King's Giveaway (2024)
A King's Giveaway ran from 18 June through 2 July.
Additional Prize Mice were released throughout the Kingdom.
Mice began dropping King's Prize Keys that opened Mystery Prize Packs.
All Prize Mice will drop 1 King's Prize Key when caught.
All other mice have a small chance of dropping 1 King's Prize Key.
A banner above the Hunter's Journal tracks the Hunter's inventory of King's Prize Keys.
When opened, the pop-up allows Hunters to use the keys to open Mystery Prize Packs and access the King's Vault.
The pop-up also tracks global Prize Mice catches by Rank.
Mystery Prize Pack Contents
The following are possible items:
- 2 Extreme Regal Charm
- 5,000 Gold
- 15,000 Gold
- 25,000 Gold
- 5 King's Credit
- 10 King's Credit
- 20 King's Credit
- 5 Regal Charm
- 3 Super Regal Charm
- 2 SUPER|brie+
- 5 SUPER|brie+
King's Vault Contents
After the Hunter has opened 10 Mystery Prize Packs, they will be given a choice out of three possible rewards from the King's Vault:
- Possible items in Reward 1:
- 1,000,000 Gold
- 3,000,000 Gold
- 300 King's Credit
- 500 King's Credit
- 75 SUPER|brie+
- 100 SUPER|brie+
- 150 SUPER|brie+
- Possible items in Reward 2:
- Possible items in Reward 3:
Loot Dropped by Prize Mice
Besides the King's Prize Key, Prize Mice have also been observed to drop the following loot during the 2023 King's Giveaway Event:
- Treasurer: 5 King's Credit
- Snooty: 10 King's Credit
- High Roller: 25 - 50 King's Credit
- Mobster: 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, or 1,000 SUPER|brie+
- Leprechaun: Mystery Satchel of Gold or Mystery Pot of Gold