Template:Shops/Table/King's Arms General Store

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Revision as of 08:39, 12 March 2024 by KD (talk | contribs) (Format update)
Item Cost Requirement Refund
King's Calibrator 1,000 gold None N/A
Royal Loot Crate 10 King's Credit 1 King's Gauntlet Floorplan N/A
Meteorite Piece 1 King's Credit None N/A
War Scrap 2 King's Credit None N/A
Mineral 1 King's Credit None N/A
Cork Bark 2 King's Credit None N/A
Gauntlet Elixir 2 King's Credit 1 King's Gauntlet Floorplan N/A
Mist Canister 3 King's Credit None N/A
Two Oxygen Canisters 3 King's Credit None N/A
Crimson Curd 2 King's Credit None N/A
Medium Spice Leaf 2 King's Credit None N/A
Hot Spice Leaf 1 Dragonshard None N/A
Flamin' Spice Leaf 5 Dragonshard None N/A
Sparkling Dragonshard Nest 30 Dragonshard
10 Wild Tonic
None N/A
Cheese Belt Token Pack 3 King's Credit None N/A
Cheese Claw Token Pack 3 King's Credit None N/A
Cheese Fang Token Pack 3 King's Credit None N/A
Crate of Seashells 3 King's Credit None N/A
Crate of Savoury Vegetables 3 King's Credit None N/A
Crate of Delicious Stones 3 King's Credit None N/A
Crate of Vanilla Beans 4 King's Credit None N/A
Fire Salt 5 King's Credit None N/A
Scrap Metal 5 King's Credit None N/A
Riftiago Potion 5 King's Credit None N/A
Coal 6 King's Credit None N/A
Pinch of Annoyance 6 King's Credit None N/A
Raisins of Wrath 6 King's Credit None N/A
Bottled-Up Rage 6 King's Credit None N/A
Radioactive Blue Potion 8 King's Credit None N/A
Cherry Potion 8 King's Credit None N/A
Wicked Gnarly Potion 8 King's Credit None N/A
Gauntlet Potion Tier 5 10 King's Credit None N/A
Runic Potion 12 King's Credit None N/A
Rainy Potion 15 King's Credit None N/A
Windy Potion 15 King's Credit None N/A
Ancient String Cheese Potion 20 King's Credit None N/A
Regal Theme Second Half 10,000 gold
15 King's Credit
None N/A
250 Pack of Bland Queso Cheese 25 King's Credit None N/A
Pollution Control Supply Kit 25 King's Credit None N/A
Shuffler's Cube 25 King's Credit None N/A
SUPER|brie+ Supply Pack 30 King's Credit None N/A
Drill Charge 50 King's Credit None N/A
Super Briefs 50 King's Credit None N/A
Regal Marketplace Stool 100 King's Credit None N/A
Regal Marketplace Display Case 100 King's Credit None N/A