Dragon's Might Aura
From MHWiki
The Dragon's Might Aura is an Aura that can be earned by opening a Dragon's Skull.
It is represented by a dragon skull with two horns, and from within, emitting a molten glow.
When hovered over, it reads:
- You have the Dragon's Might Aura!
This Aura grants a 25% Power Bonus against all mice in additional to the following against Dragons:
- 300% Power Bonus
- Bonus Dragonhide Sliver Loot Drops
- Your aura expires on:
XXX @ XX:XXam/pm (Local Time)
Aura Effects
- Grants 25% bonus Power
- Grants additional 300% bonus Power on Dragons. Mice in this Dragons group belong to the same group of mice that are affected by Dragonbane Charm variants
- Dragon Mouse in Dracano
- Icewing in Iceberg
- Cork Collector, Pressure Builder, and Geyser Hunter mice in Queso Geyser
- Storm Dragon mice in Moussu Picchu
- Dashing Dragon mice, Empyrean Javelineer Mouse, and the Paragon of Dragons in Floating Islands
- Dragons of the Depths in Draconic Depths
- Adds additional Dragonhide Sliver to Dragons mice loot
Opening a Dragon's Skull will grant the Dragon's Might Aura for 5 days.
The Dragon's Might Aura's duration time stacks, so the Aura's time will be extended each time the Hunter opens an additional Dragon's Skull.
History and Trivia
- 17 September 2024: The Dragon's Might Aura was introduced with the release of Draconic Depths Cartographer.