User:Grexx/Hunt Statistics

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Usage of Statistics

To anyone who wishes to make use of the statistics, please feel free to do so. You can also message me for the text files that contain the full hunt logs if you want to generate any other information.

Hunt Statistics

Hunt statistics used for calculating the Cheese Stale Rate and Catch Rate tables.

Mousoleum: Sin / Exp / RB (04/12/08 - 12/12/08)

Cheese Cost 500 gold
Number of hunts 542 hunts
Cheese used 532 Radioactive Blue
Number of attractions 515
Attraction rate 95.02% ±1.92% C.I.
Number of catches 241 catches
Catch rate per attraction 46.8% ±4.41% C.I.
Net points earned 602813 points
per hunt 1112.2
per cheese 1133.11
Net profit 275906 gold
per hunt 509.05
per cheese 518.62
Mouse Catch % Attract % Catch rate (%) Catch per hunt Attract per hunt
Mutated White 39 16.18 46 8.93 84.78 0.07 0.08
Mutated Grey 52 21.58 67 13.01 77.61 0.1 0.12
Ghost 46 19.09 93 18.06 49.46 0.08 0.17
Bat 30 12.45 64 12.43 46.88 0.06 0.12
Mummy 27 11.2 81 15.73 33.33 0.05 0.15
Ravenous Zombie 22 9.13 62 12.04 35.48 0.04 0.11
Vampire 2 0.83 10 1.94 20 0 0.02
Lycan 8 3.32 33 6.41 24.24 0.01 0.06
Monster 1 0.41 10 1.94 10 0 0.02
Zombie 14 5.81 49 9.51 28.57 0.03 0.09
Total 241 100 515 100 46.8 0.44 0.95
  • 27 Misses, 17 Stale. Stale Rate = 62.96% (Very Stale)

Laboratory: DB / Exp / Swiss & Brie (12/12/08 - 23/12/08)

Cheese Cost 152 gold
Number of hunts 533 hunts
Cheese used 506 Swiss / Brie
Number of attractions 431
Attraction rate 80.86% ±3.43% C.I.
Number of catches 344 catches
Catch rate per attraction 79.81% ±3.91% C.I.
Net points earned 135369 points
per hunt 253.98
per cheese 267.53
Net profit 128223 gold
per hunt 240.57
per cheese 253.41
Mouse Catch % Attract % Catch rate (%) Catch per hunt Attract per hunt
Elf 2 0.58 3 0.7 66.67 0 0.01
Abominable Snow 13 3.78 19 4.41 68.42 0.02 0.04
Mutated White 37 10.76 41 9.51 90.24 0.07 0.08
Mutated Grey 25 7.27 31 7.19 80.65 0.05 0.06
Dwarf 8 2.33 9 2.09 88.89 0.02 0.02
Steel 95 27.62 120 27.84 79.17 0.18 0.23
Granite 87 25.29 108 25.06 80.56 0.16 0.2
Bionic 71 20.64 88 20.42 80.68 0.13 0.17
Zombie 4 1.16 9 2.09 44.44 0.01 0.02
Burglar 2 0.58 3 0.7 66.67 0 0.01
Total 344 100 431 100 79.81 0.65 0.81
  • 102 Misses, 59 Stale. Stale Rate = 57.84% (Very Stale)

Breakdown into Cheese types:

Cheese Cost 100 gold
Number of hunts 254 hunts
Cheese used 247 Swiss
Number of attractions 202
Attraction rate 79.53% ±5.16% C.I.
Number of catches 162 catches
Catch rate per attraction 80.2% ±5.74% C.I.
Net points earned 59611 points
per hunt 234.69
per cheese 241.34
Net profit 68935 gold
per hunt 271.4
per cheese 279.09
Cheese Cost 200 gold
Number of hunts 279 hunts
Cheese used 259 Brie
Number of attractions 229
Attraction rate 82.08% ±4.68% C.I.
Number of catches 182 catches
Catch rate per attraction 79.48% ±5.45% C.I.
Net points earned 75758 points
per hunt 271.53
per cheese 292.5
Net profit 59700 gold
per hunt 213.98
per cheese 230.5

