Hope Mouse

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Hope Mouse
Mouse Group:
Mouse Statistics
Points: 1000 Gold: 1001
Location & Attraction Info
Required Power Types: Physical Other Requirements:
Cheese: Charm:
Locations: Bazaar
Calm Clearing
Cape Clawed
Great Gnarled Tree
S.S. Huntington II
Town of Digby
Training Grounds
Larry's Loot Lexicon: MouseHunt Info Page Image: Image Link
The Hope Mouse is altruistic by nature, wanting only to help others, be they human or mouse. The King has been so touched by the selflessness of these mice that he has sent out a decree. If any hunter should catch a Hope Mouse, dust him off and send him on his way, as he's likely off to do some good in the world.

Events unfolding in Haiti have sprung this mouse into action. We will be donating five cents to the Mission of Hope in Haiti for the first 200,000 of these mice caught. By sounding your horn you will help us reach our goal of raising $10,000.

We greatly encourage all MouseHunters to find a charity they are comfortable with and get involved.

Mouse ID#: 214

The Hope Mouse is a rare breed of mouse found in various locations throughout the game.

Preferred Cheese

Hope mice have no specific preference for any kind of cheese.

History and Trivia

Hope mice were first released on 14 January 2010 as the developers' response to the recent earthquake in Haiti.


External Link