Chrome New Year Disco Dissonance Trap Skin

From MHWiki

Chrome New Year Disco Dissonance Trap Skin
Skin Info
Obtained Via: See current Event location Tradeable: Yes
Event: Great Winter Hunt Giveable: Yes
Cost: See current Event location Craftable: No
Larry's Loot Lexicon: MouseHunt Info Page Image: ??
Ring in the new year with a complete RAGER of a disco! The interdimensional dance floor is packed with droids programmed with all the latest and greatest ways of bustin' a move. If it feels like the party will never end that's because, well... it won't. Infused with rift power, the chrome disco ball twists and distorts both time and space so mice can dance the night away for all of eternity.

Weapon Info

The Chrome New Year Disco Dissonance Trap Skin can be used on the Chrome Celestial Dissonance Trap. The weapon's stats (power, power bonus, attraction bonus, etc.) are not changed.

Purchasing Info

The Chrome New Year Disco Dissonance Trap Skin may be made available during the annual Great Winter Hunt event and can be traded on the Marketplace or through Give To Friends.

History and Trivia

  • 30 December 2024: The Chrome New Year Disco Dissonance Trap Skin was introduced with the New Year's update for Great Winter Hunt 2024.
