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(added "Protect Your Personal Info" news post)
(Update for Draconic Depths release)
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=== Template ===
=== [{{MHdomain}}/newspost.php?news_post_id=NUMBER NEWS TITLE] ===
=== News Title ===
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-- {{MHP|ID_OF_POSTER|Name o'Poster}}
== News ==
=== Protect Your Personal Info ===
<p>Hey Hunters,</p>
<p>Just a heads up that we have recently seen a large increase in reports of account hijacking.</p>
<p>Remember to keep your Facebook login details secure and never share them with anyone.</p>
<p>Please take extreme caution when downloading anything MouseHunt or Facebook related. We have seen several programs circulating recently that claim to help you in MouseHunt but actually steal your user name and password.</p>
<p>Remember to always think twice before downloading, installing or using any third party software or website. If you're not sure if something is safe, it is probably best to avoid it.</p>
<p>Stay safe out there MouseHunters!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
=== Forums and Safari Issues Resolved ===
<p>Hey Hunters!</p>
<p>Just a quick update to let everyone know that the problems with the discussion boards have been resolved. New threads are showing at the top once again.</p>
<p>Players who access the game via Safari on their iPhone or iPods will be delighted to know that the strange "white page" error is now gone and you'll be able to view Facebook applications on your iPhone/iPod normally once again. I know I was getting a little antsy not being able to sound my horn on the go!</p>
<p>Good luck in the hunt everyone!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
=== Couple of Problems ===
<p>Hey Hunters!</p>
<p>We have been getting quite a bit of mail asking about a couple of Facebook issues that are currently affecting MouseHunt as well as many other Facebook applications.</p>
<p>The FB discussion boards are currently acting up. When new threads are made they are not appearing as new threads on the forums page. You can get around this and check for new threads by clicking the "See All" link to directly view the discussion board. We'll be investigating if there is anything we can do to fix this problem from our end.</p>
<p>For those of you who access MouseHunt via Safari on your iPod or iPhone it seems that *gasp* the page will not load. This issue appears to be affecting all Facebook applications.</p>
<p>We hope to see both this issues resolved soon. Thanks for your patience and happy hunting!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
=== Hope for Haiti - Update from Haiti ===
<p>Hi MouseHunters,</p>
<p>We've just received some news from the van der Marks in Haiti (the family we support there). We felt since the outpouring of support from MHers has been so great, that it was our responsibility to share some of that message with you. We won't place the whole email here... but here's an excerpt.</p>
<p>'''***Some of this post is graphic and may not be suitable for young ones.'''</p>
<p>"My mind thought, "that is strange", then my mind thought, "what is that?". In a matter of seconds the house came alive and I was at the end of my kitchen table. The shaking was incredible. I remember seeing the concrete walls moving violently in a wave like at a wave pool. One to my right, one to my left and then one in front of me moving in a different direction. I also remember the ceiling was moving in a wave above me. The floor beneath my feet did not feel attached to me.</p>
<p>Grayden ran to me screaming. Hysterical screams and I clung him tight to me and instinctively semi crouched. All of this may have only taken a few seconds..i don't know. The next thing I remember was Laurens running in the house yelling "get out, get out, get out...RUN" As he grabbed my arm, I went into full action. Still clinging to Grayden, I ran to the door grabbing as many of my children as I could. Yelling myself, "RUN, RUN, RUN, GO, GO". We reached the steps to the garden and I remember how difficult it was to run down them as the concrete steps were moving. I remember running through the front drive with the land still moving. Laurens was still yelling to run further to get away from the building. The dog followed us all. When I got to the end of the driveway, I looked around and counted kids, I could not see Bridgely. I turned back to the building and screamed "BRIDGELY, BRIDGELY, BRIDGELY" as I thought he was still on the upper level at our neighbours. Then there he was in front of me. He had been holding my hand the whole time.</p>
</blockquote> -->
''For older updates, visit the [[MHWiki:Current events/Archive|Archive]].''
=== [{{MHdomain}}/newspost.php?news_post_id=868 The Draconic Depths has Surfaced!] ===
