Hunting Team

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A Hunting Team consists of one captain and up to 11 other members. In order to participate in a tournament, hunters must be in a Hunting team by either forming their own team or joining an existing team.

Forming a team

To form a team, hunters should click on the Hunting Team within the dropdown menu under the friends navigation button at the top of the game. They will then be able to name their team and write an optional team motto and description. Once the team has been created, friends can be invited to join it. The hunter that creates a team will initially be the team captain, who is signified by a small yellow crown on the bottom right of their profile picture shown on the Team Profile page.

Joining an existing team

Hunters can join an existing team without invitation if the team captain has enabled the "open sign up" option.

Otherwise, hunters have to be invited by the captain. A notification will appear at the top of the game allowing hunters to choose whether to accept or decline the invitation.

Editing a team

The team captains can click on the "Edit Team" button on the team page to make changes to their team.

Team Name, Motto and Description

Captains can set their team name, motto and description in the text box provided on the "Team Details" tab.

Open Sign Up

If enabled, any MouseHunter can join this team without invitation.

Customising Emblem

The team emblem, which comprises of Sigil, Pattern and Background, can be customised by selecting each individual component on the "Emblem" tab.

Changing captains

The team captain can be changed by clicking on the "Make Captain" beside the name of the next intended captain on the "Team Members" tab.

Expanding a team

Currently, all teams can have at most 12 members, including the captain.

Before 3 October 2019, a brand new team can have at most 5 members, including the captain. To unlock additional slots and bring the team up to 12 members, the team must complete the following tasks, after which the team captain must unlock the slot:

Leaving or kicking from a team

Non-captains may leave their team by clicking on the "Leave Team" button. Alternatively, the captain can also kick a hunter by clicking on the "Kick" button beside their name. Captains who wish to leave their team without disbanding it should make another team member captain before leaving. It is advisable to claim any unclaimed Tournament Rewards before leaving the team.

Disbanding a team

The captain may disband their team by can clicking on the "Disband" button at the bottom of the "Edit Team" page. It is advisable to remind all team members to claim any unclaimed Tournament Rewards before disbanding the team.

Team Journal

Each member of the team can view the Team Journal, which shows the last four hunt-related Hunter's Journal entries for each team member (including failure to attract and failure to catch, which are normally private events, but excluding entries unrelated to a hunt). Since this includes misses, it which can help in tracking whether team members are in sync during a Tournament. It is not possible to view another team's journal.

Team Stocking

During the Great Winter Hunt 2012, it was possible to leave gifts in the Team Stocking of other team members. These gifts match those that could be found under a profile tree, and could be claimed on 25 December 2012. This was repeated for the Great Winter Hunt 2013 and Great Winter Hunt 2014, although with slightly different gifts available to leave in the stockings (for example, the Bigger, Golder Brick in 2014 replaced the Gold Brick of 2013).


See also

External Links