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=== Template ===
=== [{{MHdomain}}/newspost.php?news_post_id=NUMBER NEWS TITLE] ===
=== News Title ===
<p>Paragraph 1</p>
<p>Paragraph 2</p>
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-- {{MHP|ID_OF_POSTER|Name o'Poster}}
== News ==
===New Mice Invade the Comet!===
<p>'''New Wave of Mice Invade the Comet!'''<br />
The Trapsmith at the Festive Comet has a new item!<br />
New potion found as loot at Festive Comet!</p>
====New Wave of Mice Invade the Festive Comet====
<p>The mice ruining the Great Winter Hunt celebration have slowly been pushed into hiding by the hunting efforts of the brave hunters there! This moment may, however, appear to be the calm before the storm. New and more powerful mice have shown up at the comet and are eager to put an end to the Great Winter Hunt!</p>
<p>Not only has the cold-hearted Scrooge mouse shown up, but also entirely new and more menacing mice have made an appearance. These more powerful mice are more difficult to hunt, requiring a specially seasoned version of Gouda cheese. Luckily, a new potion has been found at the comet that will convert your bait into Seasoned Gouda to help in hunting these new mice.</p>
<p>'''Scrooge Mouse'''<br />
Cold-hearted and cruel<br />
Scrooge has brought some seriously powerful re-enforcements</p>
<p>'''Seasoned Gouda Potion'''<br />
Newly discovered loot at Festive Comet<br />
Attracts more powerful mice</p>
<p>'''Be ready for a challenge before arming Seasoned Gouda... these mice are tough!'''</p>
</blockquote> -->
''For older updates, visit the [[MHWiki:Current events/Archive|Archive]].''
=== [{{MHdomain}}/newspost.php?news_post_id=855 The King's Giveaway!] ===
====New Item at the Festive Comet Trapsmith====
<p>After carefully studying the Festive Fuses dropped by Stocking mice at the Festive Comet, the Trapsmith there has designed the new Explosive Toboggan Ride trap! In order to build an Explosive Toboggan Ride, you'll need to collect the six required items from some of the 12 Mice of Winter.</p>
'''The King's Vault is Open!'''
<p>The winter fun doesn't stop there! A couple of interesting items have been discovered while hunting with Seasoned Gouda that will no doubt make a '''powerful upgrade''' to the Explosive Toboggan Ride. Be prepared, however; collecting the additional items from powerful mice at the Festive Comet is a task for experienced hunters looking for a challenge. More information will be revealed as new mice are released!</p>
Open prize packs and gain access to the King's Vault filled with goodies!
<p>'''Explosive Toboggan Ride'''<br />
Built from loot collected from some of the 12 Mice of Winter<br />
Visit the Trapsmith at the Festive Comet for info<br />
For experienced hunters, an upgrade can be built</p>
====This Thursday is the LAST and BIGGEST Elf Madness!====
==== The King's Giveaway has BEGUN! ====
The gilded gates protecting the King's Royal Treasure Vault have been opened and the King's Giveaway has begun!
<p>Like hunting Elf mice? Love opening neatly wrapped gifts? Then don't miss a minute of horn sounding this Thursday during the final Elf Madness where more Elf mice than ever will be on the loose!</p>
From now until '''July 2''', the Treasurer, Snooty, High Roller, Mobster, and Leprechaun mice will be encountered more frequently everywhere in the Kingdom!
====2010 Winter Star====
During the giveaway, each time you attract a mouse, you'll have a chance to attract a prize mouse as a '''bonus hunt''' which does not consume any cheese or charms and will appear as an additional hunt in your Hunter's Journal.
<p>Hunters are drawing nearer to luring the festi-villain out of hiding and restoring the Winter Star! These mice won't go down without a fight, so be ready!</p>
<center>''Capture these rare and valuable mice for Prize Keys and a chance to win SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+, King's Credits, and more!''</center>
<p>The star is not all that went missing during the massive explosion of last year's eggnog... The festi-villain also managed to steal a special gift the King was holding onto for the hunters. The King doesn't want to spoil the surprise, but is eager for hunters to track down the villain and claim their gift!</p>
==== King's Prize Keys and The Vault ====
<p>The Great Winter Hunt ends '''January 6th, 2011'''<br />
The greedy prize mice have snatched up '''ALL''' the keys this year! Only prize mice will drop King's Prize Keys but they will always drop at least one! Use these keys to open 10 Mystery Prize Packs from your Hunter's Camp. These packs contain all sorts of goodies such as Gold, Regal Charms, King's Credits and SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+!