<p>Somewhere between the driveway and the road, the movement stopped. For a moment..... then it started again, smaller but almost as big as the first and long as well. I gathered the kids and instructed them to sit and we huddled until it stopped. Then it started again.......Finally the earth rested for a while.</p>
<p>Then I stood up and turned around......From our rural hill not far from Port au Prince, we have a few of the whole city. As I looked out towards the city and the ocean, that is when I realized what had just happened. The entire city went up in dust. One huge even dust cloud arose from the entire massive city. It was like a bomb had gone off and it was the smoke rising. I looked to the right and saw a similar smaller cloud over our local village Source Matlas. I looked to the left and saw a large cloud of dust and smoke from the flour factory. I was speechless regarding what all this may have meant.</p>
<p>That may have been enough to deal with except that we realized that we had a team of 53 Canadian's visiting on a short term mission trip. We went into leader mode. Laurens went to check on a few things and I gathered the team. Grant went to get the ambulance and I gathered the visiting nurses and doc. We jumped into the ambulance and headed down to the clinic. Grant took the team in and I rushed to the front gate of our mission. By the time I got there, the injured started arriving. They came in tap tap (pick up truck taxi) after tap tap. Children, woman and men.</p>
<p>Their arms and legs were crushed, their bones sticking out of their bodies, their heads gashed open. Some crying in pain, some barely alive. 5, 6, 7, people per truck.</p>
<p>After a few minutes I left the gate and security took over letting them all in and I rushed back to the hospital. For the next 33 hours straight we worked on the traumatic cases that lie before us. It looked like war. We did not know the integrity of the clinic yet so we could not go inside. The aftershocks started to come and were frequent but less in intensity. We had to get supplies in side but ran back out every aftershock we got. The injured were lying all over our outside walk way. Grant, our visiting nurses and myself worked on triaging the worst patients. We are not a full service hospital, we are just a clinic.....we started to get reports that the biggest hospital in PAP, General hospital had crashed down, Doctors without Borders had crashed (the only 2 main ER's in the entire city!). We got further reports that other hospitals were down. We started to realize, that we were all there was for miles and miles and miles... "</p>
<p>Feel free to read the whole post here: www.vdmcrew.blogspot.com</p>
<p>To MouseHunters outside of Canada you can go direct to the Mission of Hope site by clicking this link http://www.missionofhopehaiti.org. If you are in Canada you can give to the Mission of Hope through FTC http://www.ftccanada.ca/moh, as the Canadian Government will likely match your donation on top of the usual benefits associated with donating to charities.</p>
-- {{MHP|501178290|Joel Auge}}
=== Hope for Haiti - $10,000 to Help ===
<p>The recent earth quake in Haiti has resulted in a massive human tragedy. With this in mind we here at HitGrab have decided to try make a little difference in our own way. We will be releasing a Hope Mouse to bring awareness to the catastrophic events unfolding in Haiti. For the first 200,000 of these mice caught we will donate five cents to the Mission of Hope in Haiti. We strongly encourage our players to get involved and consider giving to the Mission of Hope or one of the countless charities operating in Haiti.</p>
<p>We chose the Mission of Hope as we have been supporting them for several months and know that they are currently in dire need.</p>
'''Viceroy hunters and above can now embark on a new adventure.'''<br>
A new area has released in the Folklore Forest!
<p>To MouseHunters outside of Canada you can go direct to the Mission of Hope site by clicking this link missionofhopehaiti.org. If you are in Canada you can give to the Mission of Hope through FTC ftccanada.ca/moh, as the Canadian Government will likely match your donation on top of the usual benefits associated with donating to charities.</p>
==== The Draconic Depths has Surfaced! ====
Thanks to Ronza's tireless efforts, the Mythweaver's latest plot has been discovered and it is unfolding beneath our very feet.
<p>All the best,</p>
Instead of invading a world of fantasy yet again, this time the Mythweaver plans to invade the world with fantasy!
So after losing his tenure at the School of Sorcery, this malevolent mastermind took it upon himself to dig up the very essence of fear and destruction in the minds and hearts of Gnawnians: dragons!
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
=== Great Winter Hunt '09 Comes to an End ===
The King is now calling upon all MouseHunters ranked Viceroy and above to travel to the new '''Draconic Depths''' and stop this invasion before it takes flight.
