User talk:TW George

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Revision as of 14:59, 21 September 2015 by TW George (talk | contribs) (Navigating the Labyrinth: more info)


The Labyrinth is located in the Hollow Heights region requiring a minimum rank of Duke or Duchess and the Labyrinth Key to enter.
The Labyrinth Key can be purchased at the Fungal Cavern Cartographer in exchange for 30,000 gold and 1 Crystal Crucible.
Hunters must navigate the Labyrinth to enter Zokor. While in Zokor Hunters are unable to access the Labyrinth.
Leaving the Labyrinth (or Zokor) will not reset a Hunter's progress.
Hunters navigate Intersections and Hallways collecting clues from the mice found in the Labyrinth. Mice can drop Dead End, Farming, Fealty, Scholar, Treasury, and Tech clues, depending on which Hallway they inhabit.

Entering the Labyrinth

When Hunters first enter the labyrinth they encounter an Intersection which offers the choice of three doors, 1 each of a Short Plain Fealty Hallway, a Short Plain Scholar Hallway, and a Short Plain Tech Hallway. Hunters must choose one of these Hallways to begin collecting clues.


Only mice found in Hallways will provide clues to Hunters.

  • Fealty Clues are found only in Fealty Hallways
  • Scholar Clues are found only in Scholar Hallways
  • Tech Clues are found only in Tech Hallways
  • Farming Clues are found only in Farming Hallways
  • Treasury Clues are found in Treasury Hallways
  • Dead End Clues are found in all Hallways and are the result of a Failure To Catch a mouse.
  • A Failure to Attract a mouse will not affect the Hunter's progress in any way.

On the HUD, clues are represented as follows:

  • District clues are shown in green with dots showing the number of clues found
  • Dead End clues are shown in brown.
  • The plain grey squares represent progress where no clue was found for a hunt.

When Hunters have accumulated 100 or more total clues the next intersection they encounter will offer a choice of District Doorways that allow entry to Zokor. The number of clues Hunters have of each type will determine which District Doors are available, their quality, and the amount of Stealth that Hunters will have while hunting in the District they enter.


Hunters encounter an intersection with 3 doors when they first enter the Labyrinth. When Hunters finish navigating a Hallway they will be presented with another intersection that will offer from 1 to 3 new doorways allowing access to new Hallways. Hunters can hunt in Intersections without selecting a new door, but they will not collect any clues from the mice found there.


There are 5 types of Hallways with 3 possible lengths and up to 3 levels of quality. It is possible to find each type and quality of Hallway in all 3 lengths.

  • Hallway Type
  • Fealty - Hunters are offered the choice of a Fealty Hallway when they first enter the Labyrinth. Mice in these Hallways drop Fealty clues.
  • Scholar - Hunters are offered the choice of a Scholar Hallway when they first enter the Labyrinth. Mice in these Hallways drop Scholar clues.
  • Tech - Hunters are offered the choice of a Tech Hallway when they first enter the Labyrinth. Mice in these Hallways drop Tech clues.
  • Farming - Hunters will begin to encounter Farming Hallways after navigating their first Hallway. Mice in these Hallways drop Farming clues.
  • Treasury - Hunters will begin to encounter Treasury Hallways after navigating their first Hallway and collecting 15 total clues. Mice in these Hallways drop Treasury clues.
  • Hallway Length
  • When Hunters first enter the Labyrinth they are presented with three short Hallways. After Hunters complete their first Hallway' the Hallway length they encounter will be random. These Hallways can be of any quality, if the appropriate number of clues have been found.
  • Short Hallways are 10 steps long.
  • Medium Hallways are 15 steps long.
  • Long Hallways are 25 steps long.
  • Hallway Quality
  • The quality of the Hallways encountered by Hunters is determined by the number of specific clues they have accumulated. These Hallways can be of any length.
  • Plain Hallways are the default quality and can be encountered when Hunters first enter the Labyrinth.
  • Superior Hallways will begin to appear after Hunters have accumulated 15 clues of a specific type.
  • Epic Hallways will begin to appear after Hunters have accumulated 50 clues of a specific type. There are no Epic Treasury or Farming Hallways.
  • EXAMPLE: To encounter Superior Fealty Hallways, Hunters must collect 15 Fealty clues. To encounter Epic Fealty Hallways, Hunters must collect 50 Fealty clues.

Navigating the Labyrinth

Hunters must choose Hallways and collect clues in the Labyrinth to be able to enter Zokor.

Each Intersection offers Hunters the choice of up to 3 Hallways. Navigating these Hallways allows Hunters to collect clues. The number of clues collected will determine the quality of Hallways encountered and the type and quality of District Doors found after successfully navigating the Labyrinth.

There are a number of items that can help Hunters navigate the Labyrinth.

  • Retreat Button
  • Found on the HUD, the retreat button allows Hunters to abandon their current progress in the Labyrinth.
  • Using the retreat button returns the Hunter to the beginning of the Labyrinth and removes all clues found on the abandoned run.
  • Using either base in the Labyrinth reduces the chance that a failure to catch a mouse will result in a Dead End clue.

The Heads-Up Display

The Heads-up Display for the area shows the progress in the hallway the Hunter is currently in along with three doors that can be accessed once the intersection at the end of the hallway is reached. The hunter also has the option to light/extinguish their lantern along with the option to use a Shuffler's Cube while at an intersection. Along the bottom are the materials that can be obtained in the city at the end of the Labyrinth, Zokor.