Infinite Dark Extraplanar Portals Trap Skin

From MHWiki

Infinite Dark Extraplanar Portals Trap Skin
Skin Info
Obtained Via: Donation Tradeable: Yes
Event: N/A Giveable: Yes
Cost: $5.99 Craftable: No
Larry's Loot Lexicon: MouseHunt Info Page Image: External Link
These dark and dangerous portals lead to planes where beings and beasts of terrifying, unimaginable power roam free. When an unlucky mouse looks into these reflective surfaces, it summons one of those sinister, serpentine beasts to break through into our realm, snatch up the unsuspecting mouse, and carry it back into a place too terrible to comprehend.

Weapon Info

The Infinite Dark Extraplanar Portals Trap Skin can be used on the Infinite Dark Magic Mirrors Trap. The trap's stats (power, power bonus, attraction bonus, etc.) are not changed.

Purchasing Info

The Infinite Dark Extraplanar Portals Trap Skin is available through Donation and can be traded on the Marketplace and through Give To Friends.

History and Trivia

  • 13 August 2024: Infinite Dark Extraplanar Portals Trap Skin was released as part of Draconic Depths location.
