Stale Cheese

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Revision as of 06:20, 25 February 2009 by Shinnok (talk | contribs) (Added Radioactive Sludge)

Stale Cheese is created when hunters with titles of Apprentice and above fail to attract a mouse and their cheese becomes stale. For a short period of time it was dropped by Scavenger mice in the Catacombs. It is used in the crafting of Ancient cheese.


Dried up morsels of cheese are often the result of traps made with harmful chemicals.

Stale Super|brie+

Stale Super|brie+ is created when Super|Brie+ cheese or cheese that was crafted with magic essence goes stale. The crafting tab description states that The sight of this item often draws a tear or two from even the most steadfast MouseHunter. The magic of this item seems to be empowered by its almost paradoxical existence.

Radioactive Sludge

Radioactive Sludge is created when Radioactive Blue cheese goes stale. The crafting description states that This toxic waste is the result of radioactive blue cheese turning stale.

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