the rankings, as are several of my friends. I don't remember doing anything funny to my privacy settings which would have caused this, and neither do my friends, but we must have done something. I'd rather just be listed with my name. Is there a way to fix this? A. MouseHunt knows what your name is by asking Facebook. If Facebook fails to respond to this electronic request within a certain time, MouseHunt displays "A Shrouded Figure". This can either be because you have high privacy settings, or because there was a glitch - with MouseHunt, Facebook, or the communication between them. If it's not your privacy settings, then check again a few hours later - it will usually be cured by then.

Q. Occasionally when I'm clicking I get a blue banner at the top of my screen, above the scroll but below the big yellow 'welcome to MouseHunt'.

It goes pretty quick but it says:

If this message remains onscreen, your javascript may be disabled - Try refreshing the page.

Can I fix that?

A. This is the intended behaviour. The <noscript> tag does not work in Facebook so we make the warning message appear at the top and then use JavaScript to hide the message. If a user does not have JavaScript the message will never go away and therefore serve its purpose. The speed of your connection/browser determines how fast the message goes away.

Questions not covered

If you have a technical/gameplay issue that has not been covered here, check the Community Support and Help pages in the Forum to see if anyone else is having the same issues.

Remember, when posting in the Support forum to give your post an appropriate title (things like "Help", and "Dev Please Come Here" or "Bug" are not very helpful).

Try to answer the following questions within your post:

  • What happened that was unexpected, and what was your expected result?
  • Where in the game did the bug occur (Camp, Trapsmith, Cheese Shoppe, etc.)?
  • When did you experience the anomaly (please provide your time zone)?
  • How can the bug be replicated?

More questions and answers can be found on the Commonly Asked Questions page.