MHWiki:Current events/Archive/2013/September
Archive for updates taken place in September 2013 in Reverse Chronological Order.
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[hide]All aboard the Gnawnian Express!
26 September 2013
All aboard the Gnawnian Express!
Yeehaw! The construction of the first trans-Gnawnian railroad is complete! Hunters are coming from all around to board the Gnawnian Express and journey across the land! The King has tasked MouseHunters with the duty of securing a train filled with supplies bound for different parts of Gnawnia, ensuring its safe arrival!
Our goal as a collective group of several hunting teams is to collect supplies in the Supply Depot, defend the train from raiding mice when passing through Raider River, and then make the jump across the downed bridge over Daredevil Canyon!
The trains will be challenging at first, but hunters are rewarded for their efforts, so the better you do, the more you receive! The main goal is to work together with other hunters and any aid we provide is welcomed!
You're waiting for a train...
The King needs every available hunter to safeguard the Gnawnian Express and deliver the Royal Supply Crates across the land! Work together with your team and other teams on the train in a unified goal to collect supplies, defend against raiders, and stoke the train engine to incredible speeds!
Hunters will board trains with their teams and work together with other teams on the same train toward a shared goal! Visit the Gnawnian Express Station in Varmint Valley to view the Train Schedule and select a train to board.
When riding a train, you have 3 stages to complete, with each stage running for one-third of the train's total trip time. Your team's performance in each one will determine your reward, along with a community bonus based on how the other teams on the train fare overall.
The Three Stages
Supply Depot
While in the Supply Depot, hunt mice carrying Royal Supply Crates and load them onto the train to score Train Points.Equip a Supply Schedule Charm and catch a Warehouse Manager Mouse to trigger a Supply Rush for your entire team, releasing special mice that drop even more supplies!
Raider River
As the train passes through Raider River, it will come under attack! Raiding mice will attempt to board the train in waves, and hunters must hold them back!Work with your team to defeat as many of the endless number of waves as possible, earning Train Points for each raider and bonus points for each defeated wave. Every trap check, the mice will launch an automated attack and hunters will encounter a robotic mouse. These mice drop Mouse Repellent which will help scare away mice from the wave!
Daredevil Canyon
The bridge is out! Luckily, the train is already going fast enough to safely jump the gap over Daredevil Canyon, but going faster means a higher jump and greater rewards!Collect Dusty Coal Charms from Coal Shoveler mice, or buy some with Fool's Gold, then use them to find stronger Fuel Charms. The better the charm, the more Fuel Nuggets you find, and the faster the train will go! Stoke the engine often to speed up the train and score Train Points.
- Note: Leftover crates, repellent, or Fuel Nuggets will be discarded as you progress in order to lighten the load!
Train Charms
Use your Fool's Gold to buy special charms that have a special effect in each of the three train stages!
Supply Schedule Charm
While the train is at the Supply Depot, using these charms will help hunters find greater caches of Royal Supply Crates!Equip these charms for an increased chance to attract supply-carrying mice and for a chance to attract the Warehouse Manager Mouse. When caught, a Supply Rush will be triggered, sending Supply Hoarder mice to a hunter's trap for 5 hunts.
Anti-Raider Charms
These special charms are used when the train is passing through Raider River to defend the train against the raiding mice.Equip the right one when part of the train car is under attack (the Roof, the Door, or the Wheels) in order to increase the attraction of raiding mice and defeat the waves faster!
Fuel Charms
As the train approaches Daredevil Canyon, hunters can use these charms to attract mice that carry Fuel Nuggets and then huck them into the train's engine to boost its speed!Find and collect greater sources of fuel in order to find mice that drop even greater amounts of Fuel Nuggets. Can you attract the grand and terrifying Magmatic Golem mouse? Hunters who find and catch one of these will earn plenty of Fuel Nuggets!
Train Rewards
Teams are rewarded based on their performance while riding on the train. Contributing points by collecting and loading supplies, catching and defeating raider waves, and chucking Fuel Nuggets into the train's engine fire will push a team closer to their goal, and push the train closer to the shared goal!
