Monster Mouse

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Revision as of 12:01, 13 December 2008 by Revengeance (talk | contribs) (Trivia)

The Monster mouse is a breed of mice found in the Laboratory and Mousoleum. They are worth at most 9,100 points and at least 9,101 gold.



  • The visual appearance of these mice is an assortment of components from White, Brown, Dwarf, Steel, Granite, Bionic and Gold mice.
  • The Monster mice description states the breed was created by "Dr. F. Romage". The doctor's first initial and surname spell "fromage", the French word for "cheese". Fromage was also a cheese-themed annual special on the Canadian MuchMusic cable channel, dedicated to showcasing the cheesiest music videos of each year.
  • Contrary to popular belief amongst new hunters, Monster mice are more easily caught with Physical weaponry instead of Shadow.

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