
From MHWiki

This example mouse page has been written with the assumption that text between hash marks (## ##) will be replaced with the relevant information for that page.

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Page source code

The '''##MOUSE_NAME##''' is a breed of [[Mice|mouse]] found in the [[##AREA_NAME##]].

{{ Mouse
 | id         = 
 | maxpoints  = 
 | mingold    = 
 | loot       = 
 | mgroup     = 
 | subgroup   = 
 | traptype   = 
 | bait       = 
 | habitat    = 
 | mhinfo     = 
 | charm      = 
 | other      =
 | image      = {{MHdomain}}/images/mice/large/##MICEIMAGELINK##
 | desc       =

== Location ==

Hunters can encounter the ##MOUSE_NAME## in ##LOCATION_LIST##.

== Preferred Cheese and Charm ==

The ##MOUSE_NAME## has been found to be attracted to ##CHEESE_LIST##.
<!-- or "##MOUSE_NAME## mice have no specific preference for any kind of cheese." -->

A ##CHARM_NAME## must be used to encounter this mouse.

==Hunting Strategy==

Only ##TRAP_TYPES## type traps are effective against the ##MOUSE_NAME##, all other power types are ineffective.
<!-- or "All trap types except for ##TRAP_TYPES## are effective against the ##MOUSE_NAME##." -->

<!-- Also include charm interactions, area specific interactions, required steps to be able to catch the mouse. Personal opinion and optional strategies should not be included. -->

| very = 
| effective = 
| less = 

== Loot ==

<!-- Continue this list as needed -->

The ##MOUSE_NAME## drops the following loot:

** ##LOOT_ITEM_1##
** ##LOOT_ITEM_2##

** ##LOOT_ITEM_1##
** ##LOOT_ITEM_2##

== History and Trivia ==

<!-- Trivia to include: Generic trivia, release date, changes to descriptions, mouse strength, loot, location, etc  -->


== Event Participation ==

<!-- Most recent event first -->

* ##EVENT_NAME## - '''##EVENT_DATES##'''
:*'''Cheese Preference:'''

== Images ==

<!-- Images to include: original images where mouse image has since changed. -->

<!-- CATEGORIES: Add relevant categories after this line -->