Training Grounds: ZLM / Exp / Swiss & Brie (16/12/08 - 25/12/08)

Cheese Cost 133.5 gold
Number of hunts 230 hunts
Cheese used 209 Swiss / Brie
Number of attractions 188
Attraction rate 81.74% ±5.21% C.I.
Number of catches 122 catches
Catch rate per attraction 64.89% ±7.09% C.I.
Net points earned 262139 points
per hunt 1139.73
per cheese 1254.25
Net profit 54787.5 gold
per hunt 238.21
per cheese 262.14
Mouse Catch % Attract % Catch rate (%) Catch per hunt Attract per hunt
Elf 2 1.64 2 1.06 100 0.01 0.01
Abominable Snow 3 2.46 6 3.19 50 0.01 0.03
White 19 15.57 19 10.11 100 0.08 0.08
Dwarf 16 13.11 17 9.04 94.12 0.07 0.07
Gold 8 6.56 12 6.38 66.67 0.03 0.05
Diamond 10 8.2 13 6.91 76.92 0.04 0.06
Ninja 19 15.57 25 13.3 76 0.08 0.11
Pirate 2 1.64 3 1.6 66.67 0.01 0.01
Archer 25 20.49 50 26.6 50 0.11 0.22
Kung Fu 6 4.92 17 9.04 35.29 0.03 0.07
Samurai 10 8.2 19 10.11 52.63 0.04 0.08
Monk 0 0 3 1.6 0 0 0.01
Worker 2 1.64 2 1.06 100 0.01 0.01
Total 122 100 188 100 64.89 0.53 0.82
  • 42 Misses, 11 Stale. Stale Rate = 26.19% (No Effect)
  • Note that Worker and Monk were introduced near the end of the test period.

Breakdown into Cheese types:

Cheese Cost 100 gold
Number of hunts 158 hunts
Cheese used 139 Swiss
Number of attractions 124
Attraction rate 78.48% ±6.72% C.I.
Number of catches 83 catches
Catch rate per attraction 66.94% ±8.68% C.I.
Net points earned 180981 points
per hunt 1145.45
per cheese 1302.02
Net profit 40197 gold
per hunt 254.41
per cheese 289.19
Cheese Cost 200 gold
Number of hunts 72 hunts
Cheese used 70 Brie
Number of attractions 64
Attraction rate 88.89% ±7.95% C.I.
Number of catches 39 catches
Catch rate per attraction 60.94% ±12.73% C.I.
Net points earned 81158 points
per hunt 1127.19
per cheese 1159.4
Net profit 14592 gold
per hunt 202.67
per cheese 208.46

Dojo: ZLM / Polar / Brie (25/12/08 - 06/01/09)

Cheese Cost 200 gold
Number of hunts 637 hunts
Cheese used 573 Brie
Number of attractions 532
Attraction rate 83.52% ±2.96% C.I.
Number of catches 290 catches
Catch rate per attraction 54.51% ±4.33% C.I.
Net points earned 981500 points
per hunt 1540.82
per cheese 1712.91
Net profit 96946 gold
per hunt 152.19
per cheese 169.19
Mouse Catch % Attract % Catch rate (%) Catch per hunt Attract per hunt
Elf 2 0.69 3 0.56 66.67 0 0
Gold 31 10.69 37 6.95 83.78 0.05 0.06
Diamond 33 11.38 38 7.14 86.84 0.05 0.06
Ninja 60 20.69 74 13.91 81.08 0.09 0.12
Archer 42 14.48 68 12.78 61.76 0.07 0.11
Kung Fu 25 8.62 59 11.09 42.37 0.04 0.09
Samurai 18 6.21 68 12.78 26.47 0.03 0.11
Black Widow 1 0.34 1 0.19 100 0 0
Assassin 0 0 1 0.19 0 0 0
Monk 18 6.21 46 8.65 39.13 0.03 0.07
Hapless 11 3.79 12 2.26 91.67 0.02 0.02
S. Cheese Belt 17 5.86 42 7.89 40.48 0.03 0.07
S. Cheese Claw 14 4.83 34 6.39 41.18 0.02 0.05
S. Cheese Fang 18 6.21 49 9.21 36.73 0.03 0.08
Total 290 100 532 100 54.51 0.46 0.84
  • 105 Misses, 13 Stale. Stale Rate = 12.38% (Ultimately Fresh)

