Consumed Charm Tinkerer Mouse

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Consumed Charm Tinkerer Mouse
Mouse Group: Floating Islanders (Empyrean Guard)
Mouse Statistics
Points: 210,000 Gold: 31,500
Location & Attraction Info
Required Power Types: See Power Type below Other Requirements: See Vault Info below
Cheese: Extra Rich Cloud Cheesecake Charm: None
Locations: Floating Islands Loot: See Loot below
Larry's Loot Lexicon: MouseHunt Info Page Image: Image Link
This highly skilled artisan and crafter of fine charms is obsessed with the massive quantities of Raw Ancient Jade that is so plentiful in the Empyrean Sky Palace. After discovering the incredible potential of this ancient mineral, these tinkerers have gone out en masse to collect, catalogue, and craft as much as they possibly can.

It's a good thing too because the process involved in shaping this coveted material can be quite explosive...

Mouse ID#: 1075

Power Type

Vault Info

  • The Consumed Charm Tinkerer Mouse can only be encountered in a vault that has at least 3 Ancient Jade Stockpiles active.
  • The Consumed Charm Tinkerer Mouse's attraction is increased in a vault that has 4 Ancient Jade Stockpiles active.


History and Trivia

  • 10 August 2021: The Consumed Charm Tinkerer Mouse was released as part of the Empyrean Sky Palace expansion in Floating Islands.