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(Update for Draconic Depths release)
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=== [{{MHdomain}}/newspost.php?news_post_id=NUMBER NEWS TITLE] ===
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-- {{MHP|ID_OF_POSTER|Name o'Poster}}
== News ==
===Amazing New Trap Discovery!===
====New Trap Discovery!====
<p>The Scientists of Digby realize the life of a MouseHunter has gotten really tough, so they've invented a brand new tool to help any hunter out there struggling. After much hard work they are pleased to present to you the Omni-trap™!</p>
<p>The geniuses over at Digby Labs formulated a device that could 'etherealize' any trap component, using this ability they soon realized they could 'stack' as many components into the same time-space as they wanted!</p>
<p>With '''183,940 power''', no mouse is safe from the Omni-Trap™. Aside from the amazing power, every mouse's weakness is exploited, as the Omni-Trap™ utilizes the '''power type "ALL"''', no mouse will escape!</p>
<p>Make hunting a breeze with the new Omni-Trap™ today! All you will need is '''Splintered Wood''', a few pieces of '''Stale Cheese''', a '''dash of ionized salt''' and a '''wild goose'''!</p>
<p>Trade these items in for your very own Omni-Trap™ at your local trapsmith today! (while supplies last)</p>
<p>'''Good Luck in the Hunt!'''</p>
</blockquote> -->
''For older updates, visit the [[MHWiki:Current events/Archive|Archive]].''
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
=== [{{MHdomain}}/newspost.php?news_post_id=868 The Draconic Depths has Surfaced!] ===
### this is the NOINCLUDE-tag ###
===A New Threat Approaches Gnawnia===
<p>'''Gnawnia is Under Attack!'''<br/>
The King needs his most experienced hunters to defend the Kingdom!</p>
====The Marching Flame Approaches Gnawnia====
<p>An army of mice known as the Marching Flame have stalked the desert west of the Lagoon for years conquering land and destroying settlements. Their warpath has now met the border of Whisker Woods where the Kingdom of Gnawnia lies in their sights! The King is calling upon his most experienced hunters who have shown great knowledge of the Lagoon to defend Whisker Woods and prevent the Marching Flame from advancing towards the castle. They've even had the audacity to deface our MouseHunt Shield! If you find yourself called upon, please hurry west to the Sandtail Desert and offer your help!</p>
====Desert Supplies====
<p>Once you have setup camp in the desert make sure to visit the local General Store and Charm Shoppe where special supplies have been stocked to help in your efforts to defeat the Marching Flame. In addition to these new shoppes, the King has also put together a Warpath Survival Kit containing SUPER|brie+ as well as special charms to help defeat the Marching Flame. Once you reach the desert, these survival kits are sure to come in handy, [http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/newspost.php?news_post_id=59&hgref=mfnews# '''GET ONE NOW!''']
====Be Prepared====
The Marching Flame are highly organized and come in great numbers. Defeating one of their battallions will not be an easy task, however, the rewards are great. The leader of each battallion has been known to hold scarce pieces of loot that local trapsmiths have found to be useful in crafting traps of unmatched power.<br/>
This is all that is known of this new threat, however, there is still much to discover! If you come across information that may help defeat the Marching Flame do not hesitate to let your hunting group know and make sure to visit the [http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/boards.php discussion boards] to share information and discuss tactics with fellow hunters.</p>
====Have Yet to Reach Baron/Baroness?====
<p>A new trap has been discovered that will help you conquer the Tribal Isles and get one step closer to reaching Baron/Baroness! The Enraged RhinoBot is a craftable upgrade to the RhinoBot made by combining multiple Rhino Horns with RhinoBot Parts, Stale SUPER|brie+ and some Tiny Platinum Bars. The Enraged RhinoBot not only has more power than the original RhinoBot but also has a healthy luck bonus! The mice of Derr Dunes don't stand a chance!</p>
<p>'''Best of Luck, Hunters!'''<br/>
The Kingdom is depending on you!<br/>
[http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/boards.php?hgref=warpathnews Click Here to Visit the Forums]</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===Double Scrap Metal Weekend: March 18th - 21st===
<p>This weekend will be a double [[Scrap Metal]] event! This means all mice that drop scrap metal will drop '''twice''' as much!</p>
<p>The event will start on Friday, March 18th at approximately 12pm (noon) and end Monday, March 21st at approximately 12pm (noon). The times are in EST and are only rough guidelines. Keep an eye on the news ticker at the top of the game to know exactly when the event has started.</p>
<p>'''What mice drop scrap metal?'''<br/>
There are currently six active mice that are known to drop scrap metal. They are the Big Bad Burroughs, Nugget, Hydra, Silth, Terror Knight and Scavenger. Additionally, the Steel Mouse does occasionally drop scrap metal, but only if caught with a Drillbot.</p>
<p>For tips on how to best hunt these breeds check out the MouseHunt Wiki or visit the [http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/boards.php discussion boards] to share advice.</p>
