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(News: June 27 post)
(Add King's Cart Updates added after the initial KGA post)
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=== Template ===
=== [{{MHdomain}}/newspost.php?news_post_id=NUMBER NEWS TITLE] ===
=== News Title ===
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<p>Paragraph 2</p>
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-- {{MHP|ID_OF_POSTER|Name o'Poster}}
== News ==
=== Upcoming Changes to SUPER|brie+ Purchases ===
<p>'''PayPal, Cherry Credits, Paymo and PaymentWall will soon only be offered on'''</p>
<p>'''[http://www.mousehuntgame.com/ www.mousehuntgame.com]'''</p>
<p>Starting July 1st, every game on the Facebook Platform must process payments exclusively through Facebook Credits. In other words: you can only use Facebook Credits to make purchases on the Facebook version of MouseHunt ([http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/ apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/]). If using Facebook Credits is not your thing, '''you'll still be able to use PayPal, Cherry Credits, Paymo and PaymentWall on''' [http://www.mousehuntgame.com/ mousehuntgame.com].</p>
<p>Now, we know what some of you are thinking... "Does mousehuntgame.com use the same stats and inventory items that I have on the Facebook version??!!"</p>
<p>Don't sweat it - MouseHunt on [http://www.mousehuntgame.com/ mousehuntgame.com] is the exact same version as the one on Facebook, and all your account stats and inventory items are shared between the two sites. If you purchase SUPER|brie+ while on [http://www.mousehuntgame.com/ mousehuntgame.com], you'll be able to use it on both the Facebook version (apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/) and [http://www.mousehuntgame.com/ mousehuntgame.com].</p>
<p>To help spread the word about this upcoming change, we're having a big sale!</p>
<p>All prices have been dropped by 15% until Wednesday, June 29th!</p>
<p>[http://www.mousehuntgame.com/buy.php Click here] to check out the sale.</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
### this is the NOINCLUDE-tag ###
=== Newcomer Appreciation Week ===
<p>For the next week, the King is looking to find new recruits to learn the ropes of MouseHunting! The King, along with the aide of his advisors, is making an effort to reach out to other lands to find new hunters. A new games bar has been added above MouseHunt for this week. This bar will be also found in other Facebook games and will occasionally feature a MouseHunt banner.</p>
<p>Looking to play MouseHunt without the games bar? Try playing on [http://www.mousehuntgame.com/ www.mousehuntgame.com]</p>
<p>How can you help these newcomers? If you spot any new recruits while browsing the forum, consider reaching out to them and offering hunting tips and advice! If one of your friends is a new recruit, purchase a Novice Starter Kit with your gold for them from the [http://www.mousehuntgame.com/gift.php gifts page]. These kits contain Swiss Cheese, a Wooden Base with Target and a 500 lbs Spiked Crusher to help them get off to a good start!</p>
<p>Let's all pull together this week to welcome new recruits and strengthen our MouseHunting efforts!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
</blockquote> -->
''For older updates, visit the [[MHWiki:Current events/Archive|Archive]].''
=== [{{MHdomain}}/newspost.php?news_post_id=855 The King's Giveaway!] ===
=== Bonus Luck Weekend has Started! ===
<p>'''The +5 Bonus Luck Weekend has Started!'''</p>
<p>'''For this weekend only all hunters will have a +5 luck bonus while hunting!'''</p>
<p>The event will will end Monday June 20th at approximately 12pm/noon (EDT). The end time is only a rough guidelines, keep an eye on the news ticker at the top of the game to know exactly when the event has ended.</p>
==== What if I have the Lucky Golden Shield? ====
<p>The +5 Luck Bonus will be applied to all traps, meaning it will stack with the +7 Luck Bonus already offered by the [http://www.mousehuntgame.com/buy.php Lucky Golden Shield!]</p>
==== What does luck help with? ====
<p>Luck increases your chances of catching a mouse as well as gives a small bonus to your chance of finding loot while hunting. The more luck you have, the stronger the effect of it becomes!</p>
==== Looking for even MORE luck? ====
'''The King's Vault is Open!'''
<p>The King has assembled a supply kit full of SUPER|brie+ and powerful Luck Charms!</p>
Open prize packs and gain access to the King's Vault filled with goodies!
<p>[http://www.mousehuntgame.com/buy.php?hgref=luckyhuntkit '''GET ONE NOW!''']</p>
==== Looking for more advice on how to best maximize your hunting this weekend? ====
<p>Make sure to [http://www.mousehuntgame.com/forum/index.php visit the forums] and get advice from the many experienced hunters that hang out there! Don't be shy to seek out hunting tips and advice!</p>
==== The King's Giveaway has BEGUN! ====
The gilded gates protecting the King's Royal Treasure Vault have been opened and the King's Giveaway has begun!
From now until '''July 2''', the Treasurer, Snooty, High Roller, Mobster, and Leprechaun mice will be encountered more frequently everywhere in the Kingdom!
<p>Good luck to everyone hunting this weekend!</p>
