User talk:Brossow

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Revision as of 15:12, 27 December 2008 by Brossow (talk | contribs) (Show Preview: reply to newbie)

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-- B.Rossow talkcontr

Your comments


I am sorry... I thought I was helping. ;( I will make sure I follow the rules next time. I am so used to making websites that I often use html rather than wiki lingo. I will familiarize myself with the way of wiki before I make any more major changes. If you have anything you would like me to do I would be glad to do it though I will make sure to completely familiarize myself with the rules before making anything else. --Justin.craig09 03:21, 24 December 2008 (UTC)

The info was good and appreciated -- it's just the implementation that needed work. It's not a major deal and it's an opportunity for you to learn a new skill set. We all have to start somewhere!  :-) -- B.Rossow talkcontr 04:03, 24 December 2008 (UTC)
Well thank you and if you do not mind guiding me, I would be grateful. --Justin.craig09 02:38, 25 December 2008 (UTC)
I don't mind at all and I'm very glad you're not taking it personally. Wikis take a lot of getting used to in many respects and one of the hardest is coming to terms with people mercilessly editing your hard work. Believe me, I know. If you have questions or want an "assignment," don't hesitate to ask. Just please don't think for a moment I'm in charge here. I'm just an editor like you -- though I freely admit I have some pretty strong opinions on how things should be done.  :-) Happy holidays! -- B.Rossow talkcontr 03:06, 25 December 2008 (UTC)
I never any changes personally and would Love an assignment, if you don't mind me asking a couple questions along the way. :) It might help me get more familiar with the Wiki and I would be doing some good! Wiki is a whole different ballpark from anything else I have done. In websites, the more complicated the formula the better, though with wiki, you do not want it to be complicated because you want people to be able to come up behind you and know what you are talking about. If you have anything you would like for me to work on I would Love it and thank you for your help. I have really appriciated it.--Justin.craig09 03:42, 25 December 2008 (UTC)
I'm gonna try to take a break for Christmas here, but maybe tomorrow evening I can do some poking around and come up with something that needs doing. There's always the wishlist on my user page (which I know you already know about) if nothing else. And I definitely don't mind questions -- I'd much rather have someone ask questions instead of having to figure out what the %^& they were thinking when they made a certain change. LOL! -- B.Rossow talkcontr 03:50, 25 December 2008 (UTC)


I know you're trying to be "professional", but don't kid yourself- only one combination yields 3680; everything else gives radically different numbers.--Kirbix 18:48, 24 December 2008 (UTC)

See this. --Peter888 19:00, 24 December 2008 (UTC)
Thank you. I thought it was pretty obvious, but some people need the numbers right in front of them. ;-) -- B.Rossow talkcontr 20:18, 24 December 2008 (UTC)

...All I will say is that in the future, use a bit of common sense; your other numbers were nonsensical. Again, I get the professional aspect to this site, but really now- that was the only number combination that worked. I hate to be a prude, but really now; how could you have honestly believed otherwise? EDIT: looking back at the comment you left for me... maybe I don't hate it so much. A very happy holidays to you, too!--Kirbix 05:11, 25 December 2008 (UTC)

You can think what you like, but we will only know what the actual numbers are if and when the base is released. What amazes me is that you can look at the chart Peter put together (they're not my numbers, BTW) and still think your numbers are the only possible "answer." Only time will tell, of course, and you may be absolutely correct in your guess, but that's all it is: a guess. Guesses don't belong here. I still don't get how you think your simplistic approach is the correct one. The devs clearly don't use only nice, round numbers for their stats. All it takes is a quick glance down the Weapons table to see that's not the case -- power bonus percentages there include 0, 2, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15 and 18. If you think the devs are limiting themselves to only multiples of 5 for their stats, you're too much of a newbie to be editing the wiki. Sorry to be so blunt, but this is just ridiculous. -- B.Rossow talkcontr 05:32, 25 December 2008 (UTC)

The Polar Base comes from the Gifts :) -- Grexx 05:35, 25 December 2008 (UTC)

I suppose I think my approach is correct because it was correct, and it was correct at the time that I made my second comment, before you'd told me to "wait and see"- it's been released for over an hour now EST, and possibly longer in different time zones. Glad you're so open to people correcting you. I will be sure not to get in your way in the future, though. --Kirbix 05:41, 25 December 2008 (UTC)

Well, at the time you were trying to post that info as fact it was only a guess, nothing more. Turns out you were right, just as I said you might be. In the future, do stay out of my way if you're going to try to post guesses as fact. But now it's a non-issue. -- B.Rossow talkcontr 05:44, 25 December 2008 (UTC)

Show Preview

Have you ever seen the "Show Preview" button? I think you should think about using it more often, it saves having to edit the same page multiple times when you see that you've made a mistake in your previous edit. The preview button is your friend, maybe you should pay more attention to it. I noticed that you haven't been using it because some pages that you have edited have showed you saving the page multiple times within just a few minutes, all minor edits. I think you'll find that the preview button can prevent that sort of thing. Thanks! Eepeng 12:41, 27 December 2008 (UTC)

  • Uhh ... for the most part, those are different changes, not corrections. I'm very familiar with the Show Preview button, thank you very much. Every experienced editor knows that you can make numerous changes to a page, preview it dozens of times, and STILL catch something you would like to have changed in the previous edit. So thanks for assuming I "haven't been using it" but you know what happens when you ASSume. -- B.Rossow talkcontr 15:12, 27 December 2008 (UTC)