<p>As the last flake of snow at the Festive Comet melted, the Great Winter Hunt has been called to an end. The King hopes everyone enjoyed this first festive celebration!</p>
<p>You may still exchange your 12 Days 'til Christmas items with Larry by clicking the link that is currently being displayed at the top of every page. The Festive Gift Shoppe will officially close within the next few hours (approximately 12am EST).</p>
==== Prepare for your Descent ====
The '''Tale of the First Dragons''' map piece can be purchased from the School of Sorcery Cartographer for '''1,000,000 Gold''', '''1,000 Sorcerer's Sapphires''', and requires completion of the Become a Master Sorcerer adventure for any hunters who have yet to obtain it.
<p>The issue preventing some hunters from collecting a second set of gingerbread blueprints after failing to craft a gingerbread item has now been resolved. Some remaining Christmas Tree Mice have been reported to be running around the Harbour in an attempt to spread festive cheer. These Christmas Tree mice are also carrying gingerbread blueprints. If you're looking to collect a set of blueprints, head to the Harbour.</p>
==== New Dragon Hunting Gear at the New Trapsmith ====
The Trapsmith at the Draconic Depths is well prepared to aid the MouseHunters of Gnawnia in their daunting task to descend into this dangerous den of dragons!
<p>Ronza was feeling so welcomed by MouseHunters she wanted to keep her New Year's celebration going even longer! She stocked up on the King's Reserve Bubbleh and plans to keep her party going until Monday, January 4th. If you need to do any last minute shopping, visit her shoppe now before she leaves.</p>
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<p>This has been one of the most fun events ever held. A big thanks to each and every MouseHunter for making the Great Winter Hunt such a fun time here in Gnawnia!</p>
<center>'''Dragon's Breath Opal Refractor Base'''</center>
<p>One last time, happy holiday hunting MouseHunt!</p>
<center>Harness the breathtaking power of Dragon's Breath Opals!</center>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
=== Blast-Off into the New Year! ===
* Power: '''3,000'''
* Power Bonus: '''20%'''
<p>Ronza has tracked down the pesky little mouse that had stolen a shipment of rockets and firecrackers. It seems the stowaway mouse just wanted to ring in the new year with massive explosions in the sky!</p>
* Attraction Bonus: '''50%'''
* Luck: 35
* Cheese Effect: Ultimately Fresh
* Requires: Sorcerer's Sapphire Refractor Base
<center>'''Special Effects'''</center>
* Doubles Dragonhide Sliver loot drops
* Includes all previous Refractor base effects
<p>A brand new event mouse is on the loose! Catch the New Years mouse on Ronza's ship before it vanishes. More than just one mouse is getting in the mood to party though, see if you can spot a few breeds of mice dressed up in celebration attire!</p>
| style="width: 33%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" |
<center>'''Dragonsnare Net Launcher'''</center>
<p>With her stock of rockets and fireworks back Ronza now has the 2010 Blastoff Trap and Firecracker base for sale. Buy them today, they're causing an explosion of excitement and are only available for a limited time!</p>
<center>A powerful alternative for hunters without a Dragon Slayer Cannon</center>
<p>With the approach of the new year, the Great Winter Hunt is coming to an end. The Festive Comet has slowly been melting and there are now only a few layers of snow left. Digby scientists estimate the comet will be completely melted by January 2nd.</p>
* Power: '''10,000'''
* Power Bonus: '''30%'''
* Attraction Bonus: '''10%'''
* Luck: 26
* Cheese Effect: Stale
<hr />
| style="width: 33%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" |
<center>'''Dragon Devastator Multi-cannon'''</center>
<p>We are still looking at resolving an issue that is preventing a second set of gingerbread house/base blueprints to drop for players that used them but failed to craft the item. The Gingerbread base and house blueprints will continue to drop as loot for a short time after the the Great Winter Hunt.</p>
<center>The ultimate upgrade to the Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon!</center>
<hr />
* Power: '''20,000'''
* Power Bonus: '''40%'''
* Attraction Bonus: '''20%'''
* Luck: 38
* Cheese Effect: Fresh
* Requires: Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon
<p>Happy New Year MouseHunters!</p>
| style="width: 33%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" |
<center>'''Crux of Dragon Devastation Transmuting Trap Skin'''</center>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
<center>A rigorous, above-and-beyond challenge for dedicated hunters!</center>
* Augments its appearance to blend into its environment!
* Requires: Dragon Devastator Multi-cannon
=== Chrome DrillBot now for Sale! ===