During the giveaway, each time you attract a mouse, you'll have a chance to attract a prize mouse as a '''bonus hunt''' which does not consume any cheese or charms and will appear as an additional hunt in your Hunter's Journal.
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
<center>''Capture these rare and valuable mice for Prize Keys and a chance to win SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+, King's Credits, and more!''</center>
==== King's Prize Keys and The Vault ====
=== Bonus Luck Weekend: June 17th - 20th ===
The greedy prize mice have snatched up '''ALL''' the keys this year! Only prize mice will drop King's Prize Keys but they will always drop at least one! Use these keys to open 10 Mystery Prize Packs from your Hunter's Camp. These packs contain all sorts of goodies such as Gold, Regal Charms, King's Credits and SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+!
<p>'''This weekend is the first ever +5 Bonus Luck Weekend!'''</p>
<p>'''For this weekend only all hunters will have a +5 luck bonus while hunting!'''</p>
<p>The event will start on Friday, June 17th at approximately 12pm (noon) and end Monday June 20th at approximately 12pm (noon). The times are in EDT and are only rough guidelines. Keep an eye on the news ticker at the top of the game to know exactly when the event has started.</p>
Once you've opened 10 Mystery Prize Packs, the King will allow you to peek into the vault and select one of three randomly offered, highly valuable prizes! Once a prize has been selected from the vault, the door will slam shut and the prizes will reset. You may visit the vault every time you open 10 prize packs!
==== How can I prepare for the event? ====
<div style="text-align: center; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em; margin: 1em 0">
<div style="font-size: 115%>'''The King's Vault will close on July 9.'''<br>
Once the giveaway ends, any King's Prize Keys in your inventory will be removed, so make sure to use them up!
<p>Depending on where you are planning to hunt this weekend try planning ahead by stockpiling any hunting supplies you'll need. Hunting Dragons? Make sure to have a pile of Inferno Havarti! Looking to have an edge on the dangerous Big Bad Burroughs Mouse? Make sure to have an ample supply of Limelight Cheese!<br/>
Wherever you plan on hunting an extra +5 luck is sure to come in handy!</p>
==== Prized Items ====
Capturing a Treasurer, Snooty, or High Roller Mouse will reward you with King's Credits which you can spend at the King's Arms or King's Cart for equipment to help you in a wide range of hunting endeavours.
==== What if I have the Lucky Golden Shield? ====
Capturing a Mobster Mouse will reward you with SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+ in quantities of 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, or even 1,000!
<p>The +5 Luck Bonus will be applied to all traps, meaning it will stack with the +7 Luck Bonus already offered by the [http://www.mousehuntgame.com/buy.php Lucky Golden Shield!]</p>
Considered some of the most rare items in the Kingdom are the Mystery Pot of Gold and Mystery Satchel of Gold dropped by the extremely rare and elusive '''Leprechaun Mouse'''. Should you have the extraordinary luck of not only encountering but also capturing a Leprechaun Mouse it will most often drop a Mystery Satchel of Gold containing a generous quantity of Gold along with SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+ and charms. On more rare occasions, the Leprechaun will drop a Mystery Pot of Gold which contains even more SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+ and the chance of a cash prize!
==== What does luck help with? ====
<p>Luck increases your chances of catching a mouse as well as gives a small bonus to your chance of finding loot while hunting. The more luck you have, the stronger the effect of it becomes!</p>
==== Regal Codex ====
==== Looking for more advice on how to best maximize your hunting this weekend? ====
Unlock the new Regal Codex by hunting with any Regal Charm to find Regal Codex Pages as loot drops. Mice drop these pages both during and after the giveaway! The pages can then be turned in at the King's Arms for the Codex.
<p>Make sure to [http://www.mousehuntgame.com/forum/index.php visit the forums] and get advice from the many experienced hunters that hang out there! Don't be shy to seek out hunting tips and advice!</p>
<center>''The codex allows you a chance to upgrade your existing Regal Charm into the next tiered version!''</center>
<div style="text-align: center; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em; margin: 1em 0">
<div style="font-size: 115%>'''The Regal Codex will be a permanent addition to the King's Cart.'''<br>
This means that you can obtain it even after the King's Giveaway ends!
<p>Good luck to everyone hunting this weekend!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
==== King's Cart Updates ====
The following items have been added to the King's Cart:
=== New Papyrus Base Discovered! ===
{| style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: left"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Papyrus Seed'''<br>Cost: 1x King's Credit
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Ingenuity Grub'''<br>Cost: 1x King's Credit
|- style="text-align: left"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Unstable Charm'''<br>Cost: 2x King's Credit
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Compass Magnet'''<br>Cost: 20x King's Credit
