MHWiki:Current events/Archive/2012/October
Archive for updates taken place in October 2012 in Reverse Chronological Order.
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[hide]Something swampy this way comes!
18 October 2012
Something swampy this way comes!
In a cloud of noxious gasses and bellowing a mighty roar, the Swamp Thang Mouse has burst forth from the Living Garden and charged headlong into Gnawnia! Finding the Haunted Terrortories there waiting for him, he kicked Mousevina from her throne and has settled in.
Now he's guarding a whole horde of loot from last year and new treasures besides!
How to hunt at the Haunted Terrortories
Navigating the Haunted Terrortories will require a hunter to both trick and treat the mice there by hunting with Ghoulgonzola (trick) and Candy Corn (treat) Cheese.
Gathering trick and treat cheese in Gnawnia is a familiar tradition. Each day, hunters may visit up to 10 friends and receive some bait. Before you visit others, be sure to visit your own profile and choose what type of cheese you're handing out! If you find yourself getting low on cheese, you can also hunt at the Terrortories using Swiss, Brie, Gouda or SUPER|brie+ to attract Hollowhead Mice that drop Halloween Cheese. Additionally, you may find it inside Pumpkin Treat Baskets which you can send as gifts to friends!
The Haunted Terrortories consists of three areas: The Corn Maze, Haunted Manor and the Pumpkin Patch. You must both trick AND treat enough mice in your current area to begin attracting mice from the next. Your trick and treat progress will be displayed while hunting in the Haunted Terrortories.
Are you an experienced hunter looking to hunt more challenging and rewarding mice? Visit the Charm Shoppe at the Haunted Terrortories and purchase Spooky Charms which, when armed, will attract more fearsome mice worth greater rewards!
Spooky Rewards
The Swamp Thang Mouse has a variety of goodies to plunder this year! A terrifying new trap, a chance at a haunted new map, and some... scraps of paper? I'm sure they'll be useful for something...
While visiting friends and hunting your way toward the Swamp Thang Mouse, you may also find a few morsels of Halloween Candy, and if you're especially lucky you may even come across rare Cobwebs. These Halloween Candies and Cobwebs can be exchanged at the various Haunted Terrortories shops to purchase a wide variety of exciting loot, including fantastic charms and never-before-seen trap skins!
Customize MouseHunt with Themes!
Look on your profile and you'll see a new button labelled "Select Theme". Click on it to launch MouseHunt's new theme chooser, where you can pick a special theme to change the entire appearance of your Hunter's Journal! These themes will be shown on your Camp, as well as your Profile for all to see!
You can unlock the Golden Shield theme by having the Golden Shield, and the Hallowe'en Theme by gathering Hallowe'en Theme Scraps and crafting them together into the Completed Hallowe'en Theme. The first scrap can be found on the Swamp Thang Mouse, but the other two will require some investigating to find!
Halloween Baskets and New Skins
Looking for some spooky gifts to give to friends? Or perhaps you have a sweet tooth yourself and want to dive into a goodie bag of treats! For the Halloween season, the King is offering a few special haunting supplies, and a boatload of brand-new skins!
Halloween Basket
A Hallowe'en gift basket perfect for giving to someone special. The basket contains 75 SUPER|brie+, 25 Candy Corn Cheese, and 25 Ghoulgonzola!Spooky Supply Kit
This slightly haunted kit will help you hunt the more fearsome mice of the Haunted Terrotories! Inside you'll find 100 SUPER|brie+, 50 Spooky Charms, 25 Ghoulgonzola, and 25 Candy Corn!Jumbo Halloween Goodie Bag
This spookily-themed bag is JUST bursting with SUPER|brie+ and Halloween Cheese! Mixed inside, you'll also find a few pieces of Halloween Candy with which to satisfy your sweet tooth!Steam Maw
A combination of flaming-hot Ethereal Charcoal and Eldritch Fog ensure that this version of the Steam Laser Mk. III is no less effective, but far spookier.Lovecraft Shelf
Some books are written about Eldritch Horrors, some books are written by Eldritch Horrors, and some books literally contain Eldritch Horrors. Be very careful when setting up, walking near, or thinking about this trap.
Halloween is here!
- Setup your hunter profile to hand out treats to friends!
- Visit friends and collect Ghoulgonzola and Candy Corn
- Hunt with your Halloween cheese at the Haunted Terrortories
- Earn a new trap, exciting loot, trap skins and more!
Click here to travel to the Haunted Terrortories | Click here to see the New Skins
The Leprechaun Has Returned!
10 October 2012
The Leprechaun Has Returned!
The rumours are true! More and more Leprechaun Mouse sightings have been reported in the last week, and it looks like they are here to stay! What's more, hunters can expect to see even more Leprechaun mice in the coming week, all carrying great rewards and each with a chance to win a real cash prize!
Until Wednesday, October 17, there will be more prize mice and Leprechaun mice than usual roaming the lands! When this little streak of luck is over, the Leprechaun mice and other prize mice will be harder to find, but they are here to stay!
Use common cheese (Cheddar, Brie, Gouda, SUPER|brie+, or anything not overly special, rare, or difficult to obtain) to attract a prize mouse to your trap, but be warned for they are tough and will put up a fight! If you catch one, you have a chance at winning a real cash prize!
Mystery Pot of Gold
Every Leprechaun mouse carries with it a Mystery Pot of Gold. If you manage to attract and catch one of these elusive mice, you'll be guaranteed this wonderful prize! What's inside? Tons of GOLD, of course! Along with a bunch of SUPER|brie+ and some Ultimate Luck Charms.
And sometimes, at the bottom, there's an even greater prize lying under all that gold!
Will you be one of these lucky hunters?
The Leprechaun Has Returned!
- The Leprechaun has returned and is here to stay!
- More-than-usual prize mice and Leprechaun mice until October 17
- Use common cheese to attract a prize mouse
- Leprechaun mice will drop a Mystery Pot of Gold when caught
- There's a chance of a real cash prize inside these Pots of Gold!