Make sure to head to the Festive Comet and sound your horn!<br />
Happy Holiday Hunting!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
Once you've opened 10 Mystery Prize Packs, the King will allow you to peek into the vault and select one of three randomly offered, highly valuable prizes! Once a prize has been selected from the vault, the door will slam shut and the prizes will reset. You may visit the vault every time you open 10 prize packs!
### this is the NOINCLUDE-tag ###
===Festive Disaster! - The Festive Comet is invaded!===
<div style="text-align: center; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em; margin: 1em 0">
<div style="font-size: 115%>'''The King's Vault will close on July 9.'''<br>
Once the giveaway ends, any King's Prize Keys in your inventory will be removed, so make sure to use them up!
<p>'''The Festive Comet is invaded!'''<br />
The Great Winter Hunt of 2010<br />
New mice will be available throughout December!<br />
Lighting the Great Winter Tree and new Festive Gifts, restoring the spirit of the holidays.</p>
====Festive Disaster!====
==== Prized Items ====
Capturing a Treasurer, Snooty, or High Roller Mouse will reward you with King's Credits which you can spend at the King's Arms or King's Cart for equipment to help you in a wide range of hunting endeavours.
<p>There was great celebration and jubilee from veterans and novices alike as an unprecedented number of hunters gathered together to witness the Great Winter Star Ceremony near the Festive Comet. Throngs of happy hunters surrounded the massive Holiday Tree, ringed with glittering lights and tinsel. Under the broad evergreen branches sat a mountain of sightly gifts brought by the King to show his appreciation for the hard work of the hunters.</p>
Capturing a Mobster Mouse will reward you with SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+ in quantities of 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, or even 1,000!
<p>But just as the Winter Star was being raised, a booming of steel drums drowned out the cheers! Our veteran hunter's supply of spoiled eggnog from last year's Winter Hunt burst open, disgorging an indescribable odor and a cloud of choking nog-smoke! Those stalwart hunters who held their breath witnessed a league of mice rush to the tree, stripping it bare of lights, pillaging the King's special gifts, and even claiming the Winter Star itself!</p>
Considered some of the most rare items in the Kingdom are the Mystery Pot of Gold and Mystery Satchel of Gold dropped by the extremely rare and elusive '''Leprechaun Mouse'''. Should you have the extraordinary luck of not only encountering but also capturing a Leprechaun Mouse it will most often drop a Mystery Satchel of Gold containing a generous quantity of Gold along with SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+ and charms. On more rare occasions, the Leprechaun will drop a Mystery Pot of Gold which contains even more SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+ and the chance of a cash prize!
<p>It seems the mice may well have stolen away both festive cheer and cheese, but all hope is not lost! A few of our bravest hunters were so formidable they managed to tough out the eggnog stench, capturing as many mice as they could manage. Bribing these captured mice with delicious Gingerbread Cheese, they learnt that there are 12 mouse types working for 1 mysterious boss! All we know of this festi-villain is that he leaves eggnoggey footprints in the snow...</p>
<p>They have also learnt that the mice have a schedule for their devious plot, and the bosses will only reveal themselves if the minions fail. The King, working together with the hunters, has released a Royal Calender to coordinate our efforts.</p>
==== Regal Codex ====
<p>'''Now it is up to you, brave hunter, to enter the Great Festive Hunt of 2010, capture the 12 mice of winter, defeat their noggy master and restore our holiday!'''</p>
Unlock the new Regal Codex by hunting with any Regal Charm to find Regal Codex Pages as loot drops. Mice drop these pages both during and after the giveaway! The pages can then be turned in at the King's Arms for the Codex.
====Restoring Holiday Cheer====
<center>''The codex allows you a chance to upgrade your existing Regal Charm into the next tiered version!''</center>
<p>Over the course of December, we'll be releasing a new mouse to the Festive Comet on '''Monday, Wednesday''' and '''Friday'''. Mice, once released, will stay in the area as long as the Winter Hunt is active. As you catch these mice, lights in your holiday strand will turn on as you recover the spirit of the Winter Hunt. After all 12 are released and caught, the mysterious boss will be revealed and become available to you. We're told he likes his cheese as cold as his heart...</p>