|- style="text-align: left"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Regal Chrome Celestial Dissonance Skin'''<br>Cost: 300x King's Credit
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Regal Codex'''<br>Cost: 100x Regal Codex Page
==== New Discovery at the Muridae Trapsmith! ====
<p>The Trapsmith at the Muridae Market has made a ground-breaking discovery on how to utilize delicate sheets of Papyrus to create a base with an impressive luck bonus! The Papyrus base has a good mix of both power and luck, offering '''400 power''' along with '''10 luck'''. It's made from razor-thin sheets of Papyrus contained within a metal binding.</p>
==== Rainbow Treasure Maps ====
<p>Visit the [http://www.mousehuntgame.com/shops.php?tab=1 Trapsmith] at the [[Muridae Market]] for more details.</p>
Inside the King's Vault, hunters may have the option to select a Rainbow Scroll Case as one possible reward. This bright and colourful case contains a lengthy treasure map, which usually allows for six hunters to participate. However, hunters can upgrade their Rainbow Scroll Cases into a PARTY SIZE version by visiting the King's Arms or King's Cart. The exchange costs a regular Rainbow Scroll Case, 1 Rare Map Dust, and 50 Magic Essence. This jumbo scroll contains the same massive map, but allows for '''10 hunters''' to participate!
<p>'''New Base Discovery at the Muridae Trapsmith!'''</p>
Whether you take on a regular or party size map they'll both lead to the same Rainbow Treasure Chest rewarding Gold, Points, Ancient Charms, Rainbow Charms, King's Credits, and more!
<p>[http://www.mousehuntgame.com/forum/ Click Here to Visit the Forums]  |  [http://www.mousehuntgame.com/travel.php?hgref=papyrusbasenews Click here to Travel]</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
Not interested in completing such a huge map? Rainbow Treasure Maps can be completed at any time by claiming a consolation prize for a portion of the Points, Gold, and Ancient Charms based on the number of mice captured.
=== New Location: Muridae Market Needs Help! ===
==== Royal Deals ====
To celebrate the King's Giveaway, the King is offering royal deals on the most popular cheese in the Kingdom: SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+!
==== The Muridae Market Needs Help! ====
Until the end of the giveaway, some of the most popular bundles of SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+ are on sale with savings ranging from 10% all the way to 25% off.
<p>The Muridae Market, located in the Sandtail Desert, has been left in a state of disrepair after recent attacks by the Marching Flame! The market is calling out for the help of hunters who have helped push the Marching Flame back by capturing a Warmonger Mouse to aid in the repair of the market. If you have captured a Warmonger Mouse, you'll now be able to travel to the Muridae Market where you can help in the rebuilding process.</p>
==== Collecting Construction Materials ====
Additionally, the King has put together some marvelous bundles, offering up the very best of his royal stash of Regal Charms and SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+, along with some Prize Keys to exchange towards a King's Vault prize, for a bargain!
<p>To help rebuild the various shops in the Muridae Market, you'll first need to find suitable construction materials! Although the market has ordered a variety of building materials, the shipments are constantly being ransacked by mice! You'll need to hunt mice at the Muridae Market to recover Limestone Bricks, Coconut Timber and Shards of Glass that you will then be able to use to rebuild the Cheese Shoppe, General Store, Trapsmith, Charm Shoppe and Cartographer. Not only will each shop owner give you a small reward for your help, but you'll also be able to purchase new items from each shop you help rebuild! New crafting items, traps and charms await!</p>
==== Rebuilding the Cheese Shoppe ====
{| style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 1em"
<p>The Cheese Shop appears to be the least damaged of the shops. Rebuilding it will earn you a cheese reward and unlock the ability to purchase most of the basic types of cheese for a reasonable price, making restocking your bait a little more convenient while hunting in the remote desert.</p>
|- style="text-align: left"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Regal Key Ring Bundle'''<br>Regal Charms, SB+ and Prize Keys!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Ultimate Regal Vault Bundle'''<br>Ultimate Regals, SB+ and a Vault prize!
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Regal Regalia Trap Garment Bundle'''<br>Regal Trap Skins and a Vault prize!
|- style="text-align: left"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''500 SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+'''<br>$1 off! (USD)
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''1600 SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+'''<br>$5 off! (USD)
|- style="text-align: left"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''3500 SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+'''<br>$10 off! (USD)
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''7500 SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+'''<br>$25 off! (USD)
==== Rebuilding the General Store ====
