Admiral Arrgh's Revenge
[hide]Admiral Arrgh's Revenge | |
Number of Event Mice: | 35 |
Starting Date: | 17 October 2018 |
Ending Date: | 06 November 2018 |
During Admiral Arrgh's Revenge, Hunters can encounter mice in haunted stockpile locations throughout the Kingdom that drop Ghastly Galleon Gouda. Ghastly Galleon Gouda can be armed in the same haunted stockpile locations to attract Halloween Mice who drop Ethereal Cannonballs. When hunters have gathered Ethereal Cannonballs, they can hurl them at the floating ghostships in their region to slowly bring them down! Hunters can fire cannonballs at ghostships from any Ghostship Location.
When a ghostship is defeated, it’ll crash to the ground and explode into loot!
Past Halloween Charms and Cheeses not mentioned in the HUD have no special attraction affects during this event.
Previous Halloween events can be found here
Hunters can track their progress with the event through the Heads-Up Display.
It tracks the following items:
- Ghastly Galleon Gouda - Arm and disarm.
- Lockbox Limburger Cheese - Arm and disarm.
- Ethereal Cannonballs - Fire and stop firing.
- Ghostfire Cannonballs - Fire and stop firing.
- Spooky Shuffle Tickets - Opens Spooky Shuffle board.
Find Haunted Location - Brings up all haunted ghostships and ghostship locations that have a Travel button to click on to Travel to said location instantly.
Haunted Ghostship Locations
Hunt normally at these Haunted Ghostship Locations with the usual cheeses to obtain Ghastly Galleon Gouda as loot from mice.
Hunting with Ghastly Galleon Gouda in a Haunted Ghostship Location attracts event mice that drop Ethereal Cannonballs.
Hunting with Lockbox Limburger Cheese in a Haunted Ghostship Location attracts the Admiral Arrrgh Mouse that drops Ghostfire Cannonball.
- Recruit and above
- Journeyman and above
- Master and above
- Laboratory and Mousoleum
- Grandmaster and above
- Lord and above
- Baron/Baroness and above
- Count/Countess and above
- Duke/Duchess and above
- Grand Duke/Grand Duchess and above
Ghastly Galleon Gouda will not attract mice outside of these Haunted Ghostship Locations.
Ghostship Locations
Ethereal Cannonballs and Ghostfire Cannonballs can be fired from a number of Ghostship Locations to damage the Ghostship located in that region.
These Ghostship Locations include the Haunted Ghostship Locations above, as Ethereal Cannonballs and Ghostfire Cannonballs can be fired from any of these locations to damage that region's Ghostship.
However, Ghastly Galleon Gouda cannot be used in Ghostship Locations that are not Haunted.
Ghostship Locations by Rank
- Novice and above
- Recruit and above
- Apprentice and above
- Initiate and above
- Journeyman and above
- Master and above
- Grandmaster and above
- Lord and above
- Baron/Baroness and above
- Count/Countess and above
- Duke/Duchess and above
- Grand Duke/Grand Duchess and above
Ghostship Locations by Regional Ghostship
- The Gnawnian Ghoul
- Town of Gnawnia, Mountain, Harbour, Meadow and Windmill
- The Boney Barge
- Martial Mayhem
- The Soul of the Sea
- The Demon of the Desert
- The Queasy Queso Cruiser
- The Ancient Apparition
- The Phantom of the Plane
Destroying Ghostships
When Hunter's cannons are armed with an Ethereal Cannonball or Ghostfire Cannonball, catching a mouse will damage the ghostship by the same number of points of the captured mouse. The more valued the mouse, the more damage your cannon deals. The ghostship they damage is based on the location from which hunters attack.
The HP of the Ghostships are as follow:
- The Gnawnian Ghoul- 8,000 HP
- Town of Gnawnia, Mountain, Harbour, Meadow and Windmill
- The Boney Barge- 45,000 HP
- Martial Mayhem- 85,000 HP
- The Soul of the Sea- 560,000 HP
- The Demon of the Desert- 630,000 HP
- The Queasy Queso Cruiser - 1,215,000 HP
- The Ancient Apparition- 1,575,000 HP
- The Phantom of the Plane- 1,620,000 HP
For example, the Martial Mayhem can be attacked from the Training Grounds, Dojo, Meditation Room, or Pinnacle Chamber. In that particular region (Furoma), only the Dojo itself is "Haunted". This means that Ghastly Galleon Gouda and Ethereal Cannonballs can only be found in the Dojo, but cannonballs can be fired from any other location in Furoma as well to bring down the Martial Mayhem.
Ghostship Rewards
When a ghostship is defeated, it’ll crash to the ground and explode into loot! Cover your eyes: Splintered Wood is sharp!
