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(Traveling Problems)
(Update for Draconic Depths release)
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== Notes for Editors ==
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=== Template ===
=== [{{MHdomain}}/newspost.php?news_post_id=NUMBER NEWS TITLE] ===
=== News Title ===
<p>Paragraph 1</p>
<p>Paragraph 2</p>
<p>Paragraph 3</p>
-- {{MHP|ID_OF_POSTER|Name o'Poster}}
== News ==
===Traveling Problems===
<p>A few players are reporting having problems traveling. We are currently trying to narrow down what might be causing the problem. If you are currently unable to travel and would like to help us isolate the problem please reply to this thread with the following information:</p>
<p>- The number of Facebook friends you have.<br />
- What message is on the error page.<br />
- Your most recent error number, if any that appeared on the error page.</p>
<p>Please only reply once and make your response short and concise to help make this process go smooth and quickly.</p>
<p>Thanks for your help in isolating this problem that a handful of players are experiencing.</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===Don't feed the trolls!===
<p>Hey everyone!</p>
<p>Just reminding you guys that the best way to get rid of a troll is to not give it any attention.</p>
<p>Eventually, they get bored and move on. The best thing to do right now is simply not reply to any topics at all that are posted by trolls in this forum.</p>
<p>Check out the new video for some recent news and get back to the hunt!</p>
<p>Remember, keep that trigger finger at bay! =)</p>
-- {{MHP|501789245|Giorgio Sintichakis}}
===Trap Check Update===
<p>Hello MouseHunters!</p>
<p>As many of you are already aware trap checks have not been happening as regularly as normal. We have isolated the problem and have come up with a solution. We are currently in the final stages of testing this solution and anticipate it being put into production soon.</p>
<p>Thanks for your patience while we sort things out. We'll post another update when the solution is in place.</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===Publish Catch Journals===
<p>I've re-posted this since the first time I accidently posted it in the Nibbler section; Old habits die hard I suppose!</p>
<p>We have added a small green button to the top of journal entries for catches that will allow a player to publish that catch to their Facebook profile Wall. Now you can share those awesome catches or rare loot with all your friends. The green button will appear for all catches made after this update was applied.</p>
<p>We've also added a notification for when a player is out of cheese. Should your trap run out of bait you'll receive a notification to help you maximize your hunting time!</p>
<p>We have also tweaked the give supplies page so that by default no friend is selected. This should help avoid mistakes where players were sending supplies to the wrong person.</p>
</blockquote> -->
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
''For older updates, visit the [[MHWiki:Current events/Archive|Archive]].''
=== [{{MHdomain}}/newspost.php?news_post_id=868 The Draconic Depths has Surfaced!] ===
===Last day to request RB!===
<p>Hello Everyone,</p>
<p>Today is the last day we will be accepting emails regarding the issue of RB compensation.</p>
'''Viceroy hunters and above can now embark on a new adventure.'''<br>
A new area has released in the Folklore Forest!
<p>If you have NOT contacted us yet, please use the support link at the bottom of the Camp page. Again, I will be ignoring any requests that are not made through the support link.</p>
==== The Draconic Depths has Surfaced! ====
Thanks to Ronza's tireless efforts, the Mythweaver's latest plot has been discovered and it is unfolding beneath our very feet.
<p>I have not gotten to everyone yet, there are quite a bit of emails to go through still so if you do not have it yet, please be patient, you should have it by next week at the latest.</p>
Instead of invading a world of fantasy yet again, this time the Mythweaver plans to invade the world with fantasy!
<p>Please email only once, I have already gone through multiple duplicates which is making it take longer for you and everyone else to get their cheese.</p>
So after losing his tenure at the School of Sorcery, this malevolent mastermind took it upon himself to dig up the very essence of fear and destruction in the minds and hearts of Gnawnians: dragons!
<p>Happy hunting!</p>
