MHWiki talk:Editor's Corner

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Revision as of 13:32, 11 April 2009 by Camomiletea (talk | contribs) (Existing non-English MH Wiki articles)

Good enough for the Main Page ?

I vote for this page to be put under the "You Can Help!"-Section.... as a start. _____m. 19:55, 6 March 2009 (UTC)

Oh it was created with the sole intention to be there lol. But I'm hoping to flesh out the additional pages more before we put it up. Also want to give more time for other editors to improve on the main article, since that's going to be the first point of contact for many first time editors. -- Grexx 20:00, 6 March 2009 (UTC)
Ah, finally. It's more or less completed. There's still touching up needed here and there, but I'll be putting it up in a while after giving it a once over. -- Grexx 19:11, 7 March 2009 (UTC)

Data Needed

Removed the link since there doesn't seem to be much permanent need for it. Also, data gathering is probably better done on the forums where there's a larger audience. -- Grexx 11:14, 7 March 2009 (UTC)

MH Wiki In Spanish

Well, I would like to translate MH Wiki, because I know a lot of people that play the game that are Latinoamericans, and do not know English like me. So, if can do it, let me know, because it's something that I really want to do. Anyone who's willing to help me if I get the chance, he/she will be well very useful, and I'll be very thankful.

Thank you.


MH Wiki In Bahasa Indonesia

I am fluently speaking and writing in Bahasa Indonesia. I'm willing to help to translate them in Bahasa Indonesia. --Pus 13:59, 3 April 2009 (UTC)

MH Wiki in any language

A couple of points to note before embarking on a MH Wiki in any other language:

  • Check with the developers for confirmation before proceeding. This is after all an English wiki, and it could potentially be confusing to players since even fewer editors can vet through information presented in another language for errors, as well as confusing the English MH Wiki players with additional non-english search results.
  • Do not canvass for help on the MH Wiki itself. Most players do not visit the discussion pages at all, so you will find very little response to your alternate language plans. The best place to gather a group of like-minded individuals is on the forums.
  • It is not recommended anyone take up translating as a solo effort as it will be unhelpful for the language speakers if pages are left half-done.
  • In case any work is started, remember you don't need to mimic the MH Wiki proper word for word or layout for layout. A slightly different layout can always be used if it makes more sense for the language.
  • One good way to cut down on work needed is to use transclusions of portions of the MH Wiki pages.

-- Grexx 14:21, 3 April 2009 (UTC)

As per feedback from the developers, there should be no further addition of any MH Wiki pages in any other language besides English until they determine that there is a need for it, in which case it will probably be on a separate MH Wiki address. Any new non-English pages added will automatically be tagged for deletion.
For the exact text from Dave, his reply to BastetAmidala can be seen here. -- Grexx 11:25, 11 April 2009 (UTC)

Existing non-English MH Wiki articles

Fellow editors, I'm looking for some feedback on what to do with existing non-English articles. Please see the section above for more details. I can think of 2 options at the moment.

  • First option is removal of all alternate language articles.
  • Second option is to create a separate link for these articles and branching out from there.

My opinion is for removal since no further work should be done on them, and they're bound to be outdated, but I'm leaving the option open if someone can come up with a good solution on the issue.

Based on memory, there are both Spanish and French language versions of some pages up at the moment. The Spanish pages should be quite outdated by now as there haven't been any edits to them in a while, and the French pages have just been recently added so should be up-to-date. -- Grexx 11:42, 11 April 2009 (UTC)

I'd also go for removal since there's really no point keeping them if Dave said not to add more which means they're bound to become outdated sooner or later. Maybe somebody can archive whatever is available so that, at the very least, the efforts of non-English editors would not be wasted. Something like placing all available non-English information into one article for now and tag all others for deletion. --Mikeyco 12:02, 11 April 2009 (UTC)

I also think they should be deleted. -- Camomiletea 13:32, 11 April 2009 (UTC)