''Hunters who have purchased the SUPER|brie+ quantities of 500, 1,600, 2,500, or 7,500 from the Premium Shop within the last two weeks may be compensated by writing in to MouseHunt Support. We're working through these compensations manually. If you purchased 500, 1,600, 3,500, or 7,500 SUPER|brie+ within the last two weeks you'll have an entry added to your Hunter's Journal upon being compensated. If you do not receive a journal entry within 48 hours please get in touch via "Help > Contact Us" (browser) or "Help and Support" (mobile).''
<p>Rebuilding the General Store will prove extremely helpful while rebuilding other shops in the market. At the General Store you'll be able to trade any excess building materials you have for other types of building materials you need. It's also the only place you'll find Molten Glass, which is needed to rebuild some of the more damaged shops in the market.</p>
==== Rebuilding the Trapsmith ====
<p>The Muridae Trapsmith offers some extremely powerful traps that will be very useful if you're looking to upgrade your trap to better hunt in the mice in the market. Once you have rebuilt the Trapsmith you'll be able to purchase the Sandtail Sentinel and the Dimensional Chest Trap, both of which have impressive power and luck stats! These traps are powered by Flameshards, so make sure you have some handy before visiting the shop to purchase a trap!</p>
==== Rebuilding the Charm Shoppe ====
<div style="text-align: center; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em; margin: 1em 0">
<p>Rebuilding the Charm Shoppe will allow you to purchase a wide variety of interesting charms that can help you better hunt in both the Muridae Market, as well as help you fight off future Marching Flame attacks in the Fiery Warpath. One charm of particular interest is the Artisan Charm, which will attract a couple of elusive mice that drop a particularly rare building material: Papyrus. Finding a few pieces of Papyrus is needed in order to rebuild the Cartographer.</p>
<div style="font-size: 115%>'''On July 2, Prize Keys will stop dropping, and Prize mice will go back into hiding.'''
==== Rebuilding the Cartographer ====
'''The Giveaway will remain accessible for opening Prize Packs and King's Vaults until July 9'''
<p>The Cartographer at the Muridae Market is responsible for creating keys used to access the enchanted garden that sits within the massive dome atop the market. The garden was severely damaged during the attacks, causing the magical desert flowers within the garden to be be wiped out in a wall of flame. The garden's keepers are hard at work re-growing these flowers, but it is a slow and tedious process that will no doubt take a considerable amount of time.</p>
<p style="font-color: red;">Until the gardeners have finished their work, no hunters will be permitted into the Living Garden; however, you may purchase a key to be ready for when the garden opens.</p>
King's Prize Keys will be removed from inventories shortly afterwards, so be sure to exchange them all!
==== Hints and Tips for Rebuilding ====
<center>The event will end at approximately 3:00pm UTC</center>
* You can rebuild the shops in any order you wish. However, keep in mind that you'll need to rebuild the General Store to be able to purchase Molten Glass, which is used to rebuild some of the more damaged shops.
* If you find yourself having a large excess of a particular building material you can visit the General Store to trade it for other building materials.
* Rebuilding the Trapsmith will prove extremely useful if you're looking for a more powerful trap to hunt mice at the market.
* To find Papyrus and rebuild the Cartographer, you'll need to purchase Artisan Charms after rebuilding the Charm Shoppe.
* If you're unsure of which shop to rebuild next, you may visit them to see a preview of their goods.
==== King's Supply Kits and Gift Baskets ====
==== A Reminder About Bonus Hunts ====
<p>To help rebuild the city the King has assembled a few baskets and supply kits to aid hunters who are helping to rebuild the Muridae Market. These kits contain SUPER|brie+ and provide the Lucky Golden Shield. As a small bonus, the King has also included a small amount of construction materials to lend a hand with rebuilding the city. The Mega Supply Kit also has a few Artisan Charms to help attract a greater variety of mice!</p>
Bonus hunts do not affect area progression, consume cheese or charms, or trigger special hunting effects and abilities. This means bonus hunts will not do things such as move your submarine forward in the Sunken City, advance your position in the Valour Rift, affect rage levels in Whisker Woods Rift, etc.
<p>'''New Assignment for Barons, Baronesses and above!'''
The "special" bonuses '''specifically''' provided by your trap, base, charm, and aura(s) (not area bonuses like the Furoma Rift Droid) are taken into account as expected when encountering a mouse on a bonus hunt.
* If you have captured a Warmonger Mouse, you can now travel to Muridae Market
* Help rebuild various shops to access new items and rewards!</p>
<p>[http://www.mousehuntgame.com/canvas/boards.php?hgref=muridae Click Here to Visit the Forums]  |   [http://www.mousehuntgame.com/canvas/travel.php?hgref=muridae_kits Click here to Travel]</p>
-- {{MHP|510239199|Franco D'Auria}}
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}