The King is now calling upon all MouseHunters ranked Viceroy and above to travel to the new '''Draconic Depths''' and stop this invasion before it takes flight.
-- {{MHP|510239199|Franco D'Auria}}
===RB Compensation===
==== Prepare for your Descent ====
The '''Tale of the First Dragons''' map piece can be purchased from the School of Sorcery Cartographer for '''1,000,000 Gold''', '''1,000 Sorcerer's Sapphires''', and requires completion of the Become a Master Sorcerer adventure for any hunters who have yet to obtain it.
<p>I am working at issuing the RB to everyone's account.</p>
<p>If you have not gotten it by the end of today and have NOT sent in an email already to [email protected] then please do so.</p>
==== New Dragon Hunting Gear at the New Trapsmith ====
The Trapsmith at the Draconic Depths is well prepared to aid the MouseHunters of Gnawnia in their daunting task to descend into this dangerous den of dragons!
<p>If at any point you have already emailed us about the missing RB we will get to you, we have already received 100's of emails today and it's only been a few hours.</p>
<!-- 2x2 grid table -->
{| style="width: 66%; margin: auto; border-spacing: 1em"
| style="width: 33%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" |
<p>I am ignoring all personal messages / emails to me directly through facebook or otherwise, you must email [email protected].</p>
<center>'''Dragon's Breath Opal Refractor Base'''</center>
<p>This may take some time but we will get to everyone, we appreciate your patience in the mean time!</p>
<center>Harness the breathtaking power of Dragon's Breath Opals!</center>
<p>Happy hunting and have a great weekend!</p>
-- {{MHP|510239199|Franco D'Auria}}
* Power: '''3,000'''
* Power Bonus: '''20%'''
* Attraction Bonus: '''50%'''
* Luck: 35
* Cheese Effect: Ultimately Fresh
* Requires: Sorcerer's Sapphire Refractor Base
<center>'''Special Effects'''</center>
* Doubles Dragonhide Sliver loot drops
* Includes all previous Refractor base effects
===OK The Catacombs are NOW fixed... Really... Honestly this is he last time!===
| style="width: 33%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" |
<center>'''Dragonsnare Net Launcher'''</center>
<p>OK guys! This is the last time! The Catacombs are now officially fixed!</p>
<p>When we added the birthday mice, we had also added two other mice we forgot about and noticed no one was catching them (good work Jacob!). We made the same original mistake with adding them as the birthday mice and forgot when we went back to fix the birthday ones.</p>
<center>A powerful alternative for hunters without a Dragon Slayer Cannon</center>
<p>Now they are all fixed!</p>
* Power: '''10,000'''
* Power Bonus: '''30%'''
* Attraction Bonus: '''10%'''
* Luck: 26
* Cheese Effect: Stale
| style="width: 33%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" |
<center>'''Dragon Devastator Multi-cannon'''</center>
<p>1) Birthday mice are back in the Catacombs.<br />
<center>The ultimate upgrade to the Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon!</center>
2) Two new mice should now be catchable in the Catacombs.<br />
3) Attraction rates are back to normal.</p>
<p>Again, our apologies and happy hunting! :3</p>
-- {{MHP|510239199|Franco D'Auria}}
* Power: '''20,000'''
* Power Bonus: '''40%'''
* Attraction Bonus: '''20%'''
* Luck: 38
* Cheese Effect: Fresh
* Requires: Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon
===First ever LIVE feedback friday!===
| style="width: 33%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" |
<center>'''Crux of Dragon Devastation Transmuting Trap Skin'''</center>
<p>Go to this link to participate in the first ever LIVE feedback friday! Chat with the devs! Leave a comment! Ask a question! 15 to 30 minutes only.</p>
<p>:)<br />
<center>A rigorous, above-and-beyond challenge for dedicated hunters!</center>
[http://www.ustream.tv/channel/mousehunt-live%21 http://www.ustream.tv/channel/mousehunt-live%21]</p>
-- {{MHP|501178290|Joel Auge}}
* Augments its appearance to blend into its environment!
* Requires: Dragon Devastator Multi-cannon
===The Catacombs Fixed... Really!===
==== New Codices at the General Store ====
''6 March 2009''
New installments in the Folklore Motif-Index are available now!
<p>Our apologies!</p>
<p>We thought we had corrected the issues with the Catacombs yesterday after the introduction of the Birthday mice. It turns out that they do not play well with the other mice who currently reside there. This should NOW be fixed!</p>
{| style="width: 66%; margin: auto; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 22%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" | '''Folklore Motif-Index:'''<br>'''Draconic Luck'''<br>Provides +5 Luck whenever an Draconic trap is armed
