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(Update for Draconic Depths release)
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=== Template ===
=== [{{MHdomain}}/newspost.php?news_post_id=NUMBER NEWS TITLE] ===
=== News Title ===
<p>Paragraph 1</p>
<p>Paragraph 2</p>
<p>Paragraph 3</p>
-- {{MHP|ID_OF_POSTER|Name o'Poster}}
== News ==
=== 12 Days 'til Christmas Event ===
<p>The 12 days 'til Christmas event starts today at the Festive Comet!</p>
<p>Most hunters have noticed that the Festive Comet has been slowly melting for the past several days, but what has gone unnoticed until now is the peculiar way in which the comet has been melting. Digby's finest scientists have been stationed at the Festive Comet since its landing and were the first to discover the comet's odd melting pattern.</p>
<p>The scientists of Digby's discovery was that the comet has been melting in layers, as though the mighty comet had slowly been growing while on its crash-course with Gnawnia. Each layer has slightly different density and appears to have different melting rates. The fascinating coincidence is that the next 12 layers all appear to have the same melting rate of approximately 24 hours!</p>
<p>What does this mean to those hunting at the Festive Comet? You can expect a new layer of snow to melt each and everyday! What is the significance of a layer melting? Well, as the comet flew through festive outer-space it smashed its way through 12 rings of debris in the Friendly Festive Galaxy of Fantastic Fancy items! (Scientists are still debating on a final name). As the comet passed through each ring, massive amounts of festive debris stuck to the comet and quickly became incased in snow, causing the comet to grow in size.</p>
<p>As each of the next 12 layers of snow melt, the festive item trapped within each layer is sure to be quickly found by mice. Larry, who always seems to have a knack for foreshadowing events has predicted that these 12 items will inevitably make what he has called "something".</p>
<p>So grab your favourite festive hunting gear, keep your trap well-baited and spread some festive hunting cheer at the Festive Comet!</p>
</blockquote> -->
''For older updates, visit the [[MHWiki:Current events/Archive|Archive]].''
=== [{{MHdomain}}/newspost.php?news_post_id=868 The Draconic Depths has Surfaced!] ===
  '''The Event in a Nutshell:'''
    * A new loot item avalable at the Festive Comet each day until Dec. 24
    * New items will be announced on the [http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=10337532241 MouseHunt Application Page]
    * Fans of MouseHunt have latest news delivered to their homepage (Become a fan [http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=10337532241 here])
    * Larry's use for the new items will be revealed when they are all found
    * Items will be easiest to collect on the day they are released - check back daily!
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
=== Blueprints Discovered as Comet Melts! ===
<p>As the Festive Comet slowly melts, the mice there have come across some new, interesting items! According to the reports pouring in from researchers stationed on the comet, the mice have unearthed blueprints detailing how to construct hunting gear out of planks of gingerbread.</p>
<p>Various mice at the Festive Comet have been spotted using the scraps of blueprint as nesting material. The prints are somewhat rare at the moment, but researchers are confident that as more of the comet melts, more blueprints will be discovered.</p>
<p>Who knows what other festive surprises are waiting under layers of snow? Head over to the Festive Comet, and good luck hunting!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
'''Viceroy hunters and above can now embark on a new adventure.'''<br>
A new area has released in the Folklore Forest!
==== The Draconic Depths has Surfaced! ====
Thanks to Ronza's tireless efforts, the Mythweaver's latest plot has been discovered and it is unfolding beneath our very feet.
=== The Great Winter Hunt '09 ===
Instead of invading a world of fantasy yet again, this time the Mythweaver plans to invade the world with fantasy!
<p>Welcome all to the first, annual, Great Winter Hunt!</p>
<p>"The Festive Comet" earlier discovered by those kooky Digby scientists has landed and we are all still here and hunting!</p>
So after losing his tenure at the School of Sorcery, this malevolent mastermind took it upon himself to dig up the very essence of fear and destruction in the minds and hearts of Gnawnians: dragons!
<p>The collision with Gnawnia has caused massive amounts of global "heart" warming as a sudden wave of festive cheer has attracted a variety of old and new mice to the area!</p>
The King is now calling upon all MouseHunters ranked Viceroy and above to travel to the new '''Draconic Depths''' and stop this invasion before it takes flight.
<p>'''Event Details:'''</p>
==== Prepare for your Descent ====
The '''Tale of the First Dragons''' map piece can be purchased from the School of Sorcery Cartographer for '''1,000,000 Gold''', '''1,000 Sorcerer's Sapphires''', and requires completion of the Become a Master Sorcerer adventure for any hunters who have yet to obtain it.
<p>New area is now available! From the travel page in the Gnawnia region you can now reach "The festive comet"! (open to all hunter ranks). All of the seasonal mice have come out of hibernation now that the comet has struck. They will stay with the comet until it melts before returning back to hibernation until the next time.</p>
