[hide]- 1 Adopt a Novice/Apprentice MouseHunter
- 2 Aussie MouseHunters Guild
- 3 CIA of MH
- 4 Fraternal Chivalric Order of MouseHunting Knights
- 5 M.A.I.M - Mice Annihilated Inhumanely by Mousehunters
- 6 MHUK
- 7 MouseHunt Kitchen
- 8 Mousehunter Game Show Contest
- 9 MouseHunters Inc.
- 10 Newbie and Begging Deterrent League
- 11 Non-Violent Mouse Removal Charity
- 12 Painfully Vomiting Mouse, Rubbish Cheese
- 13 The Biggest MouseHunt Group Ever
As with virtually all other popular online games, MouseHunt has spawned a number of "communities" of players. Some are loose affiliations based on geography or hunting preferences while others are tight-knit groups with specific missions and objectives. The one thing they all have in common is a shared passion for the game. A non-exhaustive list may be found below.
Adopt a Novice/Apprentice MouseHunter
A group pairing veteran hunters with newbies needing guidance. For more information, follow the links below.
Aussie MouseHunters Guild
AMHG is the largest group that is created specifically for serving the Oceanic/Asian Pacific regions. AMHG runs competitions and giveaways, has an "adoption" program, and provides a social atmosphere for players in the region. It is an active group that contacts members regularly. For more information, follow the links below.
A social group that began when the MouseHunt Chat first started. It's a close-knit group of MouseHunters from around the world who hang out and chat about anything and everything. To check out the group and those who belong to it go to the link below. Want to join? Talk to Julie or HasADeathBot. They will let you know the protocols, etc.
Fraternal Chivalric Order of MouseHunting Knights
This order exists to recognize those who share the love of the hunt with others and assist others whether by deed or script. Your assistance to others is your ticket to entry. Membership comes through service but greater awards await those that continue to serve. Once per week the membership of this order will vote on who is to be honored with Knighthood.
M.A.I.M - Mice Annihilated Inhumanely by Mousehunters
M.A.I.M was formed to help out the mighty Mousehunters who have given so much time, money, and effort in eradicating these vile rodents. This coalition is set up with a checks and balances system so that no one individual has sole power or authority. M.A.I.M has a large population that acts like a community who are always looking out for each other. For more information, follow the links below.
It's not about LOCATION, it's about VOCATION! A group for dedicted Mousehunters the world over ... which just happens to have a really cool logo :p This is an active group so visit us regularly and don't miss out on all the events!
MouseHunt Kitchen
The MouseHunt Kitchen (MHK) is a MouseHunt fan group where new recipes for cheese and traps are crafted and tested. This is the workplace for avid hunters who bring their new discoveries from far and wide to showcase their cheese concoctions to the resident chefs. Promises of hefty prizes ensure that the competition is always heated.
Mousehunter Game Show Contest
The Mousehunter Game Show Contest (MHGSC) is a group devoted to game show-type contests. The group is open to the public and has numerous ongoing contests for members to win prizes.
MouseHunters Inc.
A group that provides a place to chat and share ideas and help for the world of MouseHunt.
Newbie and Begging Deterrent League
The role of the Newbie and Begging Deterrent League (NBDL) is to assist new MouseHunt players by offering tips and financial assistance by way of contests and giveaways, and to deter begging by offering the same advice and assistance as that offered to new players.'The NBDL currently has more than 2300 members, making them one of the larger MouseHunt groups.
Non-Violent Mouse Removal Charity
The NVMRC is currently the largest MouseHunt-related player group on Facebook. It serves as a discussion forum for members of the group as well as a host for strategy advice and the group's hunter help programs and MouseHunt-related contests and giveaways, some held on the groups discussion board for members only and others held on the main MH forums.
Painfully Vomiting Mouse, Rubbish Cheese
Painfully Vomiting Mouse, Rubbish Cheese (PVMRC) is a community that promotes all kinds of funny and brainy communications, from senseless discussion to philosophical debates.
The Biggest MouseHunt Group Ever
TBMHGE is for hunters ranging from newbies to lords and ladies. It helps people with strategy, expanding your hunting group, getting gold and points, and many other things too. If you are interesting in looking at TBMHGE, follow the link below to the group's Facebook page.