<p>'''How can I prepare for the event?'''<br/>
Make sure to have enough cheese to hunt the mouse or mice you plan on targeting. [[Limelight]] and [[Radioactive Blue]] Cheese are sure to come in handy as well as a few [http://mhwiki.hitgrab.com/wiki/index.php/Antiskele_Charm Anti-Skele Charms] (only while in the Catacombs) to help home-in on those scrap metal dropping mice!</p>
<p>Good luck to everyone who plans on hunting scrap metal this weekend and happy hunting!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===MouseHunt's 3rd Birthday Celebration!===
<p>'''We're celebrating MouseHunt's 3rd Birthday Bash!'''<br/>
Visit the Birthday Party location in Gnawnia</p>
====MouseHunt is Three Years Old!====
<p>We've been hunting mice and exploring the vast world of Gnawnia for three years! To celebrate, the King has set up an inflatable fortress of fun and frivolity just south of the castle and every hunter has been invited. However, it seems mice have crashed the party! With all the sugar coated cakes and treats, some of the mice have given up other flavours of cheese and developed an incurable sweet tooth. Luckily a new potion has been discovered to create a cupcake-flavoured version of Colby Cheese. Its sugary good taste and scent are sure to attract the party animals!</p>
====Cupcake Colby Potion====
<p>In order to attract all the mice at the Birthday Party and discover what unique loot they may hold, you'll need some potions to create Cupcake Colby Cheese. These potions can be collected as loot at the Birthday Party. Mice at the party that drop potions include Cowardly Mice, who are attracted to most standard bait types, as well as Curious Chemist Mice who have a preference for SUPER|brie+. Additionally, if you're in the giving mood you can send friends Cupcake Colby Potions as party favours! By clicking the [http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/gift.php gift] button at the top of the game, you will be able to send them potions for free!</p>
====Three "Blind" Mice====
<p>Three new event mice have shown up at the birthday party. They each share a common affliction: they can't see your trap in front of them! The Buckethead, Pintail and Sleepwalker Mouse each have a finely tuned sense of smell for birthday treats and can't resist the sweet scent of Cupcake Colby Cheese. Arm your trap with some and these three mice are sure to wander by!</p>
====2011 Birthday Gifts====
<p>Birthday Mice at the party are dropping gifts as loot! These wrapped boxes mostly contain a few pieces of cheese to help in your hunting endevours. However, they occasionally may contain some SUPER|brie+, King's Credits or both!</p>
====Birthday Base and Trap====
<p>'''Cheesecake Base - Sold at the Birthday Party!'''<br/>
His Majesty's head chef has created a confectionary masterpiece from a material known to attract mice -- cheese! When used as a base, this rich and decadent cake provides an impressive attraction bonus to your trap setup!</p>
<p>'''Birthday Candle Kaboom Trap - Sold at the Birthday Party'''<br/>
These candles are sure to add explosive flavour to any Birthday Cake! To purchase one from the Trapsmith at the Birthday Party, you'll first have to collect the required materials by hunting the mice at the party. Travel to the Birthday Party location and visit the Trapsmith for more information.</p>
====Capturing a Terrible Twos Mouse====
<p>If you took part in last year's birthday celebration, you no doubt remember that only the Nannybot was able to tame the tenacious Terrible Twos Mouse. Mustachio the Charmer has been working dilligently with the scientists of Digby to research a charm that can harness the Parental power type. Such a charm was discovered, but was just as quickly stolen by the mice! It can now be found as loot at the Birthday Party. The few Nanny Charms Digby scientists were able to recover can be sent to friends as gifts. After all, what's a birthday party without gifts?</p>
====New Items at the Festive Gift Shoppe====
<p>Speaking of gift-giving, the [http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/gift.php Festive Gift Shoppe] has returned with three new items! The Spring Toy, Birthday Bear and Silly Birthday Hat can be purchased as gifts for friends</p>
====Birthday Gift Basket====
<p>To celebrate MouseHunt's Birthday a special gift basket is available that contains 200 SUPER|brie+ and provides the Lucky Golden Shield for 1 month when opened. The basket also contains 100 Cupcake Colby Cheese to tempt the sweet-loving mice at the Birthday Party with! Whether you send some to friends, or keep some for yourself, opening these baskets are a great way to celebrate at the party!</p>
<p>GET ONE NOW!</p>
<p>'''How to Get Started:'''<br/>
Travel to the Birthday Party Location<br/>
Collect Cupcake Colby Potions and Nanny Charms as Loot or from Gifts<br/>
Arm Cupcake Colby to Capture the New Event Mice!<br/>
Make Sure to Visit the Trapsmith While at the Party!<br/>
[http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/travel.php?hgref=bday2011 Click Here to Travel] | [http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/gift.php?hgref=bday2011 Click Here to Send Gifts]</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===Recent Maintenance===
<p>Hey hunters!</p>
<p>We recently did an update to improve how the game communicates with Facebook. A couple unexpected things came up during that update that caused the game to be unavailable for a few minutes.</p>