The rewards provided are based on the region in which the ghostship was defeated. Expect to find gold, some basic and speciality baits, charms, and even items to help you in environments found within the region.
In addition to regional loot rewards, hunters will get the Spooky Aura, as well as find some Cursed Gold, Spooky Shuffle Tickets, Ultimate Spooky Charms and Lockbox Limburger Cheese, which attracts Admiral Arrrgh and Captain Cannonball as well as other fearsome Halloween mice! And of course a piece of Splintered Wood.
The first four ships sunk by a player each have an additional loot item. The player is awarded the Admiral's Galleon Trap for the first ship sunk, the second awards the Deadwood Plank Base and the third the Goody Galleon Trap Skin. The fourth ship awards the Admiral's Ship Theme Scrap I.
Loot Table
Spooky Aura
Destroying a ghostship grants the Spooky Aura.
When the aura is active, hunters will receive:
- 30% Power Bonus
- Chance to find Wealth Charm, Super Wealth Charm, Extreme Wealth Charm and Ultimate Wealth Charm
- Chance to find Cursed Gold
The duration depends on the ghostship destroyed.
- The Gnawnian Ghoul: 15 hrs
- The Boney Barge: 16 hrs
- Martial Mayhem: 18 hrs
- The Soul of the Sea: 20 hrs
- The Demon of the Desert: 22 hrs
- The Queasy Queso Cruiser: 23 hrs
- The Ancient Apparition: 24 hrs
- The Phantom of the Plane: 30 hrs
All event mice can only be attracted with Ghastly Galleon Gouda or Lockbox Limburger Cheese armed.
The Trapsmiths and General Stores in haunted ghostship locations have added the Eerie Base, Eerier Base, Spooky Shuffle Dust, Completed Halloween Theme, Completed Spooky Halloween Theme, Completed Undead Halloween Theme, Rift Halloween Journal Theme and Pillowcase Journal Theme to their inventory for the duration of the event.
The cost of the bases are same across all haunted ghostship locations.
Item |
Cost |
Refund |
Requirement |
Eerie Base | 120,000 | NA | 230,000 points to equip |
Eerier Base | 120,000 Eerie Base |
NA | 320,000 points to equip |
General Store
The cost of the items is the same across all haunted ghostship locations.
Item |
Cost |
Refund |
Spooky Shuffle Dust | 50 Spooky Shuffle Tickets | NA |
Completed Halloween Theme | 10 Spooky Shuffle Tickets 9,000 gold |
NA |
Completed Spooky Halloween Theme | 10 Spooky Shuffle Tickets 59,000 gold |
NA |
Completed Undead Halloween Theme | 10 Spooky Shuffle Tickets 90,000 gold |
NA |
Rift Halloween Journal Theme Requirement: Null Gauntlet |
10 Spooky Shuffle Tickets 190,000 gold |
NA |
Pillowcase Journal Theme | 10 Spooky Shuffle Tickets 290,000 gold |
NA |
Ghostship Journal Theme | 10 Spooky Shuffle Tickets 350,000 gold |
NA |
The cost of the scroll cases is the same across all haunted ghostship locations.
Item |
Cost |
Sealed Halloween Scroll Case | 6 Ancient Relics |
Sealed Terrifying Halloween Scroll Case | 12 Ancient Relics |
Hunters can earn the Admiral's Ship Theme Scrap III and Spooky Shuffle Dust by completing the Capture Admiral Arrrgh of the Ghostship Armada adventure.
Collect Ethereal Cannonballs to shoot down the ghostships that have risen from the ocean. Collect and use Lockbox Limburger Cheese to track down and defeat Admiral Arrrgh!
This adventure takes place in Haunted Ghostships:
- Town of Gnawnia
- Mountain
- Laboratory
- Mousoleum
- Dojo
- Slushy Shoreline
- Sunken City
- Fiery Warpath
- Muridae Market
- Queso River
- Fungal Cavern
- Moussu Picchu
- Gnawnia Rift
Gather Ghastly Galleon Gouda
- Collect Ghastly Galleon Gouda in a Haunted Ghostship Location.
Collect Ethereal Cannonballs
- Arm Ghastly Galleon Gouda in any Ghostship Location and collect Ethereal Cannonballs.
Attack the Haunted Ghostships Plaguing Gnawnia
- Use your cannon to destroy 3 ghostships from any ghostship location.
- Loot Lockbox Limburger Cheese from a destroyed ghostship.
Capture Admiral Arrrgh
- Catch Catch Admiral Arrrgh from any Haunted Ghostship Location using Lockbox Limburger Cheese
- 25,000 Gold
- 50,000 Points
- 50 King's Credits
- 1 Admiral's Ship Theme Scrap III
- 1 Spooky Shuffle Dust