<p>Ronza's shipment of Chrome DrillBots has arrived! She is now selling this sleek-looking, limited edition trap so visit her shoppe today!</p>
<p>Ronza also received a small shipment of 2010 Blastoff Traps and Firecracker bases which she was planning to sell to celebrate the new year. The small shipment was intercepted by some mischievous mice who stole the rockets and firecrackers! Ronza is still investigating what mouse stole the supplies, be on the lookout for suspects.</p>
==== New Codices at the General Store ====
New installments in the Folklore Motif-Index are available now!
<hr />
{| style="width: 66%; margin: auto; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 22%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" | '''Folklore Motif-Index:'''<br>'''Draconic Luck'''<br>Provides +5 Luck whenever an Draconic trap is armed
| style="width: 22%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" | '''Folklore Motif-Index:'''<br>'''Draconic Power'''<br>Provides 20% Power Bonus whenever a Draconic trap is armed
| style="width: 22%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" | '''Folklore Motif-Index:'''<br>'''Physical Luck'''<br>Provides +5 Luck whenever an Physical trap is armed
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 22%;" |
| style="width: 22%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" | '''Folklore Motif-Index:'''<br>'''Physical Power'''<br>Provides 20% Power Bonus whenever a Physical trap is armed
| style="width: 22%; " |
<p>A recent change to how loot drops work has caused gingerbread blueprints to not drop for any hunters who once obtained them but lost them by failing to craft the base/house. We are currently working on correcting the problem. Once the problem is corrected you'll once again be able to collect a second set of blueprints.</p>
==== Stock up on Dragon Slaying Supplies! ====
The King has assembled some limited time bundles to aid in your noble quest!
<hr />
{| style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: center"
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Starter Slayer Bundle'''<br>Creativity, SB+, and Dragonbanes!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Supreme Slayer Bundle'''<br>Bountiful Bundle of 7 items!
<p>Happy holiday hunting as we continue to celebrate the Great Winter Hunt!</p>
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| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" |
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Stylish Slayer Bundle'''<br>Slay in Style!
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" |
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
{| style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: center"
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Dragon's Gift Purse'''<br>Give the gift of slaying supplies!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Dragon's Supply Stash'''<br>A coveted stash of supplies!
=== Larry the Trapsmith?! ===
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<p>It seems the Festive Comet sparked a creative curiosity with everyone's favourite hunting helper Larry! With all the strange items being discovered within the layers of snow at the comet, Larry devised a trap to fit the festive season that he is calling "The Christmas Cracker Trap".</p>
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" |
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Large Dragon's Supply Hoard'''<br>A massive hoard of supplies!
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" |
<p>Larry would be happy to construct a Christmas Cracker Trap for you if you have managed to collect all 12 items from the 12 Days of Christmas. He is also willing to exchange a few pieces of SUPER|brie+ from his own personal stash (it's all he hunts with!) for each of your Festive Items. Make your choice wisely. You will be '''unable''' to collect any of the 12 items again once you have exchanged them.</p>
{| style="width: 100%; margin: auto; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Chrome Enchanted Dragon Slayer Turret Trap Skin'''<br>Enchant your Chrome Cannon!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Chrome Cavern of Conjuring Trap Skin'''<br>Descend into mysterious caverns!
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Dragonsnare Celestial Orb Launcher Trap Skin'''<br>Harness the power of the cosmos!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Infinite Dark Extraplanar Portals Trap Skin'''<br>Infinite Extraplanar Portals!
<p>All of the items from the 12 Days 'til Christmas event will continue to be dropped for the remainder of the Great Winter Hunt. The items become a little more scarce each day, so if you're missing one or two items don't wait until the last minute to move to the Festive Comet.</p>
==== Seismic effects on Baitkeep Charms ====
'''You can exchange your festive items with Larry here:'''