Everyone on the train is working together to earn points that benefit the whole train of hunters, so try your best and don't let your fellow hunters down!
The greatest rewards will be found by hunting on the train itself and earning crafting items as loot from mice! You will pick up additional loot as you progress through the train stages, so keep on hunting! This is especially helpful for hunters who don't have a very active hunting team, and if you're one of them, worry not!
Hunters can earn special crafting items that are traded in to the Trapsmith at the Gnawnian Express Station for the new special Law traps. Additionally, gold, points and even some Fool's Gold is up for grabs for performing well while riding the rails!
New Law Traps
Each stage of the train has a special new Law trap that grants hunters with a great boost of power when they hunt!
Supply Grabber
A once simple, coal-powered industrial shipment crane that has been modified to be able to snag mice carrying Royal Supply Crates at high speeds. It fools mice with its slow and calculated movements until they come close, then it snaps into action and snatches them up!This trap is very effective while the Gnawnian Express is at the Supply Depot.
Bandit Deflector
Powered by a secret pyrite mixture (known as "Nitrogen Lawcide") passed down from law-man Marshall Lawson to the young aspiring lawful hunters. This pneumatic icon of the law is the perfect way to deter any and all lawbreakers!This trap is very effective while the Gnawnian Express is passing through Raider River.
Engine Doubler
The fire-powered fist propels itself toward the mice below and is especially effective against Fueler mice. It uses leftover steam from the train's engine to power itself, but what it draws in power from the engine it more than makes up for in its effectiveness. Worry not, it won't hinder the train's speed in any way!This trap is very effective while the Gnawnian Express is approaching Daredevil Canyon.
Train Packs, Train Trunks, and Train Cars
Lucky Loot Bag
This Lucky Loot Bag gives hunters a random chance for some lucky loot! Use the special train charms found within while riding on the Gnawnian Express. Inside, you'll find 7 random train charms, 7 SUPER|brie+, 7 Luck Charms, and 1 month of Lucky Golden Shield!The random train charms may include: Supply Schedule, Roof Rack, Door Guard, Greasy Glob, or Dusty Coal.
Supply Depot Train Pack
Use the specially-crafted charms found inside of this train pack while at the Supply Depot on the Gnawnian Express. Inside, you'll find 300 SUPER|brie+, 30 Supply Schedule Charms, and 1 month of Lucky Golden Shield!Raider River Train Pack
Use the specially-crafted charms found inside of this train pack while passing through Raider River on the Gnawnian Express. Inside, you'll find 300 SUPER|brie+, 10 Roof Rack Charms, 10 Door Guard Charms, 10 Greasy Glob Charms, and 1 month of Lucky Golden Shield!Daredevil Canyon Train Pack
Use the specially-crafted charms found inside of this train pack while approaching Daredevil Canyon on the Gnawnian Express. Inside, you'll find 300 SUPER|brie+, 30 Dusty Coal Charms, and 1 month of Lucky Golden Shield!Heavy Train Trunk
Looking for more? This hefty trunk of train equipment is packed with specially-crafted charms for all three stages of the Gnawnian Express! Inside, you'll find 1000 SUPER|brie+, 30 Supply Schedule Charms, 10 Roof Rack Charms, 10 Door Guard Charms, 10 Greasy Glob Charms, 30 Dusty Coal Charms, and 2 months of Lucky Golden Shield!Entire Train Car
Looking for EVEN MORE? This is an ENTIRE TRAIN CAR absolutely OVERSTUFFED with cargo to set you on the right track while travelling on the Gnawnian Express! Inside, you'll find 2500 SUPER|brie+, 60 Supply Schedule Charms, 20 Roof Rack Charms, 20 Door Guard Charms, 20 Greasy Glob Charms, 60 Dusty Coal Charms, and 4 months of Lucky Golden Shield!All aboard the Gnawnian Express!
- Construction of the Gnawnian Express is complete!
- Ride the rails and protect the train from the mice
- Work together with other teams toward a common goal!
- Collect supplies, defeat raider waves and fire up the train engine
- Earn rewards based on team's performance
- Check out the new and special Law traps!
Travel to the Gnawnian Express Station | Buy some train goodies for yourself or a friend