Patch Notes/Archive/2021/July
From MHWiki
20 July 2021
Patch Notes for July 20, 2021
Interface, Artwork, Gameplay, and Quality-of-Life Updates
- Increased the resolution of most images displayed in Larry's Loot Lexicon
- Removed the maximum inventory quantity limit for Rockforth Cheese
- Moved the blueprints for all Iceberg bases from the General Store to the Trapsmith in the Slushy Shoreline and Iceberg locations
- Modified the mouse encounter pool at Ronza's Traveling Shoppe to allow for the use of any basic bait
- (the SUPER|brie+, Rockforth, and Gouda mouse pools have not been changed)
- Created a scoreboard entry for Chrome Bits Found (This Year)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused trap skin descriptions to not display on the Inventory page or in Larry's Loot Lexicon
Copy Updates and Typo Corrections
- Added mention of the Signature Series Denture Base into the description for Ful'Mina's Charged Toothlets
- Fixed some typos in the description for the Grubling Bonanza Charm