Template:Shops/Table/Zokor General Store

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Revision as of 08:20, 18 June 2022 by KD (talk | contribs) (Created General Store table page)
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Item Cost Requirement Refund
Lantern Oil 680 gold
1 Scholar Scroll
1 Plate of Fealty
1 Tech Power Core
None N/A
Labyrinth Theme Scrap VI 9,000 gold
1 Scholar Scroll
1 Plate of Fealty
1 Tech Power Core
None N/A
Curds and Whey 12 gold None 3 gold
Ionized Salt 450 gold None 150 gold
Living Shard 1,200 gold None 1,200 gold
Gold Leaf 26,000 gold None 13,000 gold
Tiny Platinum Bar 60,000 gold None 60,000 gold