Dojo: ZLM / Polar / Swiss (06/01/09 - 26/01/09)

Cheese Cost 100 gold
Number of hunts 887 hunts
Cheese used 764 Swiss
Number of attractions 677
Attraction rate 76.32% ±2.85% C.I.
Number of catches 361 catches
Catch rate per attraction 53.32% ±3.83% C.I.
Net points earned 1273244 points
per hunt 1435.45
per cheese 1666.55
Net profit 210192 gold
per hunt 236.97
per cheese 275.12
Mouse Catch % Attract % Catch rate (%) Catch per hunt Attract per hunt
Gold 49 13.57 66 9.75 74.24 0.06 0.07
Diamond 24 6.65 31 4.58 77.42 0.03 0.03
Ninja 63 17.45 76 11.23 82.89 0.07 0.09
Archer 34 9.42 67 9.9 50.75 0.04 0.08
Kung Fu 36 9.97 93 13.74 38.71 0.04 0.1
Samurai 41 11.36 89 13.15 46.07 0.05 0.1
Black Widow 1 0.28 2 0.3 50 0 0
Assassin 1 0.28 6 0.89 16.67 0 0.01
Monk 14 3.88 42 6.2 33.33 0.02 0.05
Worker 1 0.28 1 0.15 100 0 0
Hapless 21 5.82 22 3.25 95.45 0.02 0.02
S. Cheese Belt 23 6.37 50 7.39 46 0.03 0.06
S. Cheese Claw 28 7.76 63 9.31 44.44 0.03 0.07
S. Cheese Fang 25 6.93 69 10.19 36.23 0.03 0.08
Total 361 100 677 100 53.32 0.41 0.76
  • 210 Misses, 21 Stale. Stale Rate = 10.00% (Ultimately Fresh)

Combined Statistics for Dojo (Including data not listed above)

Mouse Catch % Attract % Catch rate (%) Catch per hunt Attract per hunt
Elf 5 0.74 6 0.48 83.33 0 0
Gold 82 12.15 105 8.37 78.1 0.05 0.07
Diamond 59 8.74 72 5.74 81.94 0.04 0.05
Ninja 124 18.37 155 12.35 80 0.08 0.1
Archer 79 11.7 140 11.16 56.43 0.05 0.09
Kung Fu 63 9.33 157 12.51 40.13 0.04 0.1
Samurai 60 8.89 162 12.91 37.04 0.04 0.1
Black Widow 2 0.3 3 0.24 66.67 0 0
Assassin 1 0.15 7 0.56 14.29 0 0
Monk 34 5.04 92 7.33 36.96 0.02 0.06
Worker 2 0.3 2 0.16 100 0 0
Hapless 33 4.89 35 2.79 94.29 0.02 0.02
S. Cheese Belt 42 6.22 96 7.65 43.75 0.03 0.06
S. Cheese Claw 45 6.67 103 8.21 43.69 0.03 0.07
S. Cheese Fang 44 6.52 120 9.56 36.67 0.03 0.08
Total 675 100 1255 100 53.78 0.43 0.8

Town of Digby: DB / Polar / Swiss (27/01/09 - 04/02/09)