==== New Dragon Hunting Gear at the New Trapsmith ====
The Trapsmith at the Draconic Depths is well prepared to aid the MouseHunters of Gnawnia in their daunting task to descend into this dangerous den of dragons!
<p>These festive mice love to collect the various items brought to gnawnia by the comet. They are used to make their special gingerbread homes as well as tasty treats that these mice find completely irresistible!</p>
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<p>The Digby scientists have also sent various recovery teams to the site, gathering and researching all of the newly discovered wonders. They are making these items available for you to send to friends and have come up with a pretty ingenious recipe already with more on the way!</p>
<center>'''Dragon's Breath Opal Refractor Base'''</center>
<p>Quote from Timmy, lead Digby Reasearcher, "These new planks of gingerbread are quite astonishing! Incredibly strong and resilient! Also quite tasty, flavorful and rich in aroma! Smashing these planks into smaller, more manageable pieces creates the perfect treat for the holidays!"</p>
<center>Harness the breathtaking power of Dragon's Breath Opals!</center>
<p>The scientists also believe, given enough time, that they should be able to use this new "gingerbread", as well as including some of the other festive items, to capture the essence of the holiday and create some most interesting trap components!</p>
* Power: '''3,000'''
* Power Bonus: '''20%'''
* Attraction Bonus: '''50%'''
* Luck: 35
* Cheese Effect: Ultimately Fresh
* Requires: Sorcerer's Sapphire Refractor Base
<center>'''Special Effects'''</center>
* Doubles Dragonhide Sliver loot drops
* Includes all previous Refractor base effects
<p>Some of the regular inhabitants of Gnawnia have been seen adorning themselves with the debris from the comet, almost instinctually, unable to resist their sparkle and shine. Proudly parading themselves for all to see, can you catch them all?</p>
| style="width: 33%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" |
<center>'''Dragonsnare Net Launcher'''</center>
<p>Happy Holiday Hunting!</p>
<center>A powerful alternative for hunters without a Dragon Slayer Cannon</center>
-- {{MHP|510239199|Franco D'Auria}}
=== Facebook Changes ===
* Power: '''10,000'''
* Power Bonus: '''30%'''
<p>Facebook will be making a series of changes over the next month, one of which is getting rid of notifications. Facebook is adding some functionality to try and fill the gap left by lack of notifications.</p>
* Attraction Bonus: '''10%'''
* Luck: 26
* Cheese Effect: Stale
<p>- user to user notifications will be replaced by inbox messages.</p>
| style="width: 33%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" |
<center>'''Dragon Devastator Multi-cannon'''</center>
<p>- application to user notifications are being removed all together. They are allowing you to optionally provide an email address for the game to send messages to. This is the prompt that some people are seeing. We have no idea about why the message is saying restraunt city and are looking into it.</p>
<center>The ultimate upgrade to the Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon!</center>
<p>Facebook will be phasing in the new changes over the next month or so. The email opt-in is the first step. you can see a list of all the changes they are planning at http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Developer_Roadmap</p>
* Power: '''20,000'''
* Power Bonus: '''40%'''
* Attraction Bonus: '''20%'''
* Luck: 38
* Cheese Effect: Fresh
* Requires: Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon
<p>We will making some changes to things to accommodate for the facebook changes in the coming weeks and will provide more detail about how exactly (if at all) the changes will affect game play. We don't agree with all of the changes facebook is making but unfortunately don't have any control over it. We will by trying to ensure the changes are as minimally disruptive as possible.</p>
| style="width: 33%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" |
<center>'''Crux of Dragon Devastation Transmuting Trap Skin'''</center>
-- {{MHP|517653200|Mike Paterson}}
<center>A rigorous, above-and-beyond challenge for dedicated hunters!</center>
* Augments its appearance to blend into its environment!
* Requires: Dragon Devastator Multi-cannon
=== A Monday Mystery Mouse?! ===
<p>A certain breed of mouse roaming around Gnawnia has been reported to be dropping SUPER|brie+!</p>
<p>The King is not sure how these mice got their paws on a small supply of the always tasty SUPER|brie+ but one thing is certain -- Their supply won't last long!</p>
==== New Codices at the General Store ====
New installments in the Folklore Motif-Index are available now!
<p>To discover what mouse is dropping SUPER|brie+ check out the [http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=10337532241 MouseHunt Application Page].</p>
{| style="width: 66%; margin: auto; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 22%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" | '''Folklore Motif-Index:'''<br>'''Draconic Luck'''<br>Provides +5 Luck whenever an Draconic trap is armed
| style="width: 22%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" | '''Folklore Motif-Index:'''<br>'''Draconic Power'''<br>Provides 20% Power Bonus whenever a Draconic trap is armed
