Mobster Mouse

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Revision as of 08:00, 15 October 2008 by Revengeance (talk | contribs) (iTunes Mouse: Prize)

"This wise-mouse dabbles in the darker side of the mouse world. With pockets as deep as his, this mouse is known for buying his way out of getting caught."

The Mobster Mouse is a breed of mice found in all locations. They are worth at least 10 Gold and considered overpowering to catch.

Mobster Mice grant real money prizes, claimable via PayPal or redeemable for SUPER|brie+.

iTunes Mouse

The iTunes Mouse was a breed of mice introduced on the 20th of March, 2008 and carried a $10 (CAD) certificate for iTunes. 12 days after the release of iTunes Mice, Mobster Mice were introduced and adopted their purpose. The first hunter to catch an iTunes Mouse was Elizabeth Gro. iTunes Mice physically resembled Leprechaun Mice.