User talk:TW George

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Revision as of 17:54, 17 September 2015 by TW George (talk | contribs) (Labyrinth Mice: Final)

Location InfoBox

TW George
Region: Hollow Heights
Minimum Rank: Duke/Duchess
Travel Requirement: Labyrinth Key
Recommended Power Types Arcane
Recommended Cheese Glowing Gruyere
Number of Mice: 26
Shops: Charm Shoppe
Cheese Shoppe
General Store
Lose Gold: Yes
Lose Points: Yes
Lose Cheese: Yes
Release Date: 9 September 2015
Topsy, turvy, left is right, up is down, can't make heads or tails of it all maze of epic proportions. Navigating the Labyrinth is simple yet complex. The strongest of hunters easily collapse to their knees in sheer madness trying and failing to complete this almost living structure. Even those that make it through have no better understanding of its layout.

Labyrinth Mice

These mice, all Citizens of Zokor, are found in the Labyrinth, but inhabit intersections or specific hallways. The length of hallways is randomly generated, but the quality of hallways encountered is dependent on the number of clues Hunters have found for that hallway type.
There are no Epic Farming or Treasury hallways.

All mice in the Labyrinth have a weakness to Forgotten weapons and most have a weakness to Arcane weapons.

Hallway Quality
Ash Golem 45,950 5,000 Tech 1 X X X
Automated Stone Sentry 60,000 10,000 Tech 2 X X
Corridor Bruiser 50,000 8,000 All Halls
0 X X X Flawless Orb
Dark Templar 80,800 12,750 Fealty 3 X
Drudge 32,500 4,988 Fealty 1 X X X
Fungal Technomorph 80,800 12,750 Tech 3 X
Hired Eidolon 44,220 10,000 Treasury 1 X X
Lost 30,000 995 All Halls
0 X X X Simple Orb
Lost Legionnaire 25,500 2,000 All Halls
0 X X X Flawed Orb
Simple Orb
Masked Pikeman 45,950 5,000 Fealty 1 X X X
Mimic 57,325 12,890 Treasury 1 X X
Mind Tearer 60,000 10,000 Fealty 2 X X
Mush Monster 44,620 5,645 Farming 1 X X Cavern Fungus
Mushroom Harvester 38,640 4,160 Farming 1 X X Cavern Fungus
Mystic Guardian 40,000 7,700 Scholar 2 X X
Mystic Herald 60,000 10,000 Scholar 2 X X
Mystic Scholar 80,800 12,750 Scholar 3 X
Nightshade Nanny 56,800 7,200 Farming 2 X Cavern Fungus
Reanimated Carver 90,000 9,000 All Halls
but NOT
0 X X X Divine Orb
Lantern Oil
RR-8 32,500 4,988 Tech 1 X X X
Sanguinarian 45,950 5,000 Scholar 1 X X X
Shadow Stalker
Avoids Glowing Gruyere
70,000 700 All Halls
0 X X X
Solemn Soldier 40,000 7,700 Fealty 2 X X
Summoning Scholar 32,500 4,988 Scholar 1 X X X
Tech Golem 40,000 7,700 Tech 2 X X
Treasure Brawler 72,000 37,250 Treasury 2 X