Power Type
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Revision as of 12:42, 9 March 2009 by Stonegnome (talk | contribs)
"Mice have specific weaknesses to certain Power Types. Using the appropriate weapon in the appropriate area is a critical part of any hunter’s strategy."
The Power Type of a weapon may be the determining factor when hunting certain breeds of mice. The Mouse Power Type determines what type of trap will be effective against it.
The available Power Types are:
- Currently unknown type effective against mice of Arcane Power Type
- Arcane weapons effective against mice of Forgotten Power Type
- Physical
- Shadow
- Tactical
Physical weapons are commonly used for catching the majority of mice, while Shadow weapons are only required for most Mousoleum breeds, Tactical weapons are used in Furoma, and Arcane weapons are used in the Bristle Woods region.
See Also
- Power – Strength of a trap.
- Effectiveness – How the various trap types fare against the mice types.