| style="width: 22%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" | '''Folklore Motif-Index:'''<br>'''Physical Luck'''<br>Provides +5 Luck whenever an Physical trap is armed
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 22%;" |
| style="width: 22%; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em" | '''Folklore Motif-Index:'''<br>'''Physical Power'''<br>Provides 20% Power Bonus whenever a Physical trap is armed
| style="width: 22%; " |
<p>While you're there be sure to become a fan by clicking the "become a fan" button at the top of the page. If you become a fan of MouseHunt, all the latest updates will be delivered directly to your homepage so you'll know the moment another mystery mouse is revealed.</p>
==== Stock up on Dragon Slaying Supplies! ====
The King has assembled some limited time bundles to aid in your noble quest!
<p>Good luck tracking down those sneaky mice!</p>
{| style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 1em"
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|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Starter Slayer Bundle'''<br>Creativity, SB+, and Dragonbanes!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Supreme Slayer Bundle'''<br>Bountiful Bundle of 7 items!
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
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|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" |  
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Stylish Slayer Bundle'''<br>Slay in Style!
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" |
=== Planned Server Maintenance ===
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<p>Hello everyone!</p>
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Dragon's Gift Purse'''<br>Give the gift of slaying supplies!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Dragon's Supply Stash'''<br>A coveted stash of supplies!
<p>Tomorrow (Tuesday, November 10) the game will be down for maintenance starting at 11am EST until 6pm EST. A countdown timer will appear at the top of every page showing approximately when the maintenance will start.</p>
{| style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 1em"
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|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" |
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Large Dragon's Supply Hoard'''<br>A massive hoard of supplies!
| style="width: 33.3%; padding: 0.416em" |
<p>The planned maintenance is to perform a significant hardware upgrade to the servers running the game. The new hardware will allow more hunters to work for the King and fight off the mouse invasion!</p>
{| style="width: 100%; margin: auto; border-spacing: 1em"
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Chrome Enchanted Dragon Slayer Turret Trap Skin'''<br>Enchant your Chrome Cannon!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Chrome Cavern of Conjuring Trap Skin'''<br>Descend into mysterious caverns!
|- style="text-align: center"
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Dragonsnare Celestial Orb Launcher Trap Skin'''<br>Harness the power of the cosmos!
| style="width: 50%; padding: 0.416em" | '''Infinite Dark Extraplanar Portals Trap Skin'''<br>Infinite Extraplanar Portals!
<p>You will not be able to access MouseHunt during the maintenance period. Be aware that if you are participating in a tournament all teams will have their multiplier reset during the downtime.</p>
==== Seismic effects on Baitkeep Charms ====
<p>During downtime a splash screen will appear directing players to the [http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=10337532241 application's about page] where we will be posting updates as the server maintenance progresses. For those curious about how the maintenance is going, we'll be sure to post small progress updates to keep everyone in the loop. If you are a fan of MouseHunt these updates should appear on your homepage.</p>
The intense seismic activity within the Draconic Depths has an effect on Baitkeep Charms when they're used within the Draconic Depths.
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}
In the Draconic Depths, Baitkeep Charms have a 50% chance of activating and saving your bait when used. However, whenever they don't activate, the charm '''will not''' be consumed, keeping it intact for the next hunt.
=== Farewell Ronza! ===
<p>As most hunters have no doubt noticed by now Ronza has left the Kingdom. She wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome and hoped the stowaway Rockstars that arrived along with her didn't cause too much trouble.</p>
<p>A few Rockstars still seem to be partying around the Kingdom. If you have some Rockforth cheese left you may just be able to attract one of the few remaining Rockstars to your trap. The remaining Rockstar mice still have Ronza's Satchels of Surprize!</p>
<div style="text-align: center; border: 0.083em solid; border-radius: 0.416em; padding: 0.416em; margin: 1em 0">
<div style="font-size: 115%>'''Here Be Dragons!'''</div></div>
<p>The united efforts of hunters to trap Hollowheads has proven to be a success, they have vanished until next year. The King is especially glad the Hollowheads have vanished and has reportedly retired his nightlight until next year.</p>
-- {{MHP|2818486648263450|Norman Hussey}}
<p>We hope everyone had fun this month! Happy hunting!</p>
-- {{MHP|502041253|Dave Vanderburg}}