The intense seismic activity within the Draconic Depths has an effect on Baitkeep Charms when they're used within the Draconic Depths.
In the Draconic Depths, Baitkeep Charms have a 50% chance of activating and saving your bait when used. However, whenever they don't activate, the charm '''will not''' be consumed, keeping it intact for the next hunt.
<p>But it seems Larry is not the only person offering some new festive trap options...</p>
<div style="text-align: center; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em; margin: 1em 0">
<div style="font-size: 115%>'''Here Be Dragons!'''</div></div>
<p>With all the excitement of the Great Winter Hunt '''Ronza''' has decided to visit Gnawnia early so she take part in all the festive fun!</p>
-- {{MHP|2818486648263450|Norman Hussey}}
<p>Her shop is currently stocked with two festive items: The Snowglobe Trap and the Candy Cane Base.</p>
<p>Due to her early arrival, Ronza is still waiting on a delivery of new stock. You'll notice a few items in her shop labeled as "Coming Soon". The arrival of new stock will be announced via the scrolling news ticker at the top of the page.</p>
<p>Wow! The Great Winter Hunt has been packed full of festive fun! Happy Holiday Hunting!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
=== Last Minute Gift Ideas ===
<p>Still struggling to find that perfect gift for someone in your Hunting Party? Well then head over to the Festive Gift Shoppe and browse their latest stock of novelty gift ideas.</p>
<p>There are items for any budget! From a 500 gold greeting card to a solid gold brick worth 250,000 gold!</p>
<p>'''The new items include:'''</p>
* Reindeer Slippers - Because hunting in the Mountains is the leading cause of chilled feet.
* Yule Log - Loaded with enough sugar to keep you energetic during those long tournament competitions.
* Festive Retraining Order - Know someone who constantly begs for gold or posts on your cork board too frequently? Wish them happy holidays from 500 feet away at all times.
* Toy Ronza Ship - Have a friend with an unhealthy Ronza obsession? Then this is the perfect gift!
* Gold Brick - Who says you can't buy friendship? Dropping 250,000 gold on a completely useless gold brick makes a bold statement! Every time your friend sees a gold brick in their inventory they'll be sure to think of you.
<p>'''All the new items are entirely novelty collectables. None of the novelty gifts will have a practical use to help your hunting in the future, so don't stress if you don't receive any as gifts.'''</p>
<p>Happy Holiday Hunting!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
=== New Stock at the Festive Gift Shoppe! ===
<p>A few of the holiday novelty items at the Festive Gift Shoppe have sold out! Don't worry though! A new shipment of items has arrived just in time to restock the shelves!</p>
<p>The Shoppe's new items include: tasty Mouse Macaroons, Festive Sweaters, Sleigh Bells, ever-so-fresh smelling Wreaths as well as some tooth-chippingly old Petrified Fruitcake!</p>
<p>Perhaps even more exciting, the Festive Shoppe was able to secure a small supply of one of this year's hot-ticket items: The Slap Cat! Cuddling this cute plush cat is sure to knock some sense into any hunter and provide the moral support needed when looking to catch those tough-to-hunt mice!</p>
<p>Many hunters may be happy to know that unwrapping a gift will now return you to the correct tab.</p>
<hr />
<p>The 12 Days 'til Christmas event is still rolling along!</p>
<p>Larry seems especially interested in discovering a use for the 12 items and has been spotted at the Festive Comet baiting a trap. Larry's research, although enthusiastic, is proving to not be the most insightful -- He has upgraded his theory about the items from "They make something" to "They make something cool". Thanks Larry, your words of wisdom always provide such sage guidance.</p>
<p>A final piece of advice offered by the scientists of Digby: the 12 new items are each discovered as a new layer of the comet melts. The items are no doubt most abundant when they are first discovered and become less abundant once the layer has entirely melted and the next item has been discovered. So remember -- don't wait until the last minute to hunt at the comet!</p>
<hr />
<p>We hope everyone is enjoying their time at the festive comet! Take caution when attempting to eat any petrified fruitcake -- The King does not currently offer dental coverage to his hunters.</p>
<p>Happy Holiday Hunting!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
=== 12 Days 'til Christmas Event ===
<p>The 12 days 'til Christmas event starts today at the Festive Comet!</p>
<p>Most hunters have noticed that the Festive Comet has been slowly melting for the past several days, but what has gone unnoticed until now is the peculiar way in which the comet has been melting. Digby's finest scientists have been stationed at the Festive Comet since its landing and were the first to discover the comet's odd melting pattern.</p>