Latest revision as of 20:44, 20 June 2024

For older updates, visit the Archive.

The King's Giveaway!

18 June 2024

The King's Vault is Open!

Open prize packs and gain access to the King's Vault filled with goodies!

The King's Giveaway has BEGUN!

The gilded gates protecting the King's Royal Treasure Vault have been opened and the King's Giveaway has begun!

From now until July 2, the Treasurer, Snooty, High Roller, Mobster, and Leprechaun mice will be encountered more frequently everywhere in the Kingdom!

During the giveaway, each time you attract a mouse, you'll have a chance to attract a prize mouse as a bonus hunt which does not consume any cheese or charms and will appear as an additional hunt in your Hunter's Journal.

Capture these rare and valuable mice for Prize Keys and a chance to win SUPER|brie+, King's Credits, and more!

King's Prize Keys and The Vault

The greedy prize mice have snatched up ALL the keys this year! Only prize mice will drop King's Prize Keys but they will always drop at least one! Use these keys to open 10 Mystery Prize Packs from your Hunter's Camp. These packs contain all sorts of goodies such as Gold, Regal Charms, King's Credits and SUPER|brie+!

Once you've opened 10 Mystery Prize Packs, the King will allow you to peek into the vault and select one of three randomly offered, highly valuable prizes! Once a prize has been selected from the vault, the door will slam shut and the prizes will reset. You may visit the vault every time you open 10 prize packs!

The King's Vault will close on July 9.

Once the giveaway ends, any King's Prize Keys in your inventory will be removed, so make sure to use them up!

Prized Items

Capturing a Treasurer, Snooty, or High Roller Mouse will reward you with King's Credits which you can spend at the King's Arms or King's Cart for equipment to help you in a wide range of hunting endeavours.

Capturing a Mobster Mouse will reward you with SUPER|brie+ in quantities of 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, or even 1,000!

Considered some of the most rare items in the Kingdom are the Mystery Pot of Gold and Mystery Satchel of Gold dropped by the extremely rare and elusive Leprechaun Mouse. Should you have the extraordinary luck of not only encountering but also capturing a Leprechaun Mouse it will most often drop a Mystery Satchel of Gold containing a generous quantity of Gold along with SUPER|brie+ and charms. On more rare occasions, the Leprechaun will drop a Mystery Pot of Gold which contains even more SUPER|brie+ and the chance of a cash prize!