<div style="text-align: center; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em; margin: 1em 0">
<div style="font-size: 115%>'''The Regal Codex will be a permanent addition to the King's Cart.'''<br>
This means that you can obtain it even after the King's Giveaway ends!
<p>On '''Tuesdays''', new gifts will become available in the Festive Gift Shoppe.</p>
<p>On '''Thursdays''', or 'Bonus Elf Day' as we call it in the office, twice as many Elf mice are released to the Festive Comet.</p>
==== King's Cart Updates ====
====The Holiday Lights====
The following items have been added to the King's Cart:
<p>This HUD element shows how close you are to defeating the 12 Mice of Winter.</p>
{| style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: left"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Papyrus Seed'''<br>Cost: 1x King's Credit
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Ingenuity Grub'''<br>Cost: 1x King's Credit
|- style="text-align: left"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Unstable Charm'''<br>Cost: 2x King's Credit
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Compass Magnet'''<br>Cost: 20x King's Credit
|- style="text-align: left"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Regal Chrome Celestial Dissonance Skin'''<br>Cost: 300x King's Credit
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Regal Codex'''<br>Cost: 100x Regal Codex Page
<p>Mice that are '''caught''' are shown with a glowing light.<br />
Mice that are '''released''', but not yet caught, are a grey bulb.<br />
Mice that are '''not yet released''' are faded mysteriiiooous silhouettes of lights.</p>
-- {{MHP|517653200|Mike Paterson}}
===Festive Comet has Landed - The Great Winter Hunt has Begun!===
==== Rainbow Treasure Maps ====
<p>'''The Festive Comet has landed!'''<br />
Inside the King's Vault, hunters may have the option to select a Rainbow Scroll Case as one possible reward. This bright and colourful case contains a lengthy treasure map, which usually allows for six hunters to participate. However, hunters can upgrade their Rainbow Scroll Cases into a PARTY SIZE version by visiting the King's Arms or King's Cart. The exchange costs a regular Rainbow Scroll Case, 1 Rare Map Dust, and 50 Magic Essence. This jumbo scroll contains the same massive map, but allows for '''10 hunters''' to participate!
The Great Winter Hunt of 2010 has begun!<br />
New festivities will be available throughout December!<br />
Elf Hunting, lighting the Great Winter Tree and more!</p>
====The Festive Comet Has Landed!====
Whether you take on a regular or party size map they'll both lead to the same Rainbow Treasure Chest rewarding Gold, Points, Ancient Charms, Rainbow Charms, King's Credits, and more!
<p>Check your travel map hunters! The Festive Comet has landed in Gnawnia where there is much snowy hunting to be done! There are festively dressed mice to hunt as well as the always mischievous Elf mouse, which is carrying gifts of all shapes and sizes. If you catch an Elf mouse you'll find a gift specially wrapped depending on your Hunter's Title. Many of the gifts contain a little cheese to help you in your hunting, but occasionally you may just find something a little more special.</p>
Not interested in completing such a huge map? Rainbow Treasure Maps can be completed at any time by claiming a consolation prize for a portion of the Points, Gold, and Ancient Charms based on the number of mice captured.
<p>'''Blue Winter Hunt Gift Box'''<br />
==== Royal Deals ====
For hunters of ranks Novice to Grandmaster</p>
To celebrate the King's Giveaway, the King is offering royal deals on the most popular cheese in the Kingdom: SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+!
<p>'''Green Winter Hunt Gift Box'''<br />
Until the end of the giveaway, some of the most popular bundles of SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+ are on sale with savings ranging from 10% all the way to 25% off.
For hunters of ranks Legendary through Knight</p>
<p>'''Red Winter Hunt Gift Box'''<br />
Additionally, the King has put together some marvelous bundles, offering up the very best of his royal stash of Regal Charms and SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+, along with some Prize Keys to exchange towards a King's Vault prize, for a bargain!
For hunters of rank Lord, Lady or higher</p>
====The Festive Gift Shoppe Has Returned!====
{| style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: left"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Regal Key Ring Bundle'''<br>Regal Charms, SB+ and Prize Keys!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Ultimate Regal Vault Bundle'''<br>Ultimate Regals, SB+ and a Vault prize!