| style="width: 22%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" | '''Folklore Motif-Index:'''<br>'''Draconic Power'''<br>Provides 20% Power Bonus whenever a Draconic trap is armed
| style="width: 22%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" | '''Folklore Motif-Index:'''<br>'''Physical Luck'''<br>Provides +5 Luck whenever an Physical trap is armed
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 22%;" |
| style="width: 22%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" | '''Folklore Motif-Index:'''<br>'''Physical Power'''<br>Provides 20% Power Bonus whenever a Physical trap is armed
| style="width: 22%; " |
<p>We have removed the Birthday mice from the Catacombs in order to restore the attraction rates back normal.</p>
==== Stock up on Dragon Slaying Supplies! ====
The King has assembled some limited time bundles to aid in your noble quest!
<p>If you have any further concerns or issues, feel free to contact us directly, [email protected].</p>
{| style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 1em"
-- {{MHP|510239199|Franco D'Auria}}
|- style="text-align: center"
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Starter Slayer Bundle'''<br>Creativity, SB+, and Dragonbanes!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Supreme Slayer Bundle'''<br>Bountiful Bundle of 7 items!
===Catacombs back to normal===
{| style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 1em"
''5 March 2009''
|- style="text-align: center"
|- style="text-align: center"
<p>Hey everyone,</p>
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" |
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Stylish Slayer Bundle'''<br>Slay in Style!
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" |
<p>You may have noticed that your attraction rate in the Catacombs had been reduced since the release of the Birthday mice. Those pesky mice caused some trouble with the cheese!</p>
{| style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: center"
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Dragon's Gift Purse'''<br>Give the gift of slaying supplies!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Dragon's Supply Stash'''<br>A coveted stash of supplies!
<p>Everything has been corrected and should be working as normal now!</p>
{| style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: center"
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" |
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Large Dragon's Supply Hoard'''<br>A massive hoard of supplies!
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" |
<p>Happy hunting!</p>
{| style="width: 100%; margin: auto; border-spacing: 1em"
-- {{MHP|510239199|Franco D'Auria}}
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Chrome Enchanted Dragon Slayer Turret Trap Skin'''<br>Enchant your Chrome Cannon!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Chrome Cavern of Conjuring Trap Skin'''<br>Descend into mysterious caverns!
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Dragonsnare Celestial Orb Launcher Trap Skin'''<br>Harness the power of the cosmos!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Infinite Dark Extraplanar Portals Trap Skin'''<br>Infinite Extraplanar Portals!
===Unknown Mouse Appearance===
==== Seismic effects on Baitkeep Charms ====
''26 February 2009''
<p>This evening while implementing a utility to import catch statistics an error temporarily caused an additional mouse silhouette to appear on the "All Mice" page. The error has since been corrected and the catches removed. Please note however that some references to these catches may still appear for a short while until the game refreshes these stats from the database.</p>
<p>These catches were mistakingly added while removing excess gold from a fake account, in order to restore the gold to legitimate players.</p>
The intense seismic activity within the Draconic Depths has an effect on Baitkeep Charms when they're used within the Draconic Depths.
<p>We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience.</p>
In the Draconic Depths, Baitkeep Charms have a 50% chance of activating and saving your bait when used. However, whenever they don't activate, the charm '''will not''' be consumed, keeping it intact for the next hunt.
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===Scammer Alert===
<div style="text-align: center; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em; margin: 1em 0">
''26 February 2009''
