Talk:Ornament Mouse

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Revision as of 03:38, 13 December 2009 by Grexx (talk | contribs) (Preferred bait: reply, info is added by developers, best to discuss with them first before any adjustments)

Preferred bait

I caught this mouse using Brie. Pus 03:42, 4 December 2009 (UTC)

I caught 4 within 100 hunts while using Swiss and PooFlinger suggests that Brie is the best so far regarding their statistics.
I think it's time to take the preferred bait out. ____m.
Pooflinger's statistics are estimates based on voluntary player hunt samples. The problem with that is there is no control over who contributes and in what manner, and using which time period, so there's no guarantee that the figures are correct. I'm not agreeable with removing what a developer added based on short-term player data. I think the discrepancy probably arose because there's been adjustments to the availability of each type of mice. Additionally, each time a type of mouse is more attracted to a cheese, it eats into the percentage attracted of other types of mice, and since Standard Cheese attracts Ornament mice but not some of the other Christmas event mice, the numbers probably skew towards Brie being the better cheese for Ornament. Before making any adjustments I think it's best to discuss with Dave Vanderburg first. -- Grexx 03:38, 13 December 2009 (UTC)