<p>We're still ironing out a few small problems. In the meantime you may notice some pages not loading properly, or an occasional scrollbar along the side of the game.</p>
<p>Thanks for your patience while we fix the affected pages.</p>
<p>Happy hunting!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===Heart of the Rabbit Party Comes to an End===
<p>The Heart of the Rabbit Party has come to an end. The unique event mice have left, but will return next year. The party was a small one, but was still full of love and celebration! If you have unused Valentine Charms, you are still able to share them with friends.</p>
<p>Hope everyone enjoyed the party. Happy hunting!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===Heart of the Rabbit Party===
====Valentines and Lunar New Year Mice====
<p>The party is in the Town of Gnawnia and Training Grounds</p>
<p>New charms and collectibles</p>
====Festive Mice in the Town of Gnawnia and Training Grounds====
<p>With Lunar New Year celebrations already underway and Valentine's Day just around the corner, it seems some new mice have shown up to celebrate! These event mice include: The Costumed Tiger, Costumed Rabbit, Red Envelope, Cupid, Juliyes, Romeo and Romeno. Some of them are even dropping unique loot, and there is rumor that a few other mice in Furoma may be as well.</p>
====The Festive Gift Shoppe Returns====
<p>The Festive Gift Shoppe has returned! You can visit the shoppe by clicking the gift button at the very top of the game. There are several gifts available to celebrate both Lunar New Year and Valentine's Day, so make sure to stop by the Festive Gift Shoppe and send a friend something special!</p>
====Two New Charms====
<p>Two new charms can now be found as loot from some of the special event mice.</p>
=====Valentine's Charm=====
<p>Bursting with affection, this charm gives a 25% attraction bonus! Valentine's Charms can be found as loot and can be shared with friends by visiting the give to friends page.</p>
=====Lucky Rabbit Charm=====
<p>These charms are made from 100% naturally shed fur from a rabbit's hind leg. Lucky Rabbit Charms can be found as loot and give +6 luck!</p>
====New Festive Gift Basket====
=====Heart of the Rabbit Gift Basket=====
<p>To celebrate the Heart of the Rabbit Party a special gift basket is available that contains 200 SUPER|brie+ and provides the Lucky Golden Shield for 1 month when opened. The basket also has 3 Valentine Charms and 3 Lucky Rabbit Charms as a festive bonus!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===Charm Pack #1 Released===
<p>'''Charm Pack #1 Released!'''<br/>
Seven new, craftable charms<br/>
More sellable items for the Marketplace</p>
====Moustachio's Secret of Crafting Charms====
<p>At last, Moustachio is sharing his secret of how to craft charms! The process involves two new, unique crafting items: '''Charmbits''' and '''Orbs'''.</p>
<p>'''Charmbits''' are a strange combination of science and magic. They are impossibly small particles that hold the magical effect each charm has. The amount of Charmbits needed to craft a charm vary depending on what specific charm you are making. Moustachio sells Charmbits at his shoppe in the Mountain for 25 gold each.</p>
<p>'''Orbs''' are made from special glass and act as a container for Charmbits. There are four different grades of Orb, which are: Flawed, Simple, Flawless and Divine. More powerful charms require a higher grade of Orb. Mice have stolen Moustachio's supply of orbs, so if you're looking to find some you'll have to hunt specific breeds. Orbs are somewhat scarce and can be hard to find, however, they are tradable on the [http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/trade.php Marketplace].</p>
====Types of Orbs====
<p>It is important to remember that '''all orbs are tradable on the [http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/trade.php marketplace]'''. If you find orbs you don't need, consider selling them on the marketplace for some extra gold. If you need a lot of orbs, visit the marketplace to buy some from other players.</p>
<p>'''Flawed Orb'''<br/>
The lowest grade of orb -- used in crafting rudimentary, low-power charms.<br/>
Dropped by a few of the mice indigenous to the Gnawnia region.</p>
<p>'''Simple Orb'''<br/>
Made of regular glass -- used in crafting medium-strength charms.<br/>
Dropped by a variety of mice in several locations.</p>
<p>'''Flawless Orb'''<br/>
Made of quality glass -- used in crafting high-strength charms.<br/>
Dropped by a few mice in the Kingdom.</p>
<p>'''Divine Orb'''<br/>
Made of enchanted crystal -- used in crafting the most powerful charms.<br/>
Hard to find, dropped by strong or rare mice.</p>
<p>The type of Orb needed depends on the type of charm being crafted. In general, more powerful charms require a higher grade of orb while less powerful charms require a lower grade of orb. Some orbs are hard to find, so remember to check marketplace frequently to see if other hunters are selling any.</p>
====Newly Discovered Charms====
<p>All seven of these new charms are tradable on the [http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/trade.php marketplace].</p>
<p>'''Rotten Charm'''<br/>
Made from rotten pieces of dried up cheese, this charm's funky odour adds power to your trap by causing a mouse to become slightly queasy right as they attempt to steal your bait. This powerful stench is also known to penetrate bait, increasing the chance of it turning stale.</p>