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Regal Regalia Trap Garment Bundle'''<br>Regal Trap Skins and a Vault prize!
|- style="text-align: left"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''500 SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+'''<br>$1 off! (USD)
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''1600 SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+'''<br>$5 off! (USD)
|- style="text-align: left"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''3500 SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+'''<br>$10 off! (USD)
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''7500 SUPER<nowiki>|</nowiki>brie+'''<br>$25 off! (USD)
<p>The Festive Gift Shoppe has returned to Gnawnia where you can use your gold to send gifts to friends. There is no limit on how many gifts you can send from the Festive Gift Shoppe, as well as no limit on how many gifts you can claim that were sent from the Festive Gift Shoppe. If you're feeling generous and want to let someone know you're thinking of them this Great Winter Hunt, pick out something special and buy it for a friend!</p>
''Hunters who have purchased the SUPER|brie+ quantities of 500, 1,600, 2,500, or 7,500 from the Premium Shop within the last two weeks may be compensated by writing in to MouseHunt Support. We're working through these compensations manually. If you purchased 500, 1,600, 3,500, or 7,500 SUPER|brie+ within the last two weeks you'll have an entry added to your Hunter's Journal upon being compensated. If you do not receive a journal entry within 48 hours please get in touch via "Help > Contact Us" (browser) or "Help and Support" (mobile).''
<p>There are festive collectible items that can be sent to friends, as well as Gingerbread Planks. Planks can be smashed with your Hunter's Hammer to produce 15 pieces of Gingerbread Cheese. This festive bait, along with SUPER|brie+, is a favourite of Elf mice. The Festive Gift Shoppe is expecting new items to arrive throughout December, so be sure to check back often!</p>
====New Festive Gift Baskets and Trap Skins====
<div style="text-align: center; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em; margin: 1em 0">
<div style="font-size: 115%>'''On July 2, Prize Keys will stop dropping, and Prize mice will go back into hiding.'''
<p>New festive gift baskets are available that contain SUPER|brie+ and the Lucky Golden Shield. There are also two new trap skins that give the RhinoBot and Clockapult of Time a fun, festive look.</p>
'''The Giveaway will remain accessible for opening Prize Packs and King's Vaults until July 9'''
<p>'''Festive Gift Basket'''<br />
King's Prize Keys will be removed from inventories shortly afterwards, so be sure to exchange them all!
125 SUPER|brie+<br />
1 Month Lucky Golden Shield</p>
<p>'''Jumbo Festive Gift Basket'''<br />
<center>The event will end at approximately 3:00pm UTC</center>
200 SUPER|brie+<br />
1 Month Lucky Golden Shield</p>
<p>'''Icy RhinoBot Skin'''<br />
==== A Reminder About Bonus Hunts ====
Sub-zero mouse pummeler</p>
Bonus hunts do not affect area progression, consume cheese or charms, or trigger special hunting effects and abilities. This means bonus hunts will not do things such as move your submarine forward in the Sunken City, advance your position in the Valour Rift, affect rage levels in Whisker Woods Rift, etc.
<p>'''Clockapult of Winter Past Skin'''<br />
The "special" bonuses '''specifically''' provided by your trap, base, charm, and aura(s) (not area bonuses like the Furoma Rift Droid) are taken into account as expected when encountering a mouse on a bonus hunt.
Time traveling mouse trap!</p>
====Great Winter Star Ceremony - November 29th====
-- {{MHP|510239199|Franco D'Auria}}
<p>Just before the start of December is the Great Winter Star Ceremony. It's a celebration held by the King where the previous year's Winter Star is removed from the top of the tree and the new one is placed on top. Some mice truly despise the festivities, so there is sure to be some trouble. Mark November 29th on your calendars -- The King will need help making sure no unruly mice crash the party.</p>
====Where Do I Start?====
<p>Head over to the Festive Comet and hunt the Elf mice, which enjoy Gingerbread or SUPER|brie+ cheese. If you're feeling in the giving mood, check out the Festive Gift Shoppe and send some friends festive gifts.</p>
<p>Make sure to be at the Festive Comet on November 29th for the Great Winter Star Ceremony where the King will need you to be on the lookout for any suspicious mice. Good luck hunting Elf mice and happy holiday hunting!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}

