Cheese Effect

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Revision as of 19:49, 14 October 2008 by Atropos77 (talk | contribs)

"Anytime a mouse is not attracted to a trap during a hunt there is a chance for the cheese to turn stale. Some components are built using harmful chemicals that increase the odds of spoiling bait. Traps with a positive cheese effect help reduce the likelihood of cheese turning stale."

The cheese effect of bases and weapons determines the rate at which cheese stales. The available levels are very negative, negative, positive, very positive or no effect at all. The combined levels of cheese effect, depending on the particular bases and weapons that are combined, are extremely negative, very negative, negative, positive, very positive, extremely positive or no effect at all.

Regardless of the cheese effect of the hunter's trap and base combination, the only cheese that is immune from going stale is Super Brie. although rumor has it that its immunity only works in the region of Gnawnia.