<p>'''Super Rotten Charm'''<br/>
Imbued with rock-hard Stale SUPER|brie+, this charm emits a powerful stench that puts a mouse into a severely disorientated state. The intense odour also increases the chance of your bait turning stale should you fail to attract a mouse.</p>
<p>'''Prospector's Charm'''<br/>
With a center of hard meteorite, this mining charm provides +200 power and a 1% power bonus to your trap. When used in the Mountain, this charm's prospecting ability attracts more Gold and Diamond mice. When used alongside SUPER|brie+ in the Mountain, these charms also increase the attraction of Silvertail mice.</p>
<p>'''Antiskele Charm'''<br/>
This charm is packed with concentrated Radioactive Sludge, which is highly corrosive to bone. Skeleton Mice in the Catacombs fear these charms and will stay clear of your trap while you have one armed.</p>
<p>'''Scientist's Charm'''<br/>
Powered by small fragments of Living Shard, this technologically advanced charm is scientifically engineered to increase both the chance of mice dropping Radioactive Blue Potions, as well as the quantity dropped while hunting in the Burroughs' Laboratory.</p>
<p>'''Empowered Anchor Charm'''<br/>
This charm is created by bonding Charmbits with Scrap Metal to forge a mighty anchor that increases the stability of a trap's weapon, providing a significant power bonus. The anchor also prevents being washed out of Balack's Cove when capturing a Riptide Mouse.</p>
<p>'''Dragonbane Charm'''<br/>
This charm acts as a hidden surprise to any Dragon Mice bold enough to come near your trap. When activated, the charm bursts out a jarring cold blast of air, strong enough to disable the Dragon's molten breath, making the Dragon easier to catch. This charm is only consumed when a Dragon Mouse is encountered.</p>
<p>'''MouseHunt Charm Pack #1 Now Released!'''<br/>
Visit the Marketplace over the next few days to see what orbs and charms other hunters are selling!<br/>
[http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/boards.php Hang out on the forums] today to discuss new charm crafting recipes!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===Ronza has Left Gnawnia===
<p>'''Ronza has left Gnawnia!'''<br/>
Moustachio is preparing to share the secret of crafting charms</p>
====Ronza's Departure====
<p>Ronza has left Gnawnia to return to exploring the world for rare traps and items! Although no one knows when she'll return again, Ronza hopes it won't be too long! She will be visiting far off lands searching for new traps and shiny buckets of chrome paint.</p>
====Hope Mouse in Action!====
<p>The Hope Mouse is altruistic by nature, wanting only to help others, be they human or mouse. The King has been so touched by the selflessness of these mice that he has sent out a decree. If any hunter should catch a Hope Mouse, dust him off and send him on his way, as he's likely off to do some good in the world.</p>
<p>Recent flooding in Australia, Brazil, Philippines and Sri Lanka have sprung this mouse into action! Many organizations, such as the Queensland Government, are currently helping out. Please consider giving them your support.</p>
<p>Hope mice can be found in a handful of locations across the Kingdom, including the Town of Gnawnia, S.S. Huntington II, Cape Clawed and more.</p>
====Moustachio's Charming Secret====
<p>Moustachio holds the secret of how to craft charms and is preparing to share that secret with hunters, as well as provide some of the required materials at his charm shoppe in the Mountains. Watch the news section for the release of the first charm pack, which will include several new charms with unique properties. Many crafted charms will be tradable on the marketplace!</p>
<p>'''MouseHunt Charm Pack #1 -- Coming Soon!'''</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===Ronza Leaves this Wednesday!===
<p>'''Ronza leaves this Wednesday'''<br/>
'''She'll be leaving at approximately 3pm EST (8pm GMT)'''</p>
<p>This is your last chance to visit her shoppe!</p>
====Ronza's Departure====
<p>Ronza will be leaving Wednesday, January the 19th at approximately 3pm EST (8pm GMT). If you are at her shoppe after it closes, you will be relocated to the Meadow. If you have yet to visit her shoppe, make sure you do so before she leaves. Most of the items she sells will be never be sold again, anywhere.</p>
====Last Chance to Claim Your Ronza Voucher====
'''Viceroy hunters and above can now embark on a new adventure.'''<br>
A new area has released in the Folklore Forest!
<p>Once Ronza leaves, you will no longer be able to exchange your voucher from the 2010 Great Winter Hunt for her crate of Ultimate Luck Charms. These charms add +20 luck to your trap, making them very useful when hunting tough mice or seeking rare loot. Make sure to stop by Ronza's Shoppe soon if you have yet to redeem your voucher.</p>
==== The Draconic Depths has Surfaced! ====
Thanks to Ronza's tireless efforts, the Mythweaver's latest plot has been discovered and it is unfolding beneath our very feet.
====Moustachio's Charm Shoppe====
Instead of invading a world of fantasy yet again, this time the Mythweaver plans to invade the world with fantasy!
<p>As a reminder, Moustachio's Charm Shoppe is a permanent addition to the Mountains. The Pine Charm Conduit, Power Charm, Attraction Charm and Luck Charm will continue to be sold by Moustachio. His supply of First Ever Charms, however, is beginning to dwindle. Make sure to pick up a few First Ever Charms before Moustachio sells out.</p>