<div style="font-size: 115%>'''Here Be Dragons!'''</div></div>
<p>We have a problem with a scammer now promising SB+ or Gold if you go to his / her site. The site will attempt to solicit your facebook user id and password.</p>
<p>THIS IS A SCAM. If you see his posts report him to facebook immediately and make sure you do not click on the link he / she provides.</p>
-- {{MHP|2818486648263450|Norman Hussey}}
-- {{MHP|747503967|Bryan Freeman}}
===Game Interruption===
''23 February 2009''
<p>Hello MouseHunters. Our apologizes for the recent 15-20 minutes of downtime. We had experienced some unexpected technical difficulties which we have now resolved.</p>
<p>Thanks for your patience and understanding. Now on with the hunt!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===Stale Cheese, New Blueprints, Maki and More!===
''19 February 2009''
<p>Due to how long this week's update has turned out we're trying a different approach and organizing the update into sections. Let us know what you think!</p>
====Stale Cheese:====
<p>This week's update lets hunters keep a stock of stale cheese in their inventory under the Crafting tab, when their equipped cheese turns stale. We plan to release a few new crafted items that require stale cheese and thought it would be beneficial to let players start stashing away their stale cheese now. Due to this increase of accessibility, stale cheese is no longer available as loot from a mouse.</p>
<p>Stale cheese is somewhat fragile and can prove tricky to remove from a trap, therefore hunters will need to achieve the title of Apprentice before they will be experienced enough to be able to collect stale cheese.</p>
====Boards Layout Change:====
<p>As you have most likely already noticed we have tweaked the layout of the discussion boards to hopefully make keeping tabs on threads a little easier. We welcome your feedback on the new two-column layout!</p>
====New Stock at the Catacombs General Store====
<p>The General Store in the Catacombs is now selling a Bead of Slumber for the low, low price of 2,000 gold! Hunters who were a little over-zealous with their hammers and smashed the Obelisk of Slumber trap before obtaining a piece of coal will be able to combine their Obelisk Parts with this bead to restore the Obelisk of Slumber. On a slightly related note, the Obelisk of Incineration can now be smashed should a hunter wish to convert it back to an Obelisk of Slumber.</p>
<p>Hunters who have managed to obtain the Onyx stone from a Master of the Dojo mouse may also be interested in a new item stocked at the Catacombs General Store. The creepy shop keep of the Catacombs has managed to obtain blueprints shrouded in mystery. Digby scientists warn that the power of the Onyx stone is far too dangerous to meddle with and urge hunters not to purchase these blueprints!</p>
====Granite Mouse Mischief in Digby====
<p>It seems a pack of Granite mice broke into Digby's super secret supply room making off with large quantities of highly sought after meteorite pieces. These cheese-like rocks are rumoured to be small fragments that occasionally chip off from the moon and crash into the planet's surface. The scientists of Digby are still negotiating with insurance...</p>
====Maki Cheese:====
<p>There has been some confusion surrounding last week's released Maki cheese. For hunting in the Dojo, Swiss, regular Brie, SUPER|brie+ and Maki are all valid options where one is not necessarily better than the other. Each option presents different pros and cons in terms of net gold, points and how quickly you can accumulate tokens.</p>
<p>Maki boosts the encounter rate for student mice in the Dojo by a rather large margin; however, it has a lower attraction rate for non-student mice. Maki is suitable for hunters who like to think "long-term" and are interested in getting tokens quicker. If, however, you are more interested in accumulating gold or points, sticking to more conventional bait may be a better choice. Rest assured the cheese is functioning as intended for proper game balance. Remember that there is no one "best way to hunt". As a MouseHunter, it's your role to figure out what works best for you.</p>
<p>We have allowed Maki cheese to be "smashed", yielding one magic essence for hunters who wish to convert their stocks of Maki back into SUPER|brie+.</p>
====What We're Working on Next:====
<p>For future updates, we're working on areas and other content for both new players and veterans alike!</p>