Latest revision as of 20:44, 20 June 2024

For older updates, visit the Archive.

The King's Giveaway!

18 June 2024

The King's Vault is Open!

Open prize packs and gain access to the King's Vault filled with goodies!

The King's Giveaway has BEGUN!

The gilded gates protecting the King's Royal Treasure Vault have been opened and the King's Giveaway has begun!

From now until July 2, the Treasurer, Snooty, High Roller, Mobster, and Leprechaun mice will be encountered more frequently everywhere in the Kingdom!

During the giveaway, each time you attract a mouse, you'll have a chance to attract a prize mouse as a bonus hunt which does not consume any cheese or charms and will appear as an additional hunt in your Hunter's Journal.

Capture these rare and valuable mice for Prize Keys and a chance to win SUPER|brie+, King's Credits, and more!

King's Prize Keys and The Vault

The greedy prize mice have snatched up ALL the keys this year! Only prize mice will drop King's Prize Keys but they will always drop at least one! Use these keys to open 10 Mystery Prize Packs from your Hunter's Camp. These packs contain all sorts of goodies such as Gold, Regal Charms, King's Credits and SUPER|brie+!

Once you've opened 10 Mystery Prize Packs, the King will allow you to peek into the vault and select one of three randomly offered, highly valuable prizes! Once a prize has been selected from the vault, the door will slam shut and the prizes will reset. You may visit the vault every time you open 10 prize packs!

The King's Vault will close on July 9.

Once the giveaway ends, any King's Prize Keys in your inventory will be removed, so make sure to use them up!

Prized Items

Capturing a Treasurer, Snooty, or High Roller Mouse will reward you with King's Credits which you can spend at the King's Arms or King's Cart for equipment to help you in a wide range of hunting endeavours.

Capturing a Mobster Mouse will reward you with SUPER|brie+ in quantities of 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, or even 1,000!

Considered some of the most rare items in the Kingdom are the Mystery Pot of Gold and Mystery Satchel of Gold dropped by the extremely rare and elusive Leprechaun Mouse. Should you have the extraordinary luck of not only encountering but also capturing a Leprechaun Mouse it will most often drop a Mystery Satchel of Gold containing a generous quantity of Gold along with SUPER|brie+ and charms. On more rare occasions, the Leprechaun will drop a Mystery Pot of Gold which contains even more SUPER|brie+ and the chance of a cash prize!