So after losing his tenure at the School of Sorcery, this malevolent mastermind took it upon himself to dig up the very essence of fear and destruction in the minds and hearts of Gnawnians: dragons!
<p>Now that Moustachio has settled into his new home in the Mountains, he is getting ready to reveal the secret of crafting charms and teach hunters how to make their own unique charms! Look for several new charms to be released soon, many of which can be crafted and exchanged on the marketplace.</p>
The King is now calling upon all MouseHunters ranked Viceroy and above to travel to the new '''Draconic Depths''' and stop this invasion before it takes flight.
<p>Visit Ronza's Traveling Shoppe before she leaves!</p>
==== Prepare for your Descent ====
<p>'''Her Limited Edition items will never be sold again'''</p>
The '''Tale of the First Dragons''' map piece can be purchased from the School of Sorcery Cartographer for '''1,000,000 Gold''', '''1,000 Sorcerer's Sapphires''', and requires completion of the Become a Master Sorcerer adventure for any hunters who have yet to obtain it.
<p>[http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/travel.php?hgref=ronzabtm Click here to view your map and travel now!]</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
==== New Dragon Hunting Gear at the New Trapsmith ====
The Trapsmith at the Draconic Depths is well prepared to aid the MouseHunters of Gnawnia in their daunting task to descend into this dangerous den of dragons!
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===Ronza Returns with Moustachio the Charmer===
<center>'''Dragon's Breath Opal Refractor Base'''</center>
====Ronza Returns with Moustachio the Charmer====
<center>Harness the breathtaking power of Dragon's Breath Opals!</center>
====Ronza Returns to Gnawnia!====
<p>Moustachio the Charmer arrives with her!</p>
* Power: '''3,000'''
<p>Redeem your Ronza Voucher and browse her rare items!</p>
* Power Bonus: '''20%'''
<p>Prepare for a whole new way to hunt mice!</p>
* Attraction Bonus: '''50%'''
* Luck: 35
* Cheese Effect: Ultimately Fresh
* Requires: Sorcerer's Sapphire Refractor Base
<center>'''Special Effects'''</center>
* Doubles Dragonhide Sliver loot drops
* Includes all previous Refractor base effects
====Ronza Returns from her search for Moustachio the Charmer!====
| style="width: 33%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" |
<center>'''Dragonsnare Net Launcher'''</center>
<p>For over a year Ronza was searching the globe for the long-lost Moustachio, a wise researcher and retired trapsmith. After years of research, Moustachio has perfected a new trap component called Charms. With his return to Gnawnia, he now resides in the Mountains where he sells this new type of trap component to hunters.</p>
<center>A powerful alternative for hunters without a Dragon Slayer Cannon</center>
<p>Charms are a magical trap component that add unique stat bonuses to your trap and are consumed as you hunt. Visit his Charm Shoppe in the Mountains to learn more.</p>
* Power: '''10,000'''
* Power Bonus: '''30%'''
* Attraction Bonus: '''10%'''
* Luck: 26
* Cheese Effect: Stale
====Ronza's Traveling Shoppe now open!====
| style="width: 33%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" |
<center>'''Dragon Devastator Multi-cannon'''</center>
<p>Ronza found more than Moustachio in her travels, with her she has also brought a stock of rare and unique items to sell to the hunters of Gnawnia. Ronza will be here for only one week and many of her items will never be sold again, so make sure to stop by her shop to browse.</p>
<center>The ultimate upgrade to the Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon!</center>
<p>In an effort to have as many hunters at the ready as possible, the King now allows hunters to purchase traps before they meet the point requirement, however, you WILL NOT be able to arm the trap until you have reached the required points. Keep this in mind while browsing Ronza's Shoppe.</p>
* Power: '''20,000'''
* Power Bonus: '''40%'''
* Attraction Bonus: '''20%'''
* Luck: 38
* Cheese Effect: Fresh
* Requires: Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon
====Crate of Ultimate Luck Charms====
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<center>'''Crux of Dragon Devastation Transmuting Trap Skin'''</center>
<p>Redeem your Ronza Voucher from the 2010 Great Winter Hunt for this crate of Moustachio's Ultimate Lucky Trap Charms! In order to use the charms, you'll first need to visit Moustachio's Charm Shoppe in the Gnawnia Mountains to purchase a new piece of equipment that allows your trap to use charms. Your trap will have a +20 luck bonus while having an Ultimate Luck Charm armed, but one will be used each time you encounter a mouse. Use them wisely hunters!</p>
<center>A rigorous, above-and-beyond challenge for dedicated hunters!</center>
* Augments its appearance to blend into its environment!
* Requires: Dragon Devastator Multi-cannon
====Pneumatic Tube Trap====
<p>This physical trap has an impressive 18 luck as well as a whopping 20% power bonus! The Pneumatic Tube Trap makes a great trap for newer hunters looking to increase their loot drops while catching more mice! Make sure to keep arms and legs clear while the vacuum tube is active!</p>
==== New Codices at the General Store ====
New installments in the Folklore Motif-Index are available now!
