Patch Notes/Archive/2021/August
[hide]- 1 Patch Notes for August 26, 2021
- 2 Patch Notes for August 25, 2021 (#2)
- 3 Patch Notes for August 25, 2021
- 4 Patch Notes for August 24, 2021 (#2)
- 5 Patch Notes for August 24, 2021
- 6 Patch Notes for August 20, 2021
- 7 Patch Notes for August 19, 2021
- 8 Patch Notes for August 17, 2021
- 9 Patch Notes for August 16, 2021
- 10 Patch Notes for August 13, 2021 (#2)
- 11 Patch Notes for August 13, 2021
- 12 Patch Notes for August 10, 2021
- 13 Patch Notes for August 6, 2021
- 14 Patch Notes for August 3, 2021
26 August 2021
Patch Notes for August 26, 2021
- Fixed missing Leave button on Tournament page after tournament has started
- Fixed display issue with Forbidden Grove timer bar while on the Travel page
25 August 2021
Patch Notes for August 25, 2021 (#2)
- Removed Hydro Charm as a recommended charm when a Hydro trap is already equipped
25 August 2021
Patch Notes for August 25, 2021
- Fixed issue with floating timer bar in the Forbidden Grove when a hunter has joined a tournament
24 August 2021
Patch Notes for August 24, 2021 (#2)
- Fixed trap equipment recommendations for the Forbidden Grove to ensure the Realm Ripper Charm appears in the list
24 August 2021
Patch Notes for August 24, 2021
- Technical overhaul of the Forbidden Grove to improve performance and maintenance efforts
- Fixed a Camp page issue causing the trap zoom button to overlap the trap stats dialog
- Slightly increased Richard the Rich's preference for Extra Rich Cloud Cheesecake
20 August 2021
Patch Notes for August 20, 2021
- Fixed issue affecting the Items tab on the Hunter Profile page caused by the glowing hover state of the profile airship
19 August 2021
Patch Notes for August 19, 2021
- Fixed the Buy button for Extra Rich Cloud Cheesecake to link to the correct Premium Store item in the Floating Islands HUD cheesecake tooltip
- Fixed incorrect display for certain characters in hunter names within the Treasure Map UI
17 August 2021
Patch Notes for August 17, 2021
Ronza has lifted off, setting sail to the next destination along her merchant route taking with her a total earnings of 823,284,057,787 gold.
As Richard the Rich watched Ronza sail away into the sky, hauling untold hordes of gold with her, Richard felt a pang of sadness in realizing that Richard the Rich is no longer the Richest. Although still clinging to the title, Richard's demoralization resulted in a couple changes to his behaviour:
- All Floating Island power types are now "very effective" against Richard the Rich, consistent with the Fortuitous Fool Mouse
- Richard the Rich can now drop three Storm Cells on rare occasion
16 August 2021
Patch Notes for August 16, 2021
- Corrected gold reward for capturing an Aristo-Cat Burglar Mouse (was 23,500 is now 32,500)
- Removed the word "Airship" from the name of the "Beginner's Barge" in the Floating Islands Workshop
13 August 2021
Patch Notes for August 13, 2021 (#2)
- Added missing Chrome Cutter airship cosmetic set to Floating Islands Hangar
13 August 2021
Patch Notes for August 13, 2021
- Fixed outdated SUPER|brie+ image displayed on Camp Trap View
- Fixed missing Extra Rich Cloud Cheesecake in Large Hunter Trap View
- Fixed missing Mouse Scale journal image when using the Treasure Trawling Charm
10 August 2021
Patch Notes for August 10, 2021
Artwork, Gameplay and Quality-of-Life Updates
- Added "Skyfarer's Satchel" to Floating Islands heads-up display allowing hunters to pick and choose which items appear on the heads-up display
- Added option to Workshop to "stabilize" idle airship animations found throughout Floating Islands interfaces (web browser only)
- Trap library now references power type instead of island name as the same setup is saved for Low Altitude Islands, High Altitude Islands, and Sky Palace Vaults
- Added cool new take-off and landing animations to Floating Islands heads-up display
- Overhauled the Launch Pad heads-up display to accommodate both the Sky Map and Launch Console depending on a hunter's adventure and upgrade state
- Updated artwork of Explosive Base and Dehydration Base
- Updated default loading screen imagery within the mobile app (will be visible in a couple weeks when imagery to celebrate the release of the Sky Palace is removed)
- Added unique adventure book artwork for the Defeat Twisted Carmine and Slay the Geyser Dragon adventures
- Sky Pirates, Richard the Rich, and the Retired Minotaur may now appear on elite difficulty level treasure maps (affects Relic Hunter, Chrome, and Slayer maps)
- Magical Rancid Radioactive Blue Cheese now works as intended in the Forbidden Grove, along with a few minor changes to encounter rates for consistency with other locations
Bug Fixes
- Corrected High Altitude loot tooltips appearing underneath certain elements on the Sky Map interface
- Corrected icon for Shrine of Rain in several interfaces where the Shrine of Frost was being incorrectly displayed in its place
- Corrected error which erroneously allowed Skyfarer's Oculus upgrade button to be clicked even after reaching level nine in the Workshop until the page was refreshed
- Furoma Rift header illustration now changes as intended when entering and leaving the pagoda in the mobile app
- Fixed bug in mobile app where tournament invites would list hunter names that are capitalized ahead of hunter names which are not
- Corrected alignment issue in the journal messages related to the Elixir Exchange Base and S.L.A.C. in a Box within the mobile app
Copy Updates and Typo Corrections
- Corrected problem causing incorrect "a" or "an" to be used in some Floating Islands journal messages
- Corrected reference to Rekindling Keys as "enkindling keys" in Bristle Woods Rift heads-up display
- Corrected "Menance" typo in the Defeat the Menace of the Rift adventure
6 August 2021
Patch Notes for August 6, 2021
- Updated High Altitude Flight License to include required quantity of Sky Ore and Sky Glass for the Rocket Booster airship upgrade
- Fixed misspelling of SUPER|brie+ in the Cheese Shoppe which was using a lowercase L instead of the | (pipe) character*
3 August 2021
Patch Notes for August 3, 2021
- Added imagery for Beginner's Barge in the Floating Islands Workshop interface
- Updated how Airship Cosmetic names are presented in the Floating Islands Workshop interface
- Super, Extreme, and Ultimate Spooky Charms can all now be traded on the Marketplace to be consistent with similar "upgradable" charms
- Corrected alignment error in Treasure Map interface causing the tooltip for a hunter's name to appear higher than intended
- Floating Islands retreat button tooltip now correctly states hunters can retreat upon encountering a Sky Paragon or Sky Warden instead of capturing one