<p>We are working on expanding crafting and the Hunter's Hammer to help make crafting more useful for lower-level hunters. Do you have a great idea for a new type of cheese or trap that could be crafted and useful in Gnawnia? Let us know on the ideas and suggestions board!</p>
<p>For our more experienced hunters, we are working on a new region that will tie in with the Catacombs. The new areas of this region will provide a unique twist on gameplay and pose a worthy challenge to Legendary MouseHunters!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===Cupid Mice and a New Crafting Tool===
''10 February 2009''
<p>Hello MouseHunt CommuniTAY! (Sorry Bryan)</p>
<p>Today's update has revealed a cheeky little mouse seen flying above most hunting grounds. Cupid mice have their sights set on spreading a little love around the Kingdom with their heart-tipped arrows. Careful not to get caught in the crossfire!</p>
<p>We will also be running a Valentine's Day Giveaway event soon, so keep your eyes peeled for a banner to appear at the top of the game.</p>
<p>Hunters will also notice a new tool on in the Crafting tab of their Inventory called the Hunter's Hammer. This all-purpose hammer can be used to smash or dissemble various items to make more crafting components. For the moment there are only two items that you can use the hammer on but we plan on adding more in the next update. Ideas for future updates include being able to take apart your old traps and apply new parts to them to make some interesting upgrades to your old hunting gear.</p>
<p>We have also tweaked how confirm boxes work in several of the shops. No longer will the page reload to show a confirm box. Instead, a small confirm button will appear in place of the buy button. This small change should help you buy items a little quicker and relieve a little strain on our servers. We hope you enjoy!</p>
<p>Next week we'll be continuing our updates to the Catacombs branch of hunting locations. Expect a couple new traps and new foes to use them upon!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===Catacombs Update===
''5 February 2009''
<p>Based on player feedback, we have made a few adjustments to the newly released Catacombs. We have slightly lowered the strength of Forgotten mice and have doubled the amount of regular brie a player can imbue using potions.</p>
<p>Keep in mind that the Catacombs are only the first phase of a new branch of areas. We have plans to release new Arcane traps, new mice, new crafting items and new types of cheese that are more effective than Radioactive Brie in the Catacombs and elsewhere. The Catacombs were balanced with these future developments in mind.</p>
<p>The Catacombs are much like the Mousoleum; high-risk, high-reward. We strive to introduce varying types of themed environments where each offer different "comfort levels", requiring varying levels of risk-assessment. The Catacombs contrast other locations such as the Training Grounds which are low-risk, decent reward. Things would indeed get boring if there was always one "best place to hunt". Keep an eye on your summary journal logs to see how your net gains are over time.</p>
<p>We are continuing to read your feedback so keep the suggestions and ideas coming! </p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
===New Legendary Area===
''4 February 2009''
:Today introduces a new hunting location for hunters who have achieved the title of Legendary! To acquire access to this new area known as the Catacombs hunters will have to have the Cartographer in the Burroughs Bazaar repair their Tattered Mousoleum map piece.
:The Catacombs are 'phase one' of a new group of areas that will reveal what forces might be responsible for unleashing the more 'sinister' breeds of mice into Gnawnia. This area has a few different strategies that may pose varying levels of success, a suited challenge for hunters with Legendary experience.
:Based on player response, elements of this new area may change over the next week or two. Be warned that mice values such as gold, points, difficulties, attraction rates and other behaviour may need to be fine-tuned. We also plan on adding a few more mice once they are ready for release. If you prefer more stable and predictable hunting, perhaps refrain from hunting in the Catacombs for a week or two. Please feel free to post your suggestions and opinions on the boards!
:On a related note, this branch of new areas will be the last of the "dark and creepy" themed areas for a while. The areas we are currently planning to release after this branch are less "spooky".
:Good luck to our Legendary hunters! You may just need it down there...
:-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}