====Rewers Riposte====
{| style="width: 66%; margin: auto; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 22%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" | '''Folklore Motif-Index:'''<br>'''Draconic Luck'''<br>Provides +5 Luck whenever an Draconic trap is armed
| style="width: 22%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" | '''Folklore Motif-Index:'''<br>'''Draconic Power'''<br>Provides 20% Power Bonus whenever a Draconic trap is armed
| style="width: 22%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" | '''Folklore Motif-Index:'''<br>'''Physical Luck'''<br>Provides +5 Luck whenever an Physical trap is armed
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 22%;" |
| style="width: 22%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" | '''Folklore Motif-Index:'''<br>'''Physical Power'''<br>Provides 20% Power Bonus whenever a Physical trap is armed
| style="width: 22%; " |
<p>A very impressive tactical trap featuring droids trained by one of the Kingdom's most devoted hunters. Purchase this trap to enjoy an impressive 25 luck, which is sure to come in handy in Furoma, Whisker Woods, Nerg Plains and more!</p>
==== Stock up on Dragon Slaying Supplies! ====
The King has assembled some limited time bundles to aid in your noble quest!
====Arcane Blast Trap====
{| style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: center"
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Starter Slayer Bundle'''<br>Creativity, SB+, and Dragonbanes!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Supreme Slayer Bundle'''<br>Bountiful Bundle of 7 items!
<p>The Arcane Blast Trap is the first ever limited-edition arcane weapon and has the highest luck bonus of any arcane weapon. This mysterious trap uses concentrated energy to blast mice to another realm.</p>
{| style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: center"
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" |
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Stylish Slayer Bundle'''<br>Slay in Style!
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" |
====The Bacon Base====
{| style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: center"
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Dragon's Gift Purse'''<br>Give the gift of slaying supplies!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Dragon's Supply Stash'''<br>A coveted stash of supplies!
<p>This polycarbonate slab is cleverly painted to have the look of bacon! Its inciting design gives the base a high attraction bonus of 15% making it a great base for the beginning MouseHunter.</p>
{| style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: center"
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" |
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Large Dragon's Supply Hoard'''<br>A massive hoard of supplies!
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" |
====The Seasonal Base====
{| style="width: 100%; margin: auto; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Chrome Enchanted Dragon Slayer Turret Trap Skin'''<br>Enchant your Chrome Cannon!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Chrome Cavern of Conjuring Trap Skin'''<br>Descend into mysterious caverns!
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Dragonsnare Celestial Orb Launcher Trap Skin'''<br>Harness the power of the cosmos!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Infinite Dark Extraplanar Portals Trap Skin'''<br>Infinite Extraplanar Portals!
<p>Carved from the magical soil of Zugzwang's Seasonal Garden, this base features an impressive 6 luck and 8% attraction bonus. The Seasonal Base also has a unique camouflage property that gives it an additional 18% power bonus within the Seasonal Garden, a handy property for Lord and Lady MouseHunters seeking to capture a Chess Master Mouse.</p>
==== Seismic effects on Baitkeep Charms ====
====The Runic Base====
The intense seismic activity within the Draconic Depths has an effect on Baitkeep Charms when they're used within the Draconic Depths.
<p>For your everyday hunting needs, the Runic Base has 5 luck and a high power bonus of 12%. However, perhaps its most useful property is that it begins to glow while in Bristle Woods. The glowing runic symbols increase both the chances of a mouse dropping Runes, as well as adding a small chance of receiving an extra Rune.</p>
In the Draconic Depths, Baitkeep Charms have a 50% chance of activating and saving your bait when used. However, whenever they don't activate, the charm '''will not''' be consumed, keeping it intact for the next hunt.
====Tiki Base Blueprints====
<div style="text-align: center; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em; margin: 1em 0">
<div style="font-size: 115%>'''Here Be Dragons!'''</div></div>
<p>These are very special blueprints, drawn by Ronza herself. She plans to frequently sell them when she visits, and the King has agreed to allow the blueprints to be exchanged in the marketplace both during and after Ronza's visit. Due to the limited supply she makes for each visit, Ronza will not sell the blueprints to any hunter who already owns 5 copies. The blueprints outline how to upgrade the Tribal Base into a Tiki Base, which has a +6 luck bonus when hunting in Cape Clawed, Elub Shore, Nerg Plains and Derr Dunes.</p>
-- {{MHP|2818486648263450|Norman Hussey}}
====Rockstar Mice Aboard Ronza's Ship====
