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Celebrate MouseHunt's 17th Birthday

4 March 2025

Revisit the SUPER|brie+ Factory!

Save the Factory, earn SUPER|brie+, and play the new Cheesy Pipe Party!

Happy Birthday!

Friday March 7, 2025 marks the 17th anniversary of MouseHunt! In celebration, the King has commanded the renowned SUPER|brie+ Factory to be brought up from the depths of the Rodentia Ocean. Hunters can once again visit this fabled factory to get an in-depth look at how SUPER|brie+ is made.

While the factory was rising, it was beset upon by hungry mice looking to steal the factory's parts and throw its entire cheese production into disarray. The King is now calling upon hunters to retrieve the stolen parts and repair the factory's infrastructure. There's SUPER|brie+, the Anniversary Aura, Party Charms, and more to earn!

Factory Touring Schedule

On March 18 the SUPER|brie+ Factory rooms will no longer be upgradable and the mice will no longer drop parts. Hunters can claim one final cheese crate instantly by just taking one hunt in the factory before March 25

The factory will close its doors completely on March 25 so make sure to claim all prizes and make any final purchases from the Vending Machine before then!

Introducing the Cheesy Pipe Party!

Get closer than ever before to the inner workings of cheese production and reap the delicious rewards.

Grab a wrench and get plumbing!

Collect Cheesy Pipe Wrenches from Vincent the Magnificent, the Factory Technician mouse, the General Store, and the Premium Shop.

50 Cheesy Pipe Wrenches
Essential plumbing supplies

Use these wrenches to play the new Cheesy Pipe Party mini game and earn cheesy prizes from any region you choose in the Kingdom!

Spend Cheesy Pipe Wrenches to
reveal hidden pipes
Click to rotate pipes freely and
make a connection to adjacent
Connect the pump to all the
prizes then click "Pump" to
complete the game!

Use Magic Cheesy Party Pumps to upgrade your Cheesy Pipe Party and add even more delicious prizes!

Magic Cheesy Party Pump
Powerful Plumbing Power!
5 Magic Cheesy Party Pumps
Even more motorized mayhem!

Mastering Cheese Production

Vincent the Magnificent is on the loose again! Use Coggy Colby to collect factory parts, upgrade all the rooms, then pump cheese to fill the cheese crates and attract this mischievous mouse!

15 Coggy Colby Cheese
Activate your pump!
15 Speedy Coggy Colby
+10 litres per catch!

Take cheese production to revolutionary levels of industrialization by using Factory Repair Charms! These mechanical wonders will activate your pump and add an additional +10 liters per catch, even if you don't have Coggy Colby armed. They also attract the very lucrative Factory Technician mouse who drops even more factory parts AND Cheesy Pipe Wrenches!

150 Factory Repair Charm
Pumps +10 litres per catch
Speedy Repair Gift Basket
Industrious gift idea!

Every time you capture Vincent, you'll earn a Golden Punch Ticket in addition to claiming your cheese crate. Spend these tickets in the shops for various exciting prizes!

Tasty New Rewards

Each cheese crate you claim will extend your Anniversary Aura and reward a quantity of SUPER|tokens+ which you can spend at the SUPER|snax+ Vending Machine. Golden Punch Tickets earned from Vincent can also be exchanged in the shops for a variety of useful goodies.

Fantasy Fizz Snack Pack
A new addition to the SUPER|snax+ Vending Machine containing the best treats from the Bountiful Beanstalk, School of Sorcery, and the Draconic Depths.
Black Forest Cake Base
A base with immense depth of flavour, mice get lost in all the dark swirls and can't find their way out.
17th Birthday Journal Theme
A brand new journal theme to commemorate MouseHunt's Sweet 17th Anniversary! Pick up this reward by spending a Golden Punch Ticket at the General Store.
Charms and more!
There are plenty more rewards to browse at the various shoppes of the SUPER|brie+ Factory! Crates of Ultimate Lucky Power Charms, Baitkeep Charms, various tiers of Party Charms, various Birthday Cake Bases, Journal Themes, and more! Make sure to check out all that the shops have to offer.