Latest revision as of 15:29, 15 August 2024

For older updates, visit the Archive.

The Draconic Depths has Surfaced!

13 August 2024

Viceroy hunters and above can now embark on a new adventure.
A new area has released in the Folklore Forest!

The Draconic Depths has Surfaced!

Thanks to Ronza's tireless efforts, the Mythweaver's latest plot has been discovered and it is unfolding beneath our very feet.

Instead of invading a world of fantasy yet again, this time the Mythweaver plans to invade the world with fantasy!

So after losing his tenure at the School of Sorcery, this malevolent mastermind took it upon himself to dig up the very essence of fear and destruction in the minds and hearts of Gnawnians: dragons!

The King is now calling upon all MouseHunters ranked Viceroy and above to travel to the new Draconic Depths and stop this invasion before it takes flight.

Prepare for your Descent

The Tale of the First Dragons map piece can be purchased from the School of Sorcery Cartographer for 1,000,000 Gold, 1,000 Sorcerer's Sapphires, and requires completion of the Become a Master Sorcerer adventure for any hunters who have yet to obtain it.

New Dragon Hunting Gear at the New Trapsmith

The Trapsmith at the Draconic Depths is well prepared to aid the MouseHunters of Gnawnia in their daunting task to descend into this dangerous den of dragons!

Dragon's Breath Opal Refractor Base
Harness the breathtaking power of Dragon's Breath Opals!
  • Power: 3,000
  • Power Bonus: 20%
  • Attraction Bonus: 50%
  • Luck: 35
  • Cheese Effect: Ultimately Fresh
  • Requires: Sorcerer's Sapphire Refractor Base
Special Effects
  • Doubles Dragonhide Sliver loot drops
  • Includes all previous Refractor base effects
Dragonsnare Net Launcher
A powerful alternative for hunters without a Dragon Slayer Cannon
  • Power: 10,000
  • Power Bonus: 30%
  • Attraction Bonus: 10%
  • Luck: 26
  • Cheese Effect: Stale
Dragon Devastator Multi-cannon
The ultimate upgrade to the Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon!
  • Power: 20,000
  • Power Bonus: 40%
  • Attraction Bonus: 20%
  • Luck: 38
  • Cheese Effect: Fresh
  • Requires: Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon
Crux of Dragon Devastation Transmuting Trap Skin
A rigorous, above-and-beyond challenge for dedicated hunters!

  • Augments its appearance to blend into its environment!
  • Requires: Dragon Devastator Multi-cannon

New Codices at the General Store

New installments in the Folklore Motif-Index are available now!

Folklore Motif-Index:
Draconic Luck
Provides +5 Luck whenever an Draconic trap is armed
Folklore Motif-Index:
Draconic Power
Provides 20% Power Bonus whenever a Draconic trap is armed
Folklore Motif-Index:
Physical Luck
Provides +5 Luck whenever an Physical trap is armed
Folklore Motif-Index:
Physical Power
Provides 20% Power Bonus whenever a Physical trap is armed

Stock up on Dragon Slaying Supplies!

The King has assembled some limited time bundles to aid in your noble quest!

Starter Slayer Bundle
Creativity, SB+, and Dragonbanes!
Supreme Slayer Bundle
Bountiful Bundle of 7 items!
Stylish Slayer Bundle
Slay in Style!
Dragon's Gift Purse
Give the gift of slaying supplies!
Dragon's Supply Stash
A coveted stash of supplies!
Large Dragon's Supply Hoard
A massive hoard of supplies!
Chrome Enchanted Dragon Slayer Turret Trap Skin
Enchant your Chrome Cannon!
Chrome Cavern of Conjuring Trap Skin
Descend into mysterious caverns!
Dragonsnare Celestial Orb Launcher Trap Skin
Harness the power of the cosmos!
Infinite Dark Extraplanar Portals Trap Skin
Infinite Extraplanar Portals!

Seismic effects on Baitkeep Charms

The intense seismic activity within the Draconic Depths has an effect on Baitkeep Charms when they're used within the Draconic Depths.

In the Draconic Depths, Baitkeep Charms have a 50% chance of activating and saving your bait when used. However, whenever they don't activate, the charm will not be consumed, keeping it intact for the next hunt.

Here Be Dragons!

-- Norman Hussey