<p>Rockstar mice are partying aboard Ronza's Ship! Their bait preference is Rockforth, a flavour of cheese packed with rock n' roll spirit! Ronza usually has a few crates of Rockforth Cheese in her cargo holds, however, it is frequently raided by the mice while she is distracted during her landing procedures. By hunting the mice on her ship, you'll be able to find some Rockforth Cheese to hunt for a Rockstar.</p>
====New Trap Shrink Ray Trap====
<p>A new trap for begining MouseHunters is now available for both purchase and from the King's Prize Shoppe. The Shrink Ray Trap has 1,000 power, no point requirement and shrinks mice to miniature in second flat!</p>
====Meet Moustachio the Charmer!====
<p>As a young trapsmith, Moustachio was a trusted friend of the King. Upon retiring from the trapsmith profession, Moustachio went on a journey to research a new type of trap component he called "Charms". Moustachio has successfully completed his research and has returned to Gnawnia where he now resides in the Mountains and sells these new trap charms.</p>
<p>Visit Moustachio's Charm Shoppe in the Mountains and purchase a Pine Charm Conduit to add to your trap. Upon purchasing the conduit, it will be added to your trap and you are now capable of using charms!</p>
<p>Moustachio is currently selling a few basic charms that can increase the power, attraction and luck of your trap. Charms are consumed as you hunt. Pay attention to the "consumed upon" stat of each charm to know exactly when it will be used.</p>
<p>There is much more to charms than what is currently available! In time, Moustachio may share the secret of how to craft your own charms that have unique abilities.</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===The Great Winter Hunt has Ended===
<p>'''The Festive Comet has Melted!'''</p>
====The Great Winter Hunt Comes to an End====
<p>With the melting of the Festive Comet, this year's Great Winter Hunt has come to an end. Squeaker Claws has been defeated and the the Great Winter Star is once again safe!</p>
<p>Although the Explosive Toboggan Ride trap can no longer be purchased, if you have the trap and the all of the upgrade pieces you can craft it anytime in the future.</p>
====Ronza Navigational Update====
<p>The telescope at the Burrough's Laboratory has been unsually busy with hunters searching the distant skies for Ronza's airship. One hunter spotted a faint outline, but after cleaning the lens on the telescope the blurry spec in the sky mysteriously disappeared.</p>
<p>Keep your eyes on the sky and hope for a tailwind!</p>
<p>'''We hope everyone enjoyed the 2010 Great Winter Hunt!'''<br />
Tell us what you thought of the event in the comment box below!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===Great Winter Hunt Ends Soon===
<p>'''The Great Winter Hunt Ends Soon!'''<br />
The Festive Comet will be gone on Thursday, January 6th</p>
====The Great Winter Hunt Is Coming to an End====
<p>The Festive Comet is quickly melting. Digby Scientists have estimated the comet will be entirely melted sometime on Thursday, January 6th. Have questions about what will happen with items, loot, etc? Then, you're in the right place!</p>
====The Explosive Toboggan Ride Trap====
<p>When the Festive Comet is gone, the Trapsmith there will disappear too! If you have the items required to purchase the Explosive Toboggan Ride from the Trapsmith at the Festive Comet, make sure to claim your trap before the end of the Great Winter Hunt. Once the Trapsmith is gone, you will no longer be able to aquire the Explosive Toboggan Ride.</p>
====The Double Diamond Adventure Trap====
<p>Once the Festive Comet is gone, you will no longer be able to hunt for the loot items required to build the Double Diamond Adventure Trap. If you have all the required items, but cannot yet craft the trap due to a lack of crafting slots or points, you will be able to craft the trap at anytime in the future so long as you have the required parts.</p>
====Seasoned Gouda====
<p>Seasoned Gouda is perfectly spiced to attract strong mice within the chilly climate of the Festive Comet. Take caution not to imbue more Seasoned Gouda than you need and make sure you use up your remaining Seasoned Gouda while the Festive Comet is still in Gnawnia. Once the comet has melted away, you'll need to save any left over Seasoned Gouda for the next Great Winter Hunt.</p>
====Frozen Fromage====
<p>If you have any Frozen Fromage in your inventory, now is the time to thaw it and use the Nutmeg Cheese. Squeaker Claws will be gone until next year and no other mice will be attracted to Nutmeg Cheese. Frozen Fromage will not have a use after the end of the Great Winter Hunt, so make sure you thaw any you have left and use up the Nutmeg Cheese.</p>
====Festive Trap Skins====
<p>Festive Trap skins (Icy RhinoBot and Clockapult of Winter Past) will soon be gone until next year. The skins will still be tradable on the marketplace.</p>
====What Happens If I Remain in the Festive Comet?====
<p>On Thursday, January 6th, the Festive Comet location will change to a vacant lot with only a few common mice to hunt. You'll be able to travel away at anytime via the travel page. At some point, the King will move all hunters remaining in the vacant lot to the Meadow.</p>
<p>The Great Winter Hunt ends '''January 6th, 2011'''<br />
Make sure to head to the Festive Comet and sound your horn!<br />
Happy Holiday Hunting!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}

