Garden Petals and Herbs

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Garden Petals and Herbs are items that are dropped by mice in the locations unlocked by the Living Garden Key, namely the Living Garden, Lost City, Sand Dunes, Twisted Garden, Cursed City and Sand Crypts. Each type of Garden Petal is found in a specific location.

Dewthief Petal

When you're a plant, moisture is a make-or-break necessity, and the Dewthief flower has a unique solution to ensuring it has a sufficient supply - long, questing vines that coil around the sloping surfaces of nearby plants. When dew forms on the unfortunate victims, the drops run down the vines and into the upturned face of the Dewthief flower, ensuring its survival at the expense of its neighbors.



Dreamfluff Herbs

When initially harvested, Dreamfluff looks like a long, brown, withered pod. However, when placed under the pillow of a softly dreaming mouse, the pod bursts open, revealing the colourful puffs beneath. While this is a required step to obtain full potency of the herb, it also ensures a wonderfully comfortable and restive night's sleep to the mouse in question.



Duskshade Petal

Every plant has its ideal growing conditions. Some prefer warmer climates, some prefer direct light, and some prefer torrential downpours. The Duskshade flower, however, can only grow in the light of the setting sun, curling in upon itself for the remaining hours of the day and appearing to the untrained observer as a dead husk.

Educated, observant, and - most importantly - lucky herbologists catching the flower during its exceptionally brief "open" phase will be treated to quite a display from arguably one of the most gorgeous flowers to have ever existed.



Graveblossom Petal

While it may look like something tragic has happened near this flower, that is only a deception that grants the flower the uncanny ability to actually unsettle hungry herbivores enough to scare them away.

Graveblossom flowers don't actually grow solely on graves, though they always seem to look like they mark a fresh one.



Plumepearl Herbs

An incredibly rare herb, Plumepearls only grow when a tiny grain of sand gets trapped by an uncommon strain of grass. While growing, the grass "attacks" the sand with a special emulsion that adds layer upon layer of hardened plant matter to the sand until eventually a large pearl-looking bulb remains.



Lunaria Petal

Lunaria flowers look rather unassuming during the day, blending in perfectly in fields of boring, white flowers. But when struck directly by the rays of the moon, they sparkle and become translucent. The superstitious claim this grants the petals of the flower magic powers, and the superstitious are absolutely right. Lunaria petals, when properly used, can heal the sick, levitate objects, and be made into an absolutely transcendent cheese.