<p>The scientists of Digby's discovery was that the comet has been melting in layers, as though the mighty comet had slowly been growing while on its crash-course with Gnawnia. Each layer has slightly different density and appears to have different melting rates. The fascinating coincidence is that the next 12 layers all appear to have the same melting rate of approximately 24 hours!</p>
<p>What does this mean to those hunting at the Festive Comet? You can expect a new layer of snow to melt each and everyday! What is the significance of a layer melting? Well, as the comet flew through festive outer-space it smashed its way through 12 rings of debris in the Friendly Festive Galaxy of Fantastic Fancy items! (Scientists are still debating on a final name). As the comet passed through each ring, massive amounts of festive debris stuck to the comet and quickly became incased in snow, causing the comet to grow in size.</p>
<p>As each of the next 12 layers of snow melt, the festive item trapped within each layer is sure to be quickly found by mice. Larry, who always seems to have a knack for foreshadowing events has predicted that these 12 items will inevitably make what he has called "something".</p>
<p>So grab your favourite festive hunting gear, keep your trap well-baited and spread some festive hunting cheer at the Festive Comet!</p>
  '''The Event in a Nutshell:'''
    * A new loot item avalable at the Festive Comet each day until Dec. 24
    * New items will be announced on the [http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=10337532241 MouseHunt Application Page]
    * Fans of MouseHunt have latest news delivered to their homepage (Become a fan [http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=10337532241 here])
    * Larry's use for the new items will be revealed when they are all found
    * Items will be easiest to collect on the day they are released - check back daily!
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
=== Blueprints Discovered as Comet Melts! ===
<p>As the Festive Comet slowly melts, the mice there have come across some new, interesting items! According to the reports pouring in from researchers stationed on the comet, the mice have unearthed blueprints detailing how to construct hunting gear out of planks of gingerbread.</p>
<p>Various mice at the Festive Comet have been spotted using the scraps of blueprint as nesting material. The prints are somewhat rare at the moment, but researchers are confident that as more of the comet melts, more blueprints will be discovered.</p>
<p>Who knows what other festive surprises are waiting under layers of snow? Head over to the Festive Comet, and good luck hunting!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
=== The Great Winter Hunt '09 ===
<p>'''Welcome all to the first, annual, Great Winter Hunt!'''</p>
<p>"The Festive Comet" earlier discovered by those kooky Digby scientists has landed and we are all still here and hunting!</p>
<p>The collision with Gnawnia has caused massive amounts of global "heart" warming as a sudden wave of festive cheer has attracted a variety of old and new mice to the area!</p>
<p>'''Event Details:'''</p>
<p>New area is now available! From the travel page in the Gnawnia region you can now reach "The festive comet"! (open to all hunter ranks). All of the seasonal mice have come out of hibernation now that the comet has struck. They will stay with the comet until it melts before returning back to hibernation until the next time.</p>
<p>These festive mice love to collect the various items brought to gnawnia by the comet. They are used to make their special gingerbread homes as well as tasty treats that these mice find completely irresistible!</p>
<p>The Digby scientists have also sent various recovery teams to the site, gathering and researching all of the newly discovered wonders. They are making these items available for you to send to friends and have come up with a pretty ingenious recipe already with more on the way!</p>
<p>Quote from Timmy, lead Digby Reasearcher, "These new planks of gingerbread are quite astonishing! Incredibly strong and resilient! Also quite tasty, flavorful and rich in aroma! Smashing these planks into smaller, more manageable pieces creates the perfect treat for the holidays!"</p>
<p>The scientists also believe, given enough time, that they should be able to use this new "gingerbread", as well as including some of the other festive items, to capture the essence of the holiday and create some most interesting trap components!</p>
<p>Some of the regular inhabitants of Gnawnia have been seen adorning themselves with the debris from the comet, almost instinctually, unable to resist their sparkle and shine. Proudly parading themselves for all to see, can you catch them all?</p>
<p>Happy Holiday Hunting!</p>
-- {{MHP|510239199|Franco D'Auria}}

