Not So Secret Admirer Bunny

From MHWiki
Revision as of 08:50, 13 February 2010 by Twentypence (talk | contribs) (Creating page to match format of similar items)

A Not So Secret Admirer Bunny is available as a gift from the Gift Shoppe as of 12 February 2010. It is placed in the "Gifts" inventory tab.


People tend to feel sorry for this bunny just long enough for him to get attached. He's been rejected by many different owners, perhaps because he loves to an uncomfortable level.


Hunters are given a "Love" option. Upon clicking it, hunters see the following message:

You love your Not So Secret Admirer Bunny...
...and receive 1 Not So Secret Admirer Bunny!

Like the Teddy Bear, loving a Not So Secret Admirer Bunny does not destroy it or otherwise remove it from your inventory.

External links

Not So Secret Admirer Bunny