Talk:Mummy Mouse

From MHWiki
Revision as of 22:19, 15 November 2008 by Horry (talk | contribs)

A few hours ago, I caught a Mummy Mouse with my Digby DrillBot (physical trap) in the Mousoleum. --Horry 21:12, 15 November 2008 (UTC)

catching shadow mice with physical weapons is not impossible, many have used the drillbot to catch a lycan. the effectiveness is lessened so catching it without a shadow weapon is just less likely. What I'm not sure about is the ghost mouse which has the 'omgwtfbbq' catch rating when with a physical trap.

Yeah, I really only commented because the Wiki currently says "Mummy mice can only be caught with Shadow weaponry and Radioactive Blue cheese". --Horry 22:19, 15 November 2008 (UTC)