Regal Codex

Unlock the new Regal Codex by hunting with any Regal Charm to find Regal Codex Pages as loot drops. Mice drop these pages both during and after the giveaway! The pages can then be turned in at the King's Arms for the Codex.

The codex allows you a chance to upgrade your existing Regal Charm into the next tiered version!
The Regal Codex will be a permanent addition to the King's Cart.

This means that you can obtain it even after the King's Giveaway ends!

King's Cart Updates

The following items have been added to the King's Cart:

Papyrus Seed
Cost: 1x King's Credit
Ingenuity Grub
Cost: 1x King's Credit
Unstable Charm
Cost: 2x King's Credit
Compass Magnet
Cost: 20x King's Credit
Regal Chrome Celestial Dissonance Skin
Cost: 300x King's Credit
Regal Codex
Cost: 100x Regal Codex Page

Rainbow Treasure Maps

Inside the King's Vault, hunters may have the option to select a Rainbow Scroll Case as one possible reward. This bright and colourful case contains a lengthy treasure map, which usually allows for six hunters to participate. However, hunters can upgrade their Rainbow Scroll Cases into a PARTY SIZE version by visiting the King's Arms or King's Cart. The exchange costs a regular Rainbow Scroll Case, 1 Rare Map Dust, and 50 Magic Essence. This jumbo scroll contains the same massive map, but allows for 10 hunters to participate!

Whether you take on a regular or party size map they'll both lead to the same Rainbow Treasure Chest rewarding Gold, Points, Ancient Charms, Rainbow Charms, King's Credits, and more!

Not interested in completing such a huge map? Rainbow Treasure Maps can be completed at any time by claiming a consolation prize for a portion of the Points, Gold, and Ancient Charms based on the number of mice captured.

Royal Deals

To celebrate the King's Giveaway, the King is offering royal deals on the most popular cheese in the Kingdom: SUPER|brie+!

Until the end of the giveaway, some of the most popular bundles of SUPER|brie+ are on sale with savings ranging from 10% all the way to 25% off.

Additionally, the King has put together some marvelous bundles, offering up the very best of his royal stash of Regal Charms and SUPER|brie+, along with some Prize Keys to exchange towards a King's Vault prize, for a bargain!

Regal Key Ring Bundle
Regal Charms, SB+ and Prize Keys!
Ultimate Regal Vault Bundle
Ultimate Regals, SB+ and a Vault prize!
Regal Regalia Trap Garment Bundle
Regal Trap Skins and a Vault prize!
500 SUPER|brie+
$1 off! (USD)
1600 SUPER|brie+
$5 off! (USD)
3500 SUPER|brie+
$10 off! (USD)
7500 SUPER|brie+
$25 off! (USD)

Hunters who have purchased the SUPER|brie+ quantities of 500, 1,600, 2,500, or 7,500 from the Premium Shop within the last two weeks may be compensated by writing in to MouseHunt Support. We're working through these compensations manually. If you purchased 500, 1,600, 3,500, or 7,500 SUPER|brie+ within the last two weeks you'll have an entry added to your Hunter's Journal upon being compensated. If you do not receive a journal entry within 48 hours please get in touch via "Help > Contact Us" (browser) or "Help and Support" (mobile).

On July 2, Prize Keys will stop dropping, and Prize mice will go back into hiding.

The Giveaway will remain accessible for opening Prize Packs and King's Vaults until July 9

King's Prize Keys will be removed from inventories shortly afterwards, so be sure to exchange them all!

The event will end at approximately 3:00pm UTC

A Reminder About Bonus Hunts

Bonus hunts do not affect area progression, consume cheese or charms, or trigger special hunting effects and abilities. This means bonus hunts will not do things such as move your submarine forward in the Sunken City, advance your position in the Valour Rift, affect rage levels in Whisker Woods Rift, etc.

The "special" bonuses specifically provided by your trap, base, charm, and aura(s) (not area bonuses like the Furoma Rift Droid) are taken into account as expected when encountering a mouse on a bonus hunt.

-- Franco D'Auria