Latest revision as of 15:29, 15 August 2024

For older updates, visit the Archive.

The Draconic Depths has Surfaced!

13 August 2024

Viceroy hunters and above can now embark on a new adventure.
A new area has released in the Folklore Forest!

The Draconic Depths has Surfaced!

Thanks to Ronza's tireless efforts, the Mythweaver's latest plot has been discovered and it is unfolding beneath our very feet.

Instead of invading a world of fantasy yet again, this time the Mythweaver plans to invade the world with fantasy!

So after losing his tenure at the School of Sorcery, this malevolent mastermind took it upon himself to dig up the very essence of fear and destruction in the minds and hearts of Gnawnians: dragons!

The King is now calling upon all MouseHunters ranked Viceroy and above to travel to the new Draconic Depths and stop this invasion before it takes flight.

Prepare for your Descent

The Tale of the First Dragons map piece can be purchased from the School of Sorcery Cartographer for 1,000,000 Gold, 1,000 Sorcerer's Sapphires, and requires completion of the Become a Master Sorcerer adventure for any hunters who have yet to obtain it.

New Dragon Hunting Gear at the New Trapsmith

The Trapsmith at the Draconic Depths is well prepared to aid the MouseHunters of Gnawnia in their daunting task to descend into this dangerous den of dragons!

Dragon's Breath Opal Refractor Base
Harness the breathtaking power of Dragon's Breath Opals!
  • Power: 3,000
  • Power Bonus: 20%
  • Attraction Bonus: 50%
  • Luck: 35
  • Cheese Effect: Ultimately Fresh
  • Requires: Sorcerer's Sapphire Refractor Base
Special Effects
  • Doubles Dragonhide Sliver loot drops
  • Includes all previous Refractor base effects
Dragonsnare Net Launcher
A powerful alternative for hunters without a Dragon Slayer Cannon
  • Power: 10,000
  • Power Bonus: 30%
  • Attraction Bonus: 10%
  • Luck: 26
  • Cheese Effect: Stale
Dragon Devastator Multi-cannon
The ultimate upgrade to the Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon!
  • Power: 20,000
  • Power Bonus: 40%
  • Attraction Bonus: 20%
  • Luck: 38
  • Cheese Effect: Fresh
  • Requires: Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon
Crux of Dragon Devastation Transmuting Trap Skin
A rigorous, above-and-beyond challenge for dedicated hunters!

  • Augments its appearance to blend into its environment!
  • Requires: Dragon Devastator Multi-cannon

New Codices at the General Store

New installments in the Folklore Motif-Index are available now!

Folklore Motif-Index:
Draconic Luck
Provides +5 Luck whenever an Draconic trap is armed
Folklore Motif-Index:
Draconic Power
Provides 20% Power Bonus whenever a Draconic trap is armed
Folklore Motif-Index:
Physical Luck
Provides +5 Luck whenever an Physical trap is armed
Folklore Motif-Index:
Physical Power
Provides 20% Power Bonus whenever a Physical trap is armed

Stock up on Dragon Slaying Supplies!

The King has assembled some limited time bundles to aid in your noble quest!

Starter Slayer Bundle
Creativity, SB+, and Dragonbanes!
Supreme Slayer Bundle
Bountiful Bundle of 7 items!
Stylish Slayer Bundle
Slay in Style!
Dragon's Gift Purse
Give the gift of slaying supplies!
Dragon's Supply Stash
A coveted stash of supplies!
Large Dragon's Supply Hoard
A massive hoard of supplies!
Chrome Enchanted Dragon Slayer Turret Trap Skin
Enchant your Chrome Cannon!
Chrome Cavern of Conjuring Trap Skin
Descend into mysterious caverns!
Dragonsnare Celestial Orb Launcher Trap Skin
Harness the power of the cosmos!
Infinite Dark Extraplanar Portals Trap Skin
Infinite Extraplanar Portals!

Seismic effects on Baitkeep Charms

The intense seismic activity within the Draconic Depths has an effect on Baitkeep Charms when they're used within the Draconic Depths.

In the Draconic Depths, Baitkeep Charms have a 50% chance of activating and saving your bait when used. However, whenever they don't activate, the charm will not be consumed, keeping it intact for the next hunt.

Here Be Dragons!

-- Norman Hussey