Cheese Cost 100 gold
Number of hunts 468 hunts
Cheese used 368 Swiss
Number of attractions 349
Attraction rate 74.57% ±4.05% C.I.
Number of catches 297 catches
Catch rate per attraction 85.1% ±3.88% C.I.
Net points earned 97577 points
per hunt 208.5
per cheese 265.15
Net profit 147778 gold
per hunt 315.76
per cheese 401.57
Mouse Catch % Attract % Catch rate (%) Catch per hunt Attract per hunt
Bat 1 0.34 2 0.57 50 0 0
Dwarf 107 36.03 112 32.09 95.54 0.23 0.24
Mole 2 0.67 4 1.15 50 0 0.01
Steel 42 14.14 53 15.19 79.25 0.09 0.11
Granite 63 21.21 71 20.34 88.73 0.13 0.15
Bionic 62 20.88 79 22.64 78.48 0.13 0.17
Gold 10 3.37 14 4.01 71.43 0.02 0.03
Diamond 6 2.02 8 2.29 75 0.01 0.02
Zombie 3 1.01 4 1.15 75 0.01 0.01
Black Widow 1 0.34 2 0.57 50 0 0
Total 297 100 349 100 85.1 0.63 0.75
  • 119 Misses, 19 Stale. Stale Rate = 15.97% (Extremely Fresh)
  • Removing the Black Widow catch, Gold profit per hunt: 274.66, per cheese: 349.49

Catacombs: OOS / Polar / RB (05/02/09 - 05/02/09)

Cheese Cost 800 gold
Number of hunts 51 hunts
Cheese used 44 Radioactive Blue
Number of attractions 44
Attraction rate 86.27% ±10.42% C.I.
Number of catches 17 catches
Catch rate per attraction 38.64% ±15.52% C.I.
Net points earned 67800 points
per hunt 1329.41
per cheese 1540.91
Net profit 40356 gold
per hunt 791.29
per cheese 917.18
Mouse Catch % Attract % Catch rate (%) Catch per hunt Attract per hunt
Keeper 1 5.88 2 4.55 50 0.02 0.04
Spider 0 0 6 13.64 0 0 0.12
Scavenger 4 23.53 6 13.64 66.67 0.08 0.12
Ghost 1 5.88 5 11.36 20 0.02 0.1
Mummy 2 11.76 4 9.09 50 0.04 0.08
Ravenous Zombie 2 11.76 2 4.55 100 0.04 0.04
Lycan 0 0 5 11.36 0 0 0.1
Monster 0 0 1 2.27 0 0 0.02
Ooze 4 23.53 9 20.45 44.44 0.08 0.18
Zombie 3 17.65 4 9.09 75 0.06 0.08
Total 17 100 44 100 38.64 0.33 0.86
  • 7 Misses, 0 Stale. Stale Rate = 0.00% (Uber Fresh)
  • Stats are effectively useless as Forgotten mice difficulty were lowered shortly after.

Bazaar: DB / Polar / Swiss (04/02/09 - 11/02/09)

Cheese Cost 100 gold
Number of hunts 361 hunts
Cheese used 316 Swiss
Number of attractions 287
Attraction rate 79.5% ±4.3% C.I.
Number of catches 233 catches
Catch rate per attraction 81.18% ±4.7% C.I.
Net points earned 75024 points
per hunt 207.82
per cheese 237.42
Net profit 102034 gold
per hunt 282.64
per cheese 322.89
Mouse Catch % Attract % Catch rate (%) Catch per hunt Attract per hunt
Mutated White 17 7.3 18 6.27 94.44 0.05 0.05
Mutated Grey 29 12.45 31 10.8 93.55 0.08 0.09
Dwarf 13 5.58 15 5.23 86.67 0.04 0.04
Steel 61 26.18 70 24.39 87.14 0.17 0.19
Granite 62 26.61 72 25.09 86.11 0.17 0.2
Bionic 44 18.88 65 22.65 67.69 0.12 0.18
Zombie 4 1.72 10 3.48 40 0.01 0.03
Burglar 3 1.29 6 2.09 50 0.01 0.02
Total 233 100 287 100 81.18 0.65 0.8
  • 74 Misses, 15 Stale. Stale Rate = 20.27% (Extremely Fresh)
  • Interim update - Hunting in Bazaar using Brie and with almost the same number of attractions, Brie attracted 12 Burglars. Profit per hunt is about 270 gold, 260 points. Basically its more worthwhile hunting with Brie rather than Swiss in the Bazaar.