Soul Searching Turbine Trap Skin

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Revision as of 22:36, 21 January 2019 by Mark Bodiella (talk | contribs) (Purchasing Info: typo)

Soul Searching Turbine Trap Skin
Skin Info
Obtained Via: See current Event location Tradeable: Yes
Event: Halloween Giveable: Yes
Cost: See current Event location Craftable: No
Larry's Loot Lexicon: MouseHunt Info Page Image: External Link
Someone or something has been peeking through the proverbial "Looking Glass" to examine each and every mouse that steps up to the turbine. We're not sure what exactly they are looking for because they have yet to let a mouse go...

Weapon Info

The Soul Searching Turbine Trap Skin can be used on the Temporal Turbine trap. The trap's stats (power, power bonus, attraction bonus, etc.) are not changed.

Purchasing Info

The Soul Searching Turbine Trap Skin can be obtained during the annual Halloween event.
It can also be obtained from the Marketplace or through Give To Friends.

History and Trivia