Latest revision as of 15:29, 15 August 2024

For older updates, visit the Archive.

The Draconic Depths has Surfaced!

13 August 2024

Viceroy hunters and above can now embark on a new adventure.
A new area has released in the Folklore Forest!

The Draconic Depths has Surfaced!

Thanks to Ronza's tireless efforts, the Mythweaver's latest plot has been discovered and it is unfolding beneath our very feet.

Instead of invading a world of fantasy yet again, this time the Mythweaver plans to invade the world with fantasy!

So after losing his tenure at the School of Sorcery, this malevolent mastermind took it upon himself to dig up the very essence of fear and destruction in the minds and hearts of Gnawnians: dragons!

The King is now calling upon all MouseHunters ranked Viceroy and above to travel to the new Draconic Depths and stop this invasion before it takes flight.

Prepare for your Descent

The Tale of the First Dragons map piece can be purchased from the School of Sorcery Cartographer for 1,000,000 Gold, 1,000 Sorcerer's Sapphires, and requires completion of the Become a Master Sorcerer adventure for any hunters who have yet to obtain it.

New Dragon Hunting Gear at the New Trapsmith

The Trapsmith at the Draconic Depths is well prepared to aid the MouseHunters of Gnawnia in their daunting task to descend into this dangerous den of dragons!

Dragon's Breath Opal Refractor Base
Harness the breathtaking power of Dragon's Breath Opals!
  • Power: 3,000
  • Power Bonus: 20%
  • Attraction Bonus: 50%
  • Luck: 35
  • Cheese Effect: Ultimately Fresh
  • Requires: Sorcerer's Sapphire Refractor Base
Special Effects
  • Doubles Dragonhide Sliver loot drops
  • Includes all previous Refractor base effects
Dragonsnare Net Launcher
A powerful alternative for hunters without a Dragon Slayer Cannon
  • Power: 10,000
  • Power Bonus: 30%
  • Attraction Bonus: 10%
  • Luck: 26
  • Cheese Effect: Stale
Dragon Devastator Multi-cannon
The ultimate upgrade to the Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon!
  • Power: 20,000
  • Power Bonus: 40%
  • Attraction Bonus: 20%
  • Luck: 38
  • Cheese Effect: Fresh
  • Requires: Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon
Crux of Dragon Devastation Transmuting Trap Skin
A rigorous, above-and-beyond challenge for dedicated hunters!

  • Augments its appearance to blend into its environment!
  • Requires: Dragon Devastator Multi-cannon

New Codices at the General Store

New installments in the Folklore Motif-Index are available now!

Folklore Motif-Index:
Draconic Luck
Provides +5 Luck whenever an Draconic trap is armed
Folklore Motif-Index:
Draconic Power
Provides 20% Power Bonus whenever a Draconic trap is armed
Folklore Motif-Index:
Physical Luck
Provides +5 Luck whenever an Physical trap is armed
Folklore Motif-Index:
Physical Power
Provides 20% Power Bonus whenever a Physical trap is armed

Stock up on Dragon Slaying Supplies!

The King has assembled some limited time bundles to aid in your noble quest!

Starter Slayer Bundle
Creativity, SB+, and Dragonbanes!
Supreme Slayer Bundle
Bountiful Bundle of 7 items!
Stylish Slayer Bundle
Slay in Style!
Dragon's Gift Purse
Give the gift of slaying supplies!
Dragon's Supply Stash
A coveted stash of supplies!
Large Dragon's Supply Hoard
A massive hoard of supplies!
Chrome Enchanted Dragon Slayer Turret Trap Skin
Enchant your Chrome Cannon!
Chrome Cavern of Conjuring Trap Skin
Descend into mysterious caverns!
Dragonsnare Celestial Orb Launcher Trap Skin
Harness the power of the cosmos!
Infinite Dark Extraplanar Portals Trap Skin
Infinite Extraplanar Portals!

Seismic effects on Baitkeep Charms

The intense seismic activity within the Draconic Depths has an effect on Baitkeep Charms when they're used within the Draconic Depths.

In the Draconic Depths, Baitkeep Charms have a 50% chance of activating and saving your bait when used. However, whenever they don't activate, the charm will not be consumed, keeping it intact for the next hunt.

Here Be Dragons!

-- Norman Hussey