Trap Skins

New and exciting trap skins are available for purchase in the Premium Shop!

Infinite Dark Party Possibilities Trap Skin
For use with the Infinite Dark Magic Mirrors Trap!
Cotton Candy S.T.I.N.G.E.R Trap Skin
For use with the S.T.I.N.G.E.R Trap!
Chrome Slumber Party of Sharks Trap Skin
For use with the Chrome School of Sharks Trap!
Chrome Birthday Cannon Trap Skin
For use with the Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon Trap!
Mad Princess PartyBot Trap Skin
For use with the Legendary KingBot Trap!

Birthday Treasure Maps

There are a few varieties of treasure maps to embark upon while touring the factory! Each map will have you and your friends explore the various rooms of the factory in search of Treasure Map Clues.

No matter which map you take on, the treasure chest you find at the end will contain SUPER|tokens+ which you can spend at the Vending Machine or the Trapsmith for various trap skins.

Birthday Treasure Map

Tour the factory in search of Treasure Clues! For your efforts you'll be rewarded SUPER|tokens+, Coggy Colby, Ancient Charms, and more! Use a Rare Map Dust to get even more rewards! You can pick up a Birthday Scroll Case from the Cartographer at the SUPER|brie+ Factory.

Gilded Birthday Treasure Maps

There are two sizes of Gilded Birthday Scroll Cases, both leading to the exact same treasure chest and reward. However, the PARTY SIZE scroll case contains a map that up to 10 hunters can embark upon! These maps lead to a treasure chest which can contain a greater variety of items! You can find Speedy Coggy Colby, Gilded Charms, various tiers of Party Charms, and on rare occasion, a Slayer Scroll Case! Use a Rare Map Dust to get even more rewards!

Gilded Birthday Scroll Case
Up to 5 hunters
Party Size Gilded Birthday Scroll Case
Same reward, up to 10 hunters
Rare Map Dust
More Coggy and SUPER|tokens+ from maps!

Anniversary Aura

Opening birthday treasure chests will extend your Anniversary Aura and rare chests will extend it even more! While the Anniversary Aura is active, mice throughout the Kingdom have a chance to drop SUPER|brie+ cheese and Party Charms.

Birthday Goodies

The King has put together a variety of celebratory kits and gear to help hunters with repairing the cheese assembly lines or for those who just want to party hard!

Cheesy Pipe Party Bundle
Plumbing essentials: pipes, pumps, and a little bonus!
Party Starter Bundle
Party Size Scroll, 25 Cheese & Charms
Ultimate Party Bundle
Now Includes 5 Rare Map Dust!
Trap Skin Party Bundle
5 New Skins and a Bonus!
100 Speedy Coggy Colby
20 litres per catch
100 Coggy Colby Cheese
10 litres per catch
500 Factory Repair Charm
+10 litres per catch, bonus mouse
Speedy Repair Gift Basket
Great gift!
Speedy Plumbing Kit
Cheese and charm stock up!
Large Plumbing Speedy Plumbing Kit
Has everything you need!
The Birthday Celebration will enter shutdown phase on
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
On Tuesday, March 18, 2025, the Birthday Celebration event will enter its shutdown phase. Mice in the factory will no longer drop factory repair parts and the factory rooms will no longer be upgradeable.
Hunters will still be able to earn one final crate instantly.
The Birthday Celebration will end completely on
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
After the event ends, all the leftover Factory Repair Parts, SUPER|tokens+, and Golden Punch Tickets will be removed from hunters' inventories.
Make sure to spend your Factory Repair Parts, SUPER|tokens+ and Golden Punch Tickets to grab everything you want before March 25!
Get the party started!

-- Joshua✌️ Silveira