Crematio Scorchworth Mouse

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Crematio Scorchworth Mouse is a breed of mouse that will be found in Draconic Depths. It was released early for the area's pre-release event during Ronza's 2024 visit.
All information below is based off its cheese preference and hunting strategy during the visit.

Crematio Scorchworth Mouse
Mouse Group: Dragons of the Depths (Fire Dragons)
Mouse Statistics
Points: 70,000 Gold: 14,000
Location & Attraction Info
Required Power Types: Draconic Other Requirements: None
Cheese: Fiery Fontina Charm: None
Locations: Draconic Depths Loot: Dragonhide Sliver
Fire Grub
Larry's Loot Lexicon: MouseHunt Info Page Image: Image Link
This worn and weathered veteran has been wandering the Flame Caverns for longer than any Fire Dragon can remember. Despite his frail physique, he is still one of the most revered Fire Dragons and is generally considered to be a true trailblazer.
Mouse ID#: 1189

Cheese Preference

Crematio Scorchworth Mouse is only attracted to Fiery Fontina.

Hunting Strategy

Only Draconic power types are effective against Crematio Scorchworth Mouse.

History and Trivia

  • 6 August 2024: Crematio Scorchworth Mouse was released as part of a pre-release adventure of the Draconic Depths location.
  • 13 August 2024: Originally attracted by Hot Queso, Crematio Scorchworth Mouse moved to Draconic Depths as part of the official release of the location.