Patch Notes/Archive/2021/February
From MHWiki
24 February 2021
Patch Notes for February 24, 2021
- Glitchpaw mice now drop refined Pollutinum instead of Crude Pollutinum at the Toxic Spill
16 February 2021
Patch Notes for February 16, 2021
- Removed Limited Edition badge from Wooden Hobby Horse Miniature (added erroneously in 2014 and it returned with each LNY ever since!)
11 February 2021
Patch Notes for February 11, 2021
- Fixed an issue causing some players to receive the wrong gift of the day
- Fixed an issue causing the Gift of the Day Base to occasionally give the wrong gift
- Fixed an issue making the Raging Ox Trap Skin unpurchasable on some mobile devices
- Tweaked text shown when upgrading a Lantern Light Treasure Map for better clarity
-- Norm Hussey
10 February 2021
Patch Notes for February 10, 2021
- Fixed HTML leaking into in-game Shops page
- Temporarily removing Raging Ox Trap Skin premium item from mobile clients until purchase issue is fixed
- Fixed incorrect Lantern Lighter Treasure Chests Special inventory categorization
9 February 2021
Patch Notes for February 9, 2021(#3)
- Added a max quantity of one for purchasing journal themes from previous Lunar New Years
- Added a missing "Lunar New Year" tag to the Year of the Pig journal theme
-- Norm Hussey
9 February 2021
Patch Notes for February 9, 2021(#2)
Adjustments have been made to the point and gold values for certain mice related to the Lunar New Year event to address balance and better match cultural expectations:
- All Costumed Lunar New Year mice are now each worth 2888 points and 6888 gold
- Calligraphy Mouse is now worth 2888 points (up from 1888)
- Red Envelope Mouse is now worth 888 gold (up from 221)
9 February 2021
Patch Notes for February 9, 2021
Interface, Artwork, Gameplay, and Quality-of-Life Updates
- Revealed the inner machinations of MouseHunt mobile
Added an error message to Community Maps listings explaining why some map invites can't be requested
- Improved restriction messaging when viewing the profile of a banished user
- Added a popup to the gift buttons on the Friend List to inform the user when they've sent their max daily gifts
- Restored "lazy loading" to the Friends List on mobile
- Valentine's Bonus Hunts no longer affect any quest progression
- Fixed some inconsistencies between the browser and mobile Lunar New Year HUDs
- Improved quality of browser favicon
- Improved how Lunar Lantern luck bonus is displayed in the trap setup popup
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug allowing players to favourite an empty slot in the Marketplace
- Fixed a bug that displayed a generic error message page when the game is in maintenance mode instead of the maintenance message
- Fixed a bug that showed an "Arm it now" option when purchasing a trap blueprint
- Fixed a display issue causing cheese quantities to overlap in the Queso Canyon HUD
- Fixed an issue causing the "Unfriend" link not to work on the profile of a banished user
- Fixed an issue causing the Scoreboard search bar to not remember previously typed search terms
- Fixed a display issue in the King's Calibrator on mobile causing four digit item costs to spill out of their button container
- Fixed an issue causing some players to see when another player had ignored their friend request
- Fixed an issue causing special characters in item names to not display properly in the shops
- Fixed an issue in the 36 hour summary journal log that would incorrectly display the amount of cheese used when bonus hunts were involved
- Fixed incorrect messaging in the preview for Slayer map upgraded chest rewards
Changes related to the mobile app apply to version 1.101.0 and above -- Norm Hussey