Latest revision as of 15:29, 15 August 2024

For older updates, visit the Archive.

The Draconic Depths has Surfaced!

13 August 2024

Viceroy hunters and above can now embark on a new adventure.
A new area has released in the Folklore Forest!

The Draconic Depths has Surfaced!

Thanks to Ronza's tireless efforts, the Mythweaver's latest plot has been discovered and it is unfolding beneath our very feet.

Instead of invading a world of fantasy yet again, this time the Mythweaver plans to invade the world with fantasy!

So after losing his tenure at the School of Sorcery, this malevolent mastermind took it upon himself to dig up the very essence of fear and destruction in the minds and hearts of Gnawnians: dragons!

The King is now calling upon all MouseHunters ranked Viceroy and above to travel to the new Draconic Depths and stop this invasion before it takes flight.

Prepare for your Descent

The Tale of the First Dragons map piece can be purchased from the School of Sorcery Cartographer for 1,000,000 Gold, 1,000 Sorcerer's Sapphires, and requires completion of the Become a Master Sorcerer adventure for any hunters who have yet to obtain it.

New Dragon Hunting Gear at the New Trapsmith

The Trapsmith at the Draconic Depths is well prepared to aid the MouseHunters of Gnawnia in their daunting task to descend into this dangerous den of dragons!

Dragon's Breath Opal Refractor Base
Harness the breathtaking power of Dragon's Breath Opals!
  • Power: 3,000
  • Power Bonus: 20%
  • Attraction Bonus: 50%
  • Luck: 35
  • Cheese Effect: Ultimately Fresh
  • Requires: Sorcerer's Sapphire Refractor Base
Special Effects
  • Doubles Dragonhide Sliver loot drops
  • Includes all previous Refractor base effects
Dragonsnare Net Launcher
A powerful alternative for hunters without a Dragon Slayer Cannon
  • Power: 10,000
  • Power Bonus: 30%
  • Attraction Bonus: 10%
  • Luck: 26
  • Cheese Effect: Stale
Dragon Devastator Multi-cannon
The ultimate upgrade to the Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon!
  • Power: 20,000
  • Power Bonus: 40%
  • Attraction Bonus: 20%
  • Luck: 38
  • Cheese Effect: Fresh
  • Requires: Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon
Crux of Dragon Devastation Transmuting Trap Skin
A rigorous, above-and-beyond challenge for dedicated hunters!

  • Augments its appearance to blend into its environment!
  • Requires: Dragon Devastator Multi-cannon

New Codices at the General Store

New installments in the Folklore Motif-Index are available now!

Folklore Motif-Index:
Draconic Luck
Provides +5 Luck whenever an Draconic trap is armed
Folklore Motif-Index:
Draconic Power
Provides 20% Power Bonus whenever a Draconic trap is armed
Folklore Motif-Index:
Physical Luck
Provides +5 Luck whenever an Physical trap is armed
Folklore Motif-Index:
Physical Power
Provides 20% Power Bonus whenever a Physical trap is armed

Stock up on Dragon Slaying Supplies!

The King has assembled some limited time bundles to aid in your noble quest!

Starter Slayer Bundle
Creativity, SB+, and Dragonbanes!
Supreme Slayer Bundle
Bountiful Bundle of 7 items!
Stylish Slayer Bundle
Slay in Style!
Dragon's Gift Purse
Give the gift of slaying supplies!
Dragon's Supply Stash
A coveted stash of supplies!
Large Dragon's Supply Hoard
A massive hoard of supplies!
Chrome Enchanted Dragon Slayer Turret Trap Skin
Enchant your Chrome Cannon!
Chrome Cavern of Conjuring Trap Skin
Descend into mysterious caverns!
Dragonsnare Celestial Orb Launcher Trap Skin
Harness the power of the cosmos!
Infinite Dark Extraplanar Portals Trap Skin
Infinite Extraplanar Portals!

Seismic effects on Baitkeep Charms

The intense seismic activity within the Draconic Depths has an effect on Baitkeep Charms when they're used within the Draconic Depths.

In the Draconic Depths, Baitkeep Charms have a 50% chance of activating and saving your bait when used. However, whenever they don't activate, the charm will not be consumed, keeping it intact for the next hunt.

Here Be Dragons!

-- Norman Hussey