Regal Codex

Unlock the new Regal Codex by hunting with any Regal Charm to find Regal Codex Pages as loot drops. Mice drop these pages both during and after the giveaway! The pages can then be turned in at the King's Arms for the Codex.

The codex allows you a chance to upgrade your existing Regal Charm into the next tiered version!
The Regal Codex will be a permanent addition to the King's Cart.

This means that you can obtain it even after the King's Giveaway ends!

King's Cart Updates

The following items have been added to the King's Cart:

Papyrus Seed
Cost: 1x King's Credit
Ingenuity Grub
Cost: 1x King's Credit
Unstable Charm
Cost: 2x King's Credit
Compass Magnet
Cost: 20x King's Credit
Regal Chrome Celestial Dissonance Skin
Cost: 300x King's Credit
Regal Codex
Cost: 100x Regal Codex Page

Rainbow Treasure Maps

Inside the King's Vault, hunters may have the option to select a Rainbow Scroll Case as one possible reward. This bright and colourful case contains a lengthy treasure map, which usually allows for six hunters to participate. However, hunters can upgrade their Rainbow Scroll Cases into a PARTY SIZE version by visiting the King's Arms or King's Cart. The exchange costs a regular Rainbow Scroll Case, 1 Rare Map Dust, and 50 Magic Essence. This jumbo scroll contains the same massive map, but allows for 10 hunters to participate!

Whether you take on a regular or party size map they'll both lead to the same Rainbow Treasure Chest rewarding Gold, Points, Ancient Charms, Rainbow Charms, King's Credits, and more!

Not interested in completing such a huge map? Rainbow Treasure Maps can be completed at any time by claiming a consolation prize for a portion of the Points, Gold, and Ancient Charms based on the number of mice captured.

Royal Deals

To celebrate the King's Giveaway, the King is offering royal deals on the most popular cheese in the Kingdom: SUPER|brie+!

Until the end of the giveaway, some of the most popular bundles of SUPER|brie+ are on sale with savings ranging from 10% all the way to 25% off.

Additionally, the King has put together some marvelous bundles, offering up the very best of his royal stash of Regal Charms and SUPER|brie+, along with some Prize Keys to exchange towards a King's Vault prize, for a bargain!

Regal Key Ring Bundle
Regal Charms, SB+ and Prize Keys!
Ultimate Regal Vault Bundle
Ultimate Regals, SB+ and a Vault prize!
Regal Regalia Trap Garment Bundle
Regal Trap Skins and a Vault prize!
500 SUPER|brie+
$1 off! (USD)
1600 SUPER|brie+
$5 off! (USD)
3500 SUPER|brie+
$10 off! (USD)
7500 SUPER|brie+
$25 off! (USD)

Hunters who have purchased the SUPER|brie+ quantities of 500, 1,600, 2,500, or 7,500 from the Premium Shop within the last two weeks may be compensated by writing in to MouseHunt Support. We're working through these compensations manually. If you purchased 500, 1,600, 3,500, or 7,500 SUPER|brie+ within the last two weeks you'll have an entry added to your Hunter's Journal upon being compensated. If you do not receive a journal entry within 48 hours please get in touch via "Help > Contact Us" (browser) or "Help and Support" (mobile).

On July 2, Prize Keys will stop dropping, and Prize mice will go back into hiding.

The Giveaway will remain accessible for opening Prize Packs and King's Vaults until July 9

King's Prize Keys will be removed from inventories shortly afterwards, so be sure to exchange them all!

The event will end at approximately 3:00pm UTC

A Reminder About Bonus Hunts

Bonus hunts do not affect area progression, consume cheese or charms, or trigger special hunting effects and abilities. This means bonus hunts will not do things such as move your submarine forward in the Sunken City, advance your position in the Valour Rift, affect rage levels in Whisker Woods Rift, etc.

The "special" bonuses specifically provided by your trap, base, charm, and aura(s) (not area bonuses like the Furoma Rift Droid) are taken into account as expected when encountering a mouse on